
yè jiè
  • industry;trade;line of business
  1. 如何在高速PCB设计过程中充分考虑信号完整性因素,并采取有效的控制措施,已成为当今PCB设计业界的一个热门课题。

    How to fully consider Signal Integrity and take effective measures has been pop task in PCB design trade .

  2. 政府部门及业界代表出席防治虫鼠研讨会。

    Representatives of government departments and the trade attend the seminar .

  3. 教师跟随业界的管理人员实地学习,常常会很有收获。

    It is often helpful for teachers to shadow managers in industry .

  4. 这所学院同当地产业界有牢固的联系。

    The college has strong links with local industry .

  5. 这份救助呼吁已经促使德国的工商业界行动了起来。

    The aid appeal has galvanised the German business community

  6. 她直截了当地告诉业界,这种歧视是完全无法接受的。

    She told the industry in blunt terms that such discrimination is totally unacceptable .

  7. 他们说业界所谓的放宽管制已经取得了成效的说法纯属谎言。

    They say the industry is flat out lying about the effects of deregulation .

  8. 他迅速升任要职,这让他在业界近乎被神化了。

    His rapid rise to power has given him a near-mythic status in the industry .

  9. 这就是那个吸引计算机业界人士蜂拥而至的展览。

    This is the show that attracts computer industry people like bees to a honeypot .

  10. 沙特的银行家说战后工商业界信心猛增。

    Saudi bankers say there 's been an upsurge of business confidence since the end of the war .

  11. 业界估计本财年订单会增加10%。这绝对不可能。

    The industry reckons it will see orders swell by 10 % this financial year . Some hope .

  12. 舒尔特警告政府和业界领袖说,哪怕只是动动大规模裁员念头的人都是在玩火。

    Schulte warned government and industrial leaders that those who even venture to think about mass layoffs are playing with fire .

  13. 我认为给食品中的转基因成分贴标签并不重要,但我也不会反对这一做法——业界应该明智地配合贴标签,以消除人们对这项技术的恐惧。

    I don 't think it 's vital to label GM ingredients in food , but I also wouldn 't be against it — and industry would be smart to go along with labeling , just as a way of removing fears about the technology .

  14. 归根结底就是一件事–你在业界里认识谁。

    It all boils down to one thing – who you know in this business .

  15. 从网上相亲到新闻业界再到字典辞书,数据驱动的活动将越发盛行。

    From online dating to journalism to dictionaries , data-driven activities are becoming more and more prevalent .

  16. Zenware是一款能够屏蔽电脑上各类容易让人分神的窗口和软件、以便让用户更加专注于手头工作的软件,字面意思为“禅宗软件”,业界一般称为“极简软件”。

    Zenware is a software designed to block visual distractions on a computer so that it is easier to concentrate on what you are doing .

  17. 虽然环境保护主义者们对此感到高兴,但一些业界人士担心其价格费用,因为商户可能会被要求为安装和运行押金退还项目掏腰包。

    Environmentalists are delighted but some industry figures may be worried about the price tag because business could be asked to pick up the bill for installing and running the deposit return scheme .

  18. 目前Web业界的软件架构风格在不知不觉间发生了天翻地覆的变化。

    Nowadays , software architectural style in Web world has changed too much imperceptibly .

  19. 业界分析家预测,结合了Web服务的企业门户将未来的十二个月内实现。

    Industry analysts predict that enterprise portals combined with Web services will take off within the next twelve months .

  20. 因此,可以实现代码自动生成技术的智能Web框架越来越引起业界的重视。

    Thus the intelligent web framework which can automatically achieve code generation arouses the attention of the IT industry .

  21. IBMRational提供了业界领先的工具以管理软件开发中的变更。

    IBM Rational offers industry-leading tools for managing changes to software under development .

  22. 作为机群系统快速通信的标准,VIA已经在业界获得了广泛地支持。

    As a fast communication standard of cluster systems , VIA has obtained widely supports in industry .

  23. 同时结合当前业界网络安全现状,提出了对IP电子欺骗进行防范的一般方法。

    Besides , it puts forward preventive measures in respect to the status quo of network security .

  24. WEBService技术是当今IT业界的焦点所在,它的发展将促使WEBService应用的成熟和完善。

    Web Service Technology is the focus of today 's IT industry , it 's development makes the grown-up and perfection of Web service application .

  25. 美国业界专家如是说:2006年将是RFID的一大转捩点

    Specialists in u.s : 2006 , big turndown for RFID

  26. 整个分析和设计过程采用了业界广泛使用的Rational统一软件开发过程。

    During the process , it uses the popular Rational Unified Software Development Process ( RUP ) to develop the work .

  27. 国内外学术界及业界分别在Web服务器应用软件、操作系统、中间件和服务器集群等几个方面展开研究。

    Academia and industry at home and abroad have been in researching on web server application software , operating systems , middleware and server clusters .

  28. 为此业界针对3G的无线信道推出了各种仿真软件和设备。

    Therefore some enterprises have developed software and equipments for wireless channel simulation .

  29. 事实上,它将比许多(如果不是大多数的话)“业界标准”XML模式产生更好的结果。

    In fact , it will produce better results than many , if not most ," industry standard " XML schemas .

  30. Rational统一过程(RUP)是业界进行项目生命周期控制与管理的事实上的标准。

    Rational Unified Process is the de facto industry standard for project lifecycle development and management .