
ɡuó jiā xìn xī zhōnɡ xīn
  • State Information Center
  1. 国家信息中心的研究员、政府智囊团成员张茉楠说,争端已经把区域供应链置于风险之中。

    Zhang Monan , a researcher with the State Information Center , a government think tank , said the dispute has put regional supply chains at risk .

  2. 国家信息中心近日发布的一份报告显示,我国单车租赁企业投放的单车数量为1600万辆,聘用员工约10万人。

    China 's bike-hire companies have 16 million bikes on the streets and employ about 100000 people , according to a report released by the State Information Center .

  3. 跷跷板上的消费与投资&国家信息中心专家委员会办公室副主任高辉清专访

    Consume and Invest on Seesaw

  4. 3月5日国家信息中心和中国电信及相关合作伙伴在北京签署全国计划系统纵向网视频会议系统改造工程项目合作协议。

    5 march , the state information center , China telecom , China telecom system integration co. , Ltd and other corresponding cooperative partners signed the cooperative agreement on the transform project of the vertical video conferencing system of the national planning system .

  5. 根据国家信息中心的数据,2004年连锁零售企业平均利润率仅为0.85%,连锁超市百强的净利润率为1.22%,而国外连锁超市平均利润率为2.22%。

    According to the data of State Information Center , in 2004 chain retail enterprises average profit margin was only 0.85 % and the top 100 chain stores net profit rate was 1.22 % . But foreign supermarket chains and the average profit margin was 2.22 % .

  6. 中国国家粮油信息中心(ChinaNationalGrainandOilsInformationCentre)市场监测处处长王晓辉已表示,中国的玉米出口将在2008年9月之前的一年内缩减60%,至200万吨,同时,进口可能增至50万吨。

    Wang Xiaohui , a director at the China National Grain and Oils Information Centre , has said that China 's corn exports might shrink 60 per cent to 2m tonnes in the year to the end of September 2008 , while imports could rise to 500000 tonnes .

  7. 美国国家地震信息中心(NEIC)测报的面波震级MSZ可作为这个基准。

    The surface wave magnitude M sz measured by NEIC can be used as the reference datum .

  8. 利用美国国家地震信息中心(NEIC)的地震早期警报系统(EEAS),通过对实际数字化地震记录的分析,针对各种可能出现的情况,对微震事件的自动识别和计算机实时处理进行了讨论。

    Using the Earthquake Early Alerting Service ( EEAS ) in National Earthquake Information Center ( NEIC ) in USA , by analyzing the actual digitalized seismic records , the authors discuss the automatic recognition and computer real-time process of microseisms in all kinds of possible situations .

  9. 美国地质调查局国家地震信息中心的地震报告和目录

    Earthquake bulletins and catalogs at the USGS National Earthquake Information Center

  10. 世界各国国家中毒信息中心的发展概况

    Survey on development of poison centers in different countries all over the world

  11. 这主要是因为中国的压榨能力不断增长,中国国家粮油信息中心说。

    This will mainly be due to continued growth in the country 's soybean crushing capacity , said China National Grain & Oils Information Center .

  12. 国家海洋信息中心产品研发部主任刘克修表示,全球气候变暖是造成中国海平面上升的主要原因。

    The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change said in its last assessment report that China could be one of the biggest casualties of global warming in coming decades .

  13. 中方将致力于建立中国—中东欧国家海关信息中心和中欧陆海快线沿线国家通关协调中心。

    China will work toward the establishment of a China-CEEC customs information center and a focal point for customs clearance coordination for countries along the China-Europe Land-Sea Express Line .

  14. 美国国家地震信息中心的地理学家嘉娜波斯莉表示根据该地区的地理构造和过去的地震信息来看,是没有造成人员伤亡和损失的可能性的。

    Jana Pursley , a geophysicist with the National Earthquake Information Center , said that based on the area 's tectonics and past temblors , damages or casualties were unlikely .

  15. 国家海洋信息中心承担着《海洋通报》、《海洋信息》、《海洋通报》(英文版)等三种海洋科技期刊的编辑出版工作。

    Three marine academic journals , Marine Science Bulletin , Marine Information , Marine Science Bulletin ( English Edition ), are currently edited by the National Marine Data and Information Service .

