
  • 网络local train;Ordinary Car;Passenger
  1. 你想坐普通车还是特快?

    Would you prefer to take a local train or an express ?

  2. 这是普通车吗?

    Is this a local train ?

  3. 普通车用汽油和E10乙醇汽油对汽车尾气排放的影响调查

    The Detection Analysis on Auto-exhaust of the Gasoline Used by Local Vehicle and E10 Ethanol

  4. 普通车用汽油机不宜改装为天然气发动机

    No Way for Modifying the Vehicle Gasoline Engine into Natural Gas Engine

  5. 按普通车、车队、特殊车、冲卡车四种情况采取四种不同的控制逻辑。

    The control logic includes common vehicle , motorcade , special vehicle and passing vehicle without permit .

  6. 平均来说,每跑一万公里的路程,新能源汽车会比普通车少排放2.3吨二氧化碳。

    for every 10000 kilometers , each NEV can help prevent 2.3 tons of carbon dioxide emissions .

  7. 所以你可以把她看作一辆装饰着“袖扣和名表”的普通车。

    So you can think of it as the standard car with cufflinks and a nice watch .

  8. 在约旦河西岸,巴勒斯坦地区的女性赛车手定制普通车与建立团队男性竞争。

    Palestine 's girl racers customise ordinary cars to compete against established male teams across the West Bank .

  9. 哪里是特快专递的柜台?你想坐普通车还是特快?

    Where is the counter of special delivery mail ? Do you like to take a local train or an express ?

  10. 这是一辆一般的普通车,但是它能带我到任何我想去的地方

    This is a basic run - of - the - mill car , but it get me where I want to go

  11. 普通车不能与美铁衔接;飞机不能衔接,你不得不等待。

    The local train does not connect with the Amtrak train ; the planes don 't connect and you will have to wait for four hours .

  12. 经考察相关资料,与普通车辖相比,二者功能近似,但使用方法有别。

    According to the relative materials , comparing with the normal axle-pins , the function of them were similar , but the methods of application were different .

  13. 轻油基燃料蒸发性与普通车用汽油相比差别较大,必然影响火花点火发动机及汽车的性能。

    The difference of volatility between light oil based fuels and gasoline used for automobile is so big that the performance of an engine and an automobile are affected .

  14. 但是当你先问自己买一辆跑车的原因,然后用你的标准来衡量一辆小轿车,你会发现普通车和跑车有些明显的区别。

    But you can make some sharp distinctions when you start by asking why you 'd buy a sports car in the first place , then measuring a car against the answers .

  15. 专用功能的车为实现一定的特殊功能,车载设备比普通车要多,功能多样化,控制并管理好车载设备就是一个问题。

    For the realization of certain special functions , vehicle equipment and the functional of the specific functions of the car is more than an ordinary car , Control and manage vehicle equipment is a problem .

  16. 介绍了加拿大在谷物流通方面较为先进的散运方法及散运装备,如谷物散运专用车及普通车,散装面粉车及散装火车等。

    The paper introduces the advanced bulk transport method and bulk transport equipments in grain distribution aspect in Canada , for example , special used bulk truck and ordinary bulk truck , bulk goods train , and bulk floor et al .

  17. 这种车比普通家用车更有风格。

    This car has a dash more style than the average family model .

  18. 将原本普通的车,改装成马力超强的赛车

    An ordinary car souped up for more horsepower .

  19. 政府采购普通公务车屏蔽合资车。

    Govt to exclude JV cars from purchase .

  20. 但这不是辆普通的车。

    Only this was no ordinary car .

  21. 用普通型车改装电视转播车

    Refit Relay Vehicle with the Ordinary Vehicle

  22. 如果你不想引起注意我们可以让他们坐普通的车

    We can even put them in unmarked cars if you don 't want undue attention .

  23. 浓烟使空气中含氧量过低,以内燃机为动力的普通消防车将难以进入火灾现场。

    Because of low oxygen content of air in the smoke , the ordinary internal combustion engine will be difficult to enter the fire scene .

  24. 结果表明:公交车和卡车的排放因子明显较高,特别是颗粒物排放因子,分别为普通轻型车的14倍和44倍。

    The results show that emissions factors of buses and trucks were much higher , especially for PM , which were 14 and 44 times those of passenger cars .

  25. 他们根据收入条件做自己想做的事而且满意自己的生活即使这意味着开更普通的车和住更小的房子。

    They do what they can according to their income and they 're content with their life even if it means driving a regular car and living in a smaller house .

  26. 这款巨型婴儿车的尺寸是普通婴儿车的两倍多,高7英尺6英寸(约2.3米),深6英尺(约1.8米),宽4英尺(约1.2米)。

    This supersized stroller is more than twice the size of the one for babies , measuring 7 feet , 6 inches high , 6 feet deep and 4 feet wide .

  27. 他们根据收入条件做自己想做的事而且满意自己的生活——即使这意味着开更普通的车和住更小的房子。

    They do what they can according to their income and they 're content with their life - even if it means driving a regular car and living in a smaller house . 7 .

  28. 加热精车表层孪晶带细而疏,而普通精车表层孪晶带粗而密,且横向截面还存在明显的鳞刺纤维层,夹杂呈带状分布。

    The twin band in surface layer is fine and rare and that of ordinary turning is thick and dense , on its transverse section obviously exist fibrous layer of scale-stab and band distribution of inclusions .

  29. 普通车床精车外圆表面出现视角波纹的原因分析

    Cause Analysis of View Angle Corrugation Produced in Precision Turning on Universal Lathe

  30. 自行车的种类很多,有脚踏车,游览车,山地车或者普通的平地车用来在镇里骑。

    Well , the range of bicycles is enormous - there are racing bikes , touring bikes , mountain bikes or just plain ordinary bikes for riding round town .