
  • 网络Transport Ministry;Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport;MLIT
  1. 一名日本国土交通省官员表示,这次扩大召回范围是一种预防性措施。

    A Japanese transport ministry official said the expanded recalls were a precautionary measure .

  2. 日本国土交通省拒绝就可能会对三菱汽车施加的处罚置评,称自己的调查还处于初期阶段。

    The transport ministry declined to comment on what penalties it might impose on Mitsubishi , saying its inquiry was at an early stage .

  3. 日本国土交通省官员突击搜查了三菱汽车(MitsubishiMotors)研发中心。此前,该公司承认伪造了逾60万辆汽车的燃油经济性数据。

    Japanese regulators have raided the research and development centre of Mitsubishi Motors after the carmaker admitted to falsifying fuel economy data on more than 600000 vehicles .

  4. 日本国土交通省表示,东南亚国家已与中国、日本和韩国达成协议,在“东盟(asean)+3”地区框架内对此类系统进行研究。

    South-East Asian countries have already agreed with China , Japan and South Korea to study such a system under the " ASEAN + 3 " regional framework , the Ministry said .

  5. 但日本内阁官房长官菅义伟(YoshihideSuga)敦促国土交通省要作出“严厉回应”,称燃油数据操纵行为的性质“极其严重”。

    But Yoshihide Suga , Japan 's chief cabinet secretary , urged the ministry to take a " strict response , " describing the fuel data manipulation as " extremely serious . "

  6. 日本国土交通省官员在周三、周四进行了两次突击搜查,没收了相关测试数据。

    Test data were confiscated in two raids by officials that took place on Wednesday and Thursday .

  7. 日本国土交通省表示,其官员搜查了三菱汽车位于日本中部冈崎的实验室,所谓的不当行为据信就是在这里发生的。

    The transport ministry said its officials raided Mitsubishi 's laboratories in Okazaki , central Japan , where the alleged misconduct is believed to have taken place .

  8. 电梯安全归属日本国土交通省的管辖范围,只有少数主要报道社会问题的特选记者才获准加入此新闻俱乐部。

    Elevator safety is the domain of the transport and infrastructure ministry , and just a chosen few reporters who largely cover social issues are admitted to this press club .

  9. 但在日本国土交通省昨日发布的报告中,三菱汽车透露其燃油经济性测试自1991年就违反了国内标准,那年日本开始实行一种不同的测试方法。

    But in a report to the Japanese transport ministry yesterday , Mitsubishirevealed its fuel economy tests had deviated from local standards since 1991 , when the country adopted a different testing method .

  10. 日本国土交通省和机场的官员之前表示,他们一直在安排阳光动力2号在机场营业时间结束后的降落事宜,以使这架宽翼展的飞机能够顺利落地。

    Japanese Transport Ministry and Nagoya airport officials said earlier that they were arranging for the landing to occur after the airport 's usual closing hours to accommodate the plane with a wide wingspan .

  11. 据日本共同社报道,在5月30日日本海域发生7.8级地震后,日本国土交通省官员紧急会见了工业界代表,商讨上述提议。此次地震在日本全国都有震感。

    Officials from the country 's infrastructure ministry met industry representatives to discuss the proposals in the aftermath of Saturday 's 7.8-magnitude undersea quake , which was felt across the country , the Kyodo news agency reports .