  16. 他们把这些数据和美国国家生物技术信息中心(NCBI)的参考人类基因组进行了比较。

    The team compared these with the US National Center for Biotechnology Information ( NCBI ) reference human genome .

  17. 经查阅NCBI(美国国家生物技术信息中心)的生物学相关文献,可证明该融合算法获得的基因子集具有重要生物学意义。

    The result gene subset has important biology meaning and that could be proved by searching the biotechnology reference from the NCBI ( National Center for Biotechnology Information ) site .

  18. 国家糖尿病信息交换中心(NDIC)

    National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse ( NDIC )

  19. 基因库(GenBank)是由美国国立卫生研究院、美国国立医学图书馆以及美国国家生物技术信息中心建立发行的,所有已知核酸和蛋白质序列及其文献和生物学注释的公共数据库。

    GenBank is a public database of all known nucleotide and protein sequences with supporting bibliographic and biological annotation , built and distributed by the National Center for Biotechnology information ( NCBI ), the National Library of Medicine ( NLM ) and the National institute of Health ( NIH ), USA.

  20. 美国国家生物信息技术中心(NCBI)提供了具有生物意义上的非冗余的基因和蛋白质序列的RefSeq参考序列数据库。

    The NCBI Reference Sequence ( RefSeq ) database aimed to provide a biologically non-redundant collection of DNA , RNA , and protein sequences and to promote the research on genes and proteins of human beings and other species .

  21. 国家科学信息体系中心

    National Center for Science Information Systems

  22. 《青岛远洋船员学院学报》被国家科技部信息中心收录为核心期刊。

    The Journal of Qingdao Ocean Shipping Mariners College is the core periodical by the Information Center of the National Science and technology Department .

  23. 美国国家生物技术信息中心的一项研究证实,56%的美国军队体能测试受伤案例都是由仰卧起坐引发。

    A study conducted by the US National Center for Biotechnology Information confirmed that 56 percent of the injuries in the US army 's fitness test result from sit-ups .

  24. 介绍了现存于国家基础地理信息中心的国家基础测绘成果情况,为广大测绘工作者了解和在工作中利用提供方便。

    This paper introduces the situation of national basic S / M achievements in the National Geomatics Center of China , in order to provide understanding and convenience for mass surveyors and cartographers .

  25. 本文以国家基础地理信息中心承担的国家测绘局基础测绘项目《国家动态地图网工程》有关需求为研究内容,文中程序代码直接来自试运行中的项目。

    This paper is based on the project called National Dynamic Atlas , which was assigned by National Surveying and Mapping Bureau , and those source code quoted in this paper comes directly from the project .

  26. 系统实现之后,在国家信息安全测评中心与支撑平台的其它子系统进行了联合测试,测试结果令人非常满意,下一步将使用该支撑平台对军队中一些部门的网络进行安全测试评估。

    After having realized security situation assessment and prediction subsystem , we had tested it combined with the other sub-systems of the support platform in national information security evaluation center . The next step we will use the support platform to test and evaluate several networks in departments of army .

  27. 关于组建国家中文图书编目信息中心的设想

    Thoughts on the Cataloguing Information Center of National Chinese Books

  28. 建立国家食品安全信息情报中心,建立信息数据库,并对收集到的信息进行分析、分类与评估;

    Secondly , a food safety information center should be established , whose main task is to collect , analyze , classify and assess the information database .

  29. 国家测绘局管理信息中心在会上获得“第四届中国网站群建设与运营管理先进单位”荣誉称号。

    National Mapping Bureau of Management Information Center at the meeting was " the fourth group of Chinese Web site construction and operation of advanced management unit " honorary title .

  30. 20世纪80年代以来,在发达资本主义国家以信息技术为中心的高科技革命迅速发展,它推动着延续了一个多世纪的工业经济正在转变为信息经济。

    Since the 1980s , high technology with information technology as its core has been developing so quickly that it is now expediting the transformation of the industrial economy of over a century into the information economy .