
  • 网络business asset
  1. 这次收购还会进一步推动IBMInformationOnDemand计划,帮助客户把信息变成有竞争力的战略性业务资产。

    The acquisition will also further the IBM Information On Demand initiative , which helps customers use information as a competitive and strategic business asset .

  2. 将专业知识看作是需要不断投资的业务资产。

    Treating expertise as a business asset that needs continual investment .

  3. Kerrie和Ali:SOA思想和SOA项目除了将应用当作业务资产之外,也把服务当作业务资产,这可能会改变以应用为中心的IT思考方式。

    Kerrie and Ali : SOA thinking and adoption can change application-centric IT mentality by focusing on services as business assets in addition to applications as business assets .

  4. 今年4月,中国国务院国有资产监督管理委员会(sasac)向此类企业集团发布了指导意见,敦促它们剥离非核心业务资产。

    In April this year , the state-owned asset supervision and Administration Commission ( SASAC ) issued guidelines to these conglomerates urging them to divest their non-core business assets .

  5. 自营业务资产状况和流动性良好,符合有关监管要求;

    The financial situation and liquidity of its self-operated business is good , and conforms to relevant supervisory requirements ;

  6. 华为荣耀品牌的30多家代理商和经销商已经收购了这一经济型手机品牌的所有业务资产。

    Over 30 agents and dealers of Huawei 's Honor brand have acquired all business assets of the budget cellphone brand .

  7. 我们鼓励使用服务,既为了需求的管理,又为了应用的结构化,所以服务要变成头等业务资产。

    We encourage the use of services for both requirements management and for structuring applications such that services become first class business assets .

  8. 业务资产能让你的应用或产品线独树一帜,让你的组织与众不同,最终让你从竞争对手中脱颖而出。

    Business assets are what makes your application or product line unique , your organization special , and ultimately differentiate you from the competition .

  9. 这些结构化规则影响业务资产或业务工件的创建,反映在业务过程或业务模型中。

    These structural rule types impact the creation of business assets or business artifacts that are then represented in a business process or business model .

  10. 如果你只关注于构建可重用的业务资产,那这不仅对业务交付有好处,同时还能在未来的项目中进行重用。

    If you only focused on building reusable business assets chances are that it is relevant to your business deliverables and reusable for future projects .

  11. 联合声明指出,30余家荣耀代理商、经销商完成对荣耀品牌相关业务资产的全面收购。荣耀是华为旗下一款经济型手机品牌。

    Over 30 agents and dealers of Huawei 's Honor brand have acquired all business assets of the budget cellphone brand , according to the joint statement .

  12. 花旗表示,次级抵押贷款业务资产价值的进一步减少,反映出自第三季度末以来评级机构纷纷下调次级抵押贷款相关资产的评级和“其他市场”的变化。

    Citi said the further writedown reflected a series of rating agency downgrades of subprime related assets and " other market " developments since the end of the third quarter .

  13. 这种做法之所以能在aig奏效,是因为其保险业务与资产管理业务完全分开。

    This has worked at AIG because there is complete separation of underwriting and asset management .

  14. 据两名接近财新的人士透露,蚂蚁金服(AntFinancial)——在美国上市的阿里巴巴的支付、银行业务和资产管理附属公司——正在谈判入股事宜,具体股份比例不详。

    Two people close to Caixin said discussions were under way for Ant Financial , the payments , banking and asset management affiliate of US-listed Alibaba , to buy an undisclosed holding .

  15. 此外,我们也得承认,P2P业务的资产成本的确要低得多。因此,在某些ZipCar因成本问题而难以开拓的地区,P2P模式可能的确会有市场。

    Also , it 's true that the capital expenditure is much much less in a P2P business , so again , maybe there are areas where this model will work that are cost prohibitive for ZipCar .

  16. 在这种情况下,悄然出现的第四方物流(theForthPartyLogistics,4PL)正日益成为一种新的、真正帮助企业实现降低外包业务的资产转移运作成本的物流运作模式。

    In this case , the quietly emerging fourth party logistics ( the Forth Party Logistics , 4PL ) is increasingly becoming a new mode of logistics operation that can really help enterprises to reduce costs of asset transfer operating of the outsourcing of logistics .

  17. 毕马威(kpmg)将在周一首度发布的一项调查报告显示,信托公司在中国扮演着一个独特角色,集私人银行业务、资产管理和私人股本业务于一体。

    Trusts play a unique role in China , bringing together private banking , asset management and private equity operations , according to an inaugural survey of the sector by KPMG , which was released on Monday .

  18. 提出了一套基于业务及资产分析的评估对象分析方法。

    Gives a method of evaluation object analyse based on business and assetanalyse .

  19. 它是一项能够刺激消费需求、丰富银行业务及资产结构的重要业务。

    It is a can stimulate consumer demand , rich banking and asset structure of important business .

  20. 这意味着划分成零售银行、投资银行和包含私人股本与对冲基金等业务的资产管理公司。

    That means retail banks , investment banks and asset managers , including private equity and hedge funds .

  21. 可以将其作为计算使用业务服务资产的总体成本的参数之一使用。

    You can use this as one of the parameters to the total cost involved in using the business service asset .

  22. 随着企业的发展,投资的市场化运作和项目融资多样化趋势已然呈现,除购并融资、项目融资外,企业还加大了股本融资、保理业务、资产证券化、票据融资等融资方式。

    With the development of the firms , the investment will be operated in the marketed ways and the project financing will have more channels .

  23. 长期以来,我国的商业银行一直从事两项传统的业务:资产业务和负债业务。

    For a long time , commercial banks in China have been engaged in two kinds of traditional operation : assets operation and debt operation .

  24. 在第三章第一节中,首先对所选取的案例进行了说明,包括主营业务、资产盈利状况、人员构成和组织结构等情况。

    In this first section of this chapter , we describe the case , including the main business profitability , assets , personnel and organization structure case .

  25. 该公司还将贷款资产转移到其他部门,以帮助缩减其美国消费金融业务的资产负债表规模。

    It has also transferred loan portfolios to other parts of the bank in order to help shrink the balance sheet of its US consumer finance arm .

  26. 保险公司的经营包括负债业务和资产业务,其中负债业务是指普通的承保业务,资产业务是指保险资金投资业务。

    The business of the insurance company includes debt business and capital business , with the former focusing on underwriting business and the latter focusing on investment business .

  27. 在发生接受捐赠实物资产业务和资产评估增值业务时,应按捐赠实物资产价值和资产评估增值款扣款未来应交的所得税,暂计资本公积准备项目。

    Transactions of physical contribution and asset revaluation gains should be recorded at the actual value with deductions for future income tax , also as Reserve Funds of Capital Surplus .

  28. 论文背景和目的负债业务与资产业务是保险公司经营的两大重心,任何一部分经营不好都将使保险公司难以健康发展。

    Liability business and assets business are two cores for the operation of the insurance company , any failure of which business is detrimental to healthful development of the insurance company .

  29. 而且,此项业务的资产回报率停滞不前,要实现这些目标只有两种显而易见的办法:要么过度冒险,要么坑骗客户。

    And since the return on assets in the business is stagnant , there are only two obvious ways to achieve these targets : taking excessive risk or gouging the customer .

  30. 同时,资本市场的发展有利于商业银行负债业务、资产业务和表外业务的拓展、资产质量的改善和资产结构优化。

    At the same time , capital markets helps commercial banks to conduct operation on borrowing and assets business and expand off-balance-sheet business as well as to upgrade assets quality and optimize assets structure .