
  • 网络government website;gov
  1. 不是学生?访问政府网站,了解可用于帮助30岁以下的人发展技能、找到工作或创业的计划和在线工具。

    Not a student ? Go to the government website to learn about programs and online tools available to help people under 30 build skills , find a job or start businesses all year round .

  2. 北京市政府网站上的一个声明显示,沈昌祥的任务是帮助一家名不见经传的中国公司吸收和借鉴IBM授权的关键技术。

    Shen 's task is to help a little-known Chinese company absorb and build upon key technologies licensed by IBM , according to a statement posted on a Beijing government website .

  3. 本文重点研究了BI在政府网站的应用。

    This thesis focuses on BI application to governmental website .

  4. 政府网站评估DEA模型

    A DEA Evaluation Model of the Official Province Websites

  5. 7月底,GA主办了一场名为“改造纽约市政府网站”(的黑客马拉松竞赛,程序员要经过36个小时的编程,重新设计纽约市政府的网站。

    Gov , where programmers competed in a36-hour programming binge to redesign the city government 's website .

  6. 越南央行(StateBankofVietnam)副行长黎明兴(LeMinhHung)在政府网站上的一份声明中说,越南没有寻求救助的意向。

    State Bank of Vietnam Deputy Gov. Le Minh Hung said in a statement on the government 's website that the country had no intention of seeking a rescue .

  7. 最近美国一系列政府网站遭受网络袭击,加之花旗银行(Citigroup)和索尼(Sony)等大公司的被黑,促使政企两界纷纷出手,招揽更优秀的防黑客人才。

    Recent high-profile hacks of government sites , Citigroup ( c ) , and Sony ( SNE ) have added to the rush for more qualified staff .

  8. 随着网络应用的丰富和发展,原来的菏泽政府网站已经不能适应当前发展的需求,存在很多问题。受菏泽市政府委托,我设计和开发了基于php技术的菏泽政府网站内容管理系统。

    With the network application of the rich and the development , The Heze Government website has been unable to meet the current development needs , there are a lot of problems .

  9. 政府网站信息贫血症之对策研究

    A Study on " Information Anemia " of Government Web Site

  10. 政府网站信息资源采集行为模型研究

    Research on the Behavior Model of Government Website Information Resources Collection

  11. 省级政府网站面临的挑战及对策

    The Challenges Province Class Government Website Face of and the Counterplans

  12. 建立济南市政府网站评价指标体系的研究

    Study on building evaluation index system of jinan municipal government website

  13. 我国政府网站服务品质的分析与思考

    Analysis and Ponder on the Service Quality of our Government Web Sites

  14. 对政府网站信息资源共享功能的探讨

    The Inquisition into the Resource-sharing Function Of the Information on Government Websites

  15. 论我国政府网站政务信息资源建设

    On the Construction of Our National Government Websites Information Resources

  16. 研究可否为政府网站提供文字转换语音的翻译服务。

    Explore the development of text-to-speech translation services for government web sites .

  17. 甚至包括美国政府网站(。

    Even the US government uses it ( Whitehouse . gov ) .

  18. 可以登录联邦政府网站了解营养标签的更多信息。

    Learn more about the Nutritional Fact label at .

  19. 彝汉双语版政府网站开发概述

    Brief introduction to government web site in Yi-Chinese bilingual languages

  20. 西部地区政府网站建设水平分析

    Analysis on E-government Websites Construction in the West of China

  21. 直辖市政府网站建设现状的分析

    Current Situation Analysis on the Government Websites Construction of Municipality

  22. 从用户需求角度看政府网站的检索服务

    On the Retrieval Service of Government Websites in Terms of Users ' Needs

  23. 政府网站和商业网站在艾滋病相关信息传播方面的比较

    A comparative study on AIDS news communication between government website and commerce website

  24. 不幸的是,医疗政府网站的体验一直让许多美国人非常失望。

    Unfortunately , the experience of been highly frustrating for many Americans .

  25. 政府网站日志挖掘的研究与实践

    The Research and Practice of Government Web Log Mining

  26. 我国地方政府网站建设影响因素及现状分析

    The Influencing Factors And Current Situation Analysis of Local Government Websites in China

  27. 略论政府网站风格统一问题

    A Brief Remark on the Problem of Style Unity in Governments ' Websites

  28. 科技系统政府网站评价与科技电子政务发展对策建议

    Evaluating S T Government Web Site and Countermeasure of Improving S T E-Government

  29. 基于主成分回归的省级政府网站访问量影响因素分析

    Factors influencing the traffic of Chinese Provincial Government Portals based on Principal Component Regression

  30. 中新政府网站比较研究

    Comparative Research on China and Singapore Government Websites