
  • 网络cost;all expenses;Total Costs
  1. 消费者将不得不承担增加工资所需的全部费用。

    Consumers will have to bear the full cost of these pay increases .

  2. 这次野餐的全部费用大约200元。

    The total cost of this picnic was about 200 yuan .

  3. 这次旅行的全部费用是52英镑。

    The fully inclusive fare for the trip is £ 52 .

  4. 合伙住宿并自理膳食的全部费用按周计价。

    All prices are based on a week 's self-catering in shared accommodation .

  5. 我是不是需要毕业后立即缴还全部费用呢?

    Do I have to repay the entire amount right after graduation ?

  6. 法院要他们负担全部费用。

    The court visits all costs upon them .

  7. WIRTGENCHINA应当承担因提供该类替代品而产生的全部费用。

    WIRTGEN CHINA shall bear all costs arising from the provision of the replacement .

  8. 到岸价格的英文是costinsurancefreight,也就是说这些货物在抵达澳大利亚之前的全部费用由供货商支付。

    C.I.F.stands for Cost , Insurance , and Freight of your product landed in Australia , which will be borne by the supplier .

  9. 一直否认自己存在重大过失的BP,已拨备出410亿美元用于支付其所估计的、与漏油事故相关的全部费用。

    BP , which has always denied gross negligence , has set aside $ 41bn for total estimated costs associated with the accident .

  10. 查看全部费用,包括税收,运输和装卸,ASAP的。

    Show total cost , including taxes , shipping and handling , ASAP .

  11. 这比VanceFried方案下培养一位学生的全部费用都要多。

    That is more than the entire cost of educating a student under Mr Fried 's scheme .

  12. 伯里亚学院(BereaCollege)是肯塔基州伯里亚一个小型基督徒学校,为国际学生支付第一年的全部费用。

    Berea College is a small Christian school in Berea , Kentucky , that pays all first-year costs for its foreign students .

  13. 预订必须支付全部费用。

    Bookings must be acompanied by payment for the full fare .

  14. 收件人缴付全部费用一般称为“运费收取”

    Receiver pays all charges usually known as " freight collect "

  15. 直接管理和全部费用的一本完整的产品线。

    Manage direct and full cost of one complete product line .

  16. 是的,但公司会支付你的全部费用。

    Yes , but the company would cover all your expenses .

  17. 婚礼的全部费用由新郎承担。

    The full cost of the wedding fell on the bridegroom .

  18. 他们主动提出要承担这座小教堂的全部费用。

    They offered to meet the entire cost of the chapel .

  19. 他们将建议由政府支付全部费用。

    They will recommend the government pick up the whole tab .

  20. 买方则标志及自付全部费用。

    The buyer then signs and pays all the costs involved .

  21. 寄件人缴付全部费用亦等同为“寄件人支付所有费用”

    Shipper pays all charges also referred to as " free domicile "

  22. 你必须用信用卡支付全部费用。

    You 'll have to pay all the money with credit card .

  23. 婚礼的全部费用都由我负担。

    The full cost of the wedding fell on me .

  24. 办理此事的全部费用在两千元以下。

    The cost of the whole work was below two thousand dollars .

  25. 他能当场支付全部费用吗?

    Is he able to pay down the whole cost ?

  26. 你计算出你这趟商务旅行的全部费用了吗?

    Did you figure out the total cost of your business trip ?

  27. 全部费用合计一百元。

    The total expenses amount to a hundred dollars .

  28. 每年一鸣的全部费用大约是多少?

    How much the total annual expense will be ?

  29. 我们够钱支付全部费用吗?

    Have we enough money to meet all expenses ?

  30. 全部费用最多90英镑。

    The total cost will be $ 90 max.