
  • 网络Puri
  1. 负责促进性别平等和赋予权利的联合国助理秘书长拉克什米.普里说,通过禁止家庭暴力的立法是改变公众心态的有效催化剂。

    But Lakshmi Puri , assistant U.N.secretary-general for gender equality and empowerment , says passing domestic violence legislation can be a good catalyst for changing public mindsets .

  2. 当地摄影记者尚卡尔?普里发现并且也参加了婚礼。但是他什么都不能做,因为他害怕一旦被众多家人发现,他就自身难保了。

    Local photojournalist , Shankar Puri , found out about the ceremony and attended but he couldn 't do anything to help , as he feared for his safety if the huge number of families found out .

  3. 在1942年德军侵占爱沙尼亚期间,普里学得了一口流利的德语。

    Prii had become fluent in German during the Wehrmacht 's occupation of Estonia in 1942

  4. 我的同事丹•普里迈克撰文记述了一位希望MySpace重出江湖的风投资本家。

    Colleague Dan Primack reports on the VC who wanted MySpace back .

  5. 最后数名首批下线的机械守卫被派至普里蒙星,担任保卫PEC的工作。

    The last few Alpha sentinels are dispatched to Primon to guard the PEC .

  6. 结论疝环充填式网塞和普里灵疝装置(PHS)无张力疝修补术均能较好地修补腹股沟滑疝;

    Conclusions Both PPHS and Mesh Plug ﹠ patch in tension-free inguinal hernia repair are ideal materials for sliding hernia .

  7. DHL会为普里马克度身定制一套物流方案,内容包括所有仓库的基本运行和从物流中心到普里马克各零售店的运输。

    DHL will provide a customized logistics solution for Primark including all warehouse based activities together with transport from the logistics center to the growing number of Primark stores .

  8. 万达国际房地产销售主管迈克尔•普里福伊(MichaelPurefoy)表示,万达计划到2020年将其目前的300亿美元年度销售额增至1000亿美元,主要通过国际房地产开发。万达是中国销售额最高的商业地产开发商。

    China 's biggest commercial property developer by sales aims to increase its current $ 30bn annual turnover to $ 100bn by 2020 , primarily through international property development , according to Michael Purefoy , the man in charge of Wanda 's international housing sales .

  9. 44岁的帕维尔•舍列梅特(PavelSheremet)出生于白俄罗斯,是乌克兰领先调查新闻网站《乌克兰真理报》(UkrainskaPravda)一名屡次获奖的记者。他在驾驶一辆属于网站经理奥廖娜•普里图拉(OlenaPrytula)的汽车时丧生。

    Pavel Sheremet , 44 , a Belarus-born award-winning journalist with Ukrainska Pravda , the country 's leading investigative news website , was killed while driving a car belonging to Olena Prytula , the venture 's manager .

  10. 2009年,普里马克打入德国零售市场。

    Primark entered the German retail market a year later in2009 .

  11. 最新更新:我的同事丹•普里马克已确认交易成功。

    Update : colleague Dan Primack has confirmed the deal .

  12. 您知道大奥普里名称的由来吗?

    Do you know how the grand ole Opry got its name ?

  13. 这对普里司通轮胎来说也是一条不错的赛道。

    It was also a good circuit for Bridgestone .

  14. 哈巴罗夫斯克和普里摩斯基地区每年都要发生林火。

    Fires occur on an annual basis in the Khabarovsk and Primorky areas .

  15. 普里图拉当时未在车上。

    She was not in the vehicle .

  16. 从洛马普里埃塔地震看天然水面在开封市城市防灾中的作用

    The role of Kaifeng lakes in disaster mitigation in view of Loma Prieta earthquake lessons

  17. 这个新的配销中心会为普里马克在邻近国家的零售店实行运送服务。

    The new distribution center will handle shipments for Primark stores located in the neighboring countries .

  18. 普里马克1969年成立于爱尔兰,都柏林。

    Primark was founded in1969 in Dublin , Ireland , where it was known as Penneys .

  19. 普里图平称他最喜欢的展品是一辆用纸板做成的金色货车雕像。

    Pristupin said his favourite part of the museum is a golden cart sculpture made out of cardboard .

  20. 这不是一个新的基金我的同事丹•普里马克曾作出这样的预计也不承诺共同投资相关交易。

    It is neither a new fund as my colleague Dan Primack predicted nor a commitment to co-invest in deals .

  21. 普里切斯特(V.S.Pritchett)赞她为:当代美国最优秀的小说家。

    S. Pritchett praises her as : the most remarkable novelist * to come out of America in a generation .

  22. 它一动不动地坐在那里,眼睛一下也不眨地盯着普里怀特街的拐角处。

    It was sitting as still as a statue , its eyes fixed unblinkingly on the far corner of Privet Drive .

  23. 普里福伊表示,万达现在正在“全球主要城市”继续寻找地产项目。

    It is now seeking further sites " throughout the world " in " key global cities , " Mr Purefoy said .

  24. 2012年,刘翔以12.87秒的成绩在普里方腾田径大奖赛上夺冠,相当于每秒2.4米

    In 2012 , Liu Xiang won at the Prefontaine Classic with 12.87 seconds , albeit with wind-assistance of 2.4 meters per second .

  25. 我们很开心普里马克集团对敦豪的信任,并把敦豪作为其在欧洲业务扩展的合作伙伴。

    We are pleased that Primark continues relying on DHL Supply Chain as its partner to support the expansion of its business in Europe .

  26. 今年2月,他与喀山备受尊敬的普里马韦拉室内乐团合作演出,随后,他就收到了首都一所音乐学校的邀请。

    In February he performed with Kazan 's respected La Primavera chamber orchestra , which led to an invitation to join a music school in the capital .

  27. 但是最有可能的角色应该是普里奇特的族长杰伊,因为与他活泼的孩子和一些重要的人的身体状况相比,他身体欠佳。

    But the most likely character would probably be the Pritchett patriarch , Jay , as he is ailing compared to his sprightly children and their significant others .

  28. 在关于帕里斯(特洛伊国王普里阿摩之子)的裁决的传说中,雅典娜是两位未能获得“最美丽的女神”称号的女神之一。

    In the tale of the Judgment of Paris ( son of the Trojan King Priam ), Athena was one of the two goddesses who lost the beauty content .

  29. 我自己认为你是一个自学成材的人.靠保持自己的现状,不能使自己成为必须成为的人。&普里

    I take it for granted that you are a self-made student . We cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are . & Max De Pree

  30. 普里福伊表示,在将外国房产推介给中国买家时,万达将受益于品牌认知度,但该公司不仅仅是希望将亚洲资金引入英国房地产市场。

    Wanda will benefit from brand recognition when marketing foreign homes to Chinese buyers , Mr Purefoy said , but the company does not want simply to channel Asian cash into the British housing market .