
  • 网络Business Tier;service;the business layer
  1. 将此UI功能与面向服务的业务层结合使用还将为您提供更大的灵活度。

    Combining this UI power with a service-oriented business tier offers you an even greater degree of flexibility .

  2. 在中间业务层利用SessionBean和EntityBean来实现业务功能;

    On the middle business tier , Session Bean and Entity Bean have been used to carry out all kinds of functions .

  3. 业务层主要采用C/S结构,查询以WEB方式实现,采用B/S结构。

    C / S is mainly adapted in business level , and B / S in inquiring realized by WEB method .

  4. 通过Spring框架,实现了视图层,控制层,业务层的分离。

    This system separates the View layer , control layer , and the business layer by Spring framework .

  5. 在业务层中使用Hibernate和Spring结合的方式。

    Hibernate combined with Spring have been used in the business layer .

  6. 将WEBService引入到现有的网站架构中去,使它和现有的网站项目很好地结合在一起,达到业务层高度复用的效果。

    By introducing Web Service into existing Web project , this paper integrates Web Service and existing Web site well and makes business facet reusable .

  7. 系统的核心业务层主要由EJB组件实现。

    The kernel business layer is implemented by EJB components .

  8. 系统支撑部分在逻辑上采用分层结构,各层之间使用API封装作为接口,相互配合共同实现对业务层的支撑。

    The supporting component adopts logically hierarchical software architecture , low layer services the upper through API .

  9. 通过成功地开发这一系统,构建了三层webapplication,并对业务层细分为数据访问层和业务逻辑层,以类的形式进行封装;

    By develop this system successfully , I set up three-tier Web Application , and subdivide the business layer into data access layer and the business logic layers and seal them by classes ;

  10. 将订阅者ID从表示层传递到业务层,将从两个方面影响业务服务实现。

    Passing the subscriber ID from the presentation to the business layer affects the business service implementation in two ways .

  11. 整个应用程序将在一个WAR文件中构建,其中包括表示层和业务层模块,这些模块是在不同项目中开发的。

    The whole application will be built in a WAR file , including presentation layer and business layer modules , although they are developed in the different projects .

  12. AS(ApplicationServer)作为下一代网络环境中业务层的关键实体,是一个功能强大的业务开发、运行和管理支撑平台。

    AS ( Application Server ) is the key entity in the service layer of the next generation network environment . It is a powerful support platform of service development , operation and management .

  13. 通过分析,提出了本系统地B/S模型,合理地将整个系统分为应用层、逻辑业务层和数据服务层,从技术层面上说明了系统应用的可行性。

    Through analysis , The B / S system structure model was proposed and the system was reasonably divided into application layer , logic business layer and data service layer .

  14. 表现层采用Struts框架,业务层采用Spring框架,而持久层采用Hibernate框架。

    Struts framework is adopted by presentation layer , spring framework for business layer and hibernate framework for persistent layer .

  15. 表示层分为Web网页界面部分和Web服务界面部分,业务层主要包含7个业务模块,数据层则包含文件系统部分和数据库部分。

    The display layer consists of web page facade and web services facade , and the business layer has seven business modules while the data layer includes file system part and database part .

  16. 业务层用Façade模式实现基于粗粒度消息的操作。

    The business layer uses a fa ç ade pattern to support coarse-grained message-based operations .

  17. 例如,分段通常直接应用于表示层(Web服务器)和业务层,这些层次通常是分散的,并由不同的服务器提供支持。

    For example , often the segmentation is directly applied along the presentation ( Web server ) and business tiers & that is , these tiers are often separated and supported by different servers .

  18. 一些事务可能在API层中开始,一些在业务层中开始,还有一些甚至在DAO层中开始。

    Some transactions might start in the API layer , some in the business layer , and some even in the DAO layer .

  19. 其次,业务层的服务实现必须使用订阅者ID来向服务订阅者和各个最终用户提供可变性。

    Second , the implementation of the services at the business layer must use the subscriber ID to provide variability for service subscribers and individual end-users .

  20. 在阐述了共性服务QoS描述模型基础之上,提出了QoS驱动的服务管理框架,从业务层的角度实现服务运行态的质量管理。

    On the basis of QoS description model , QoS-driven service management framework is proposed , to achieve the service management from the perspective of business layer .

  21. 分别介绍了实现了多个表示层模式的Struts框架、业务层的EJBHome工厂模式和会话外观模式及集成层的数据访问对象模式。

    Through the example program , we discuss the implementation of Struts framework , EJB Home Factory Pattern , Session Facade Pattern and Data Access Object Pattern .

  22. 介绍J2EE架构的特点,阐述J2EE框架的四层结构:客户层、WEB层、业务层和企业信息系统层,以及这四层之间的关系。

    This chapter introduces the concept and structure of J2EE framework which include four tier structures : client tier , web tier , business tier and enterprise information system tier .

  23. GeronimoJ2EE服务器只是专用服务配置(Web层、业务层和企业信息系统层)及其关联的专用构造器的一个程序集。

    The Geronimo J2EE server is simply an assembly of specialized service configurations ( Web tier , business tier , eis tier ) and their associated specialized builders .

  24. 在应用实践中,使用整合后的框架,根据面向接口的原则,设计并实施Web应用系统的开发,使其业务层的重用性和扩展性得到了极大的提高。

    In practice , the integrated framework in terms of the principle of " interface oriented ", designs and actualizes the development of web application system , in order to improve the reuse and extension of business logical layer .

  25. 系统整合了当今流行的轻量级J2EE开源软件作为技术架构,表示层采用Struts框架,业务层采用Spring框架,而持久层采用了Hibernate框架。

    System architecture employs popular open-source lightweight J2EE technical , presentation layer using Struts framework , business layer using Spring framework , and persistence layer using Hibernate framework .

  26. 采用MVC模式实现面向对象技术开发,实现了数据层、业务层、用户表示层(用户界面)的分离,链接SqlServer后台数据库。

    MVC model using object-oriented technology development and the data layer , business layer , user presentation layer ( user interface ) of the separation , articulated SQL Server backend database .

  27. 其结构是用Rails作前端,C,Scala和Java组成中间的业务层,使用MySQL存储数据。

    The stack is made up of Rails for the front side , C , Scala and Java for the middle business layer , and MySQL for storing data .

  28. 系统介绍了IP组网技术,一般地,IP光网络设计包括IP光传送层设计和IP业务层设计。

    This paper introduces a kind of technology about building IP network . Popularly , IP optical network designing includes many sides , such as IP optical transmission layer designing and IP service layer designing .

  29. 由此,本文对SF速递公司提出了包括公司层、业务层和职能层的整体战略框架。

    So the author puts forward overall strategic frameworks of the SF express company including corporate-level strategy , business strategy and functions layer strategy .

  30. 业务层使用的是EOS工作流技术,能够实现对复杂工作流程的实时监测,提高管理人员的工作效率。

    Business logic layer uses EOS workflow technology that can achieve real-time monitoring of work flow and improve the efficiency of the management .