
  • 网络wheat flour;Whole Wheat Flour;Whole-Wheat Flour;Wholemeal Flour
  1. 1杯全麦面粉

    Cup whole wheat flour

  2. 姜饼是健康食品,想想姜饼的配料吧(姜、蜂蜜和全麦面粉),它比里面全是食品防腐剂和添加剂的快餐和小吃要好很多。

    It 's also healthy ( think ginger , honey and whole wheat flour ) and better than fast food snacks full of preservatives and additives .

  3. 全麦面粉做成的面包。

    Bread made of graham ( whole wheat ) flour .

  4. 全麦面粉要冷躲或冷冻以延长使用寿命。

    Keep whole-grain flours in the refrigerator or freezer to extend their life .

  5. 徘徊在两个全麦面粉货架之间。

    Trapped in between two whole wheat slices .

  6. 我们的袖珍香蕉蛋糕是由新鲜香蕉和全麦面粉制成,既健康又美味。

    Wholesome and hearty , our Mini Banana Bread loaves are made with wholewheat flour and fresh bananas .

  7. 在本文的菜谱中,我选用的是一半全麦面粉,一半通用面粉或面包粉。

    In the recipe at right , I opt for half whole-wheat flour , half all-purpose or bread flour .

  8. 把全麦面粉倒入搅拌的容器内在把盐、肉豆蔻、无核小葡萄乾和橘皮蜜饯。

    Put the flour into a mixing bowl and add the salt , nutmeg , currants and candied peel .

  9. 全麦面粉可以用来制作面包,但全麦面粉制的蛋糕和糕点质地粗糙颜色暗。

    Whole meal flour can be used for bread making but cakes and pastery will be coal-se in texture dark in colour .

  10. 全麦面粉,小麦粉,黑麦芽粉,裸麦粉,天然酵母,天然海盐,未漂白二砂。

    Wheat whole grain flour , Wheat flour , Rye , black malt , Yeast , Salt , Without to bleach sugar .

  11. 新的研究表明,这种强烈烘焙条件还能提高面团中抗氧化剂的水平,特别是对于那些由全麦面粉制成的比萨,研究人员说道。

    The new study shows that these intense baking conditions also may boost antioxidant levels in dough , especially whole wheat varieties , the researchers say .

  12. 任何用全麦面粉做成的面包都比白面包更加营养,因为全麦是麦子被脱掉用以制造白面的外壳&它含有麦子的大部分营养。

    Any bread made with wholewheat flour is more nutritious than white as it 's the outer husk surrounding the wheat-stripped away to make white flour-that contains the majority of nutrients .

  13. 全麦面粉会让做出来的饼皮很香,而且全麦谷物非常健康――不过全部用这种面粉做出来的饼皮会又硬又干。

    The whole wheat makes for a flavorful crust , and provides all the health benefits associated with eating whole grains & though a crust made solely with this kind of flour would be tough and dry .

  14. 由于全麦和全麦面粉是由完整的麦粒加工而成的,我们消化全麦面包比较慢,会有长时间的饱腹感,不会影响血糖的变化。

    As whole wheat and whole grain flours are made from the intact grains , we digest whole grain breads more slowly and feel full longer , and don 't experience a blood-sugar freakout .