
quán zhēn dào
  • Chhuan Chen Tao;the way of all true
全真道[quán zhēn dào]
  1. 对全真道进行研究,具有现实的意义。

    Conducts the research to the entire real road , has the reality significance .

  2. 全真道是由王重阳在山东宁海创立的。

    The Quanzhen Taoism was founded by Wang Chongyang in Ninghai , Shandong Province .

  3. 王重阳创建的北宗全真道倡导三教一致、三教平等、三教和同。

    His north sect stresses the conformity , equality , harmony of the three teachings .

  4. 《西游记》与全真道文化

    Journey to the West and Taoist Culture

  5. 正一、全真道乐之现行研究

    Research On Taoist Music

  6. 在山东半岛,他度化了七大弟子即后来的北七真,山东半岛遂成为全真道的重要阵地。

    Wang enlightened his seven great disciples at the Shandong Peninsula , and the area thus became an important position of the Quanzhen Taoism .

  7. 水浒故事从流传到成书的过程中,受到全真道、正一道、净明道等多种道教派别的思想影响。

    In the process from its spreading to writing , the story of Outlaws of the Marsh was greatly influenced by several sects of Taoism .

  8. 而全真道、净明道等道教教派之间的思想差异也在梁山上的不同群体中反映出来。

    And the ideological difference between the Perfect Realization Sect and the Pure and Luminous Sect was also reflected in various groups settled in Mountain Liang .

  9. 全真道推源于老子,其直接渊源是唐末五代兴起的内丹术。

    The entire real road pushes stems from the father , its direct origin is the Daoist prescriptions or exercises to achieve immortality technique which the Tang end Five Dynasties emerge .

  10. 全真道的神仙系统既吸收了传统道教神仙,又吸收了大量民间俗神和部分佛教神仙,还有大量的地域神仙。

    All really the deity system both has absorbed the traditional Taoism deity , and has absorbed the massive folk vulgar god and the part Buddhism deity , but also has the massive region deity .

  11. 金末时期,王处一立足山东修道传道,为继承和发扬全真道的修道宗旨,扩展全真道的影响和势力,促进其教派壮大兴盛,起过重大的作用。

    At end of Jin Dynasty , Wang bases on Shan Dong to preach , inheriting and carrying forward order purpose of Quan Zhen . He plays a major role in promoting the growing prosperity .

  12. 宋元明清时期,随着全真道在江南的传播与发展,江西渐成为全真道活跃的地区。

    During the Song , Yuan , Ming and Qing Dynasties , with the development and transmission of Quanzhen Daoism in the south of the Yangzi River , Jiangxi gradually became an active region of Quanzhen Daoism .

  13. 全真道既是对传统道教的改革与创新,又是对儒佛道三家文化的综合与创新,给我们提供了文化创新的范例。

    The entire real road is not only to the traditional Taoism reform and the innovation , is also to Confucian Buddha said that three cultural the syntheses and the innovation , have provided the cultural innovation model to us .

  14. 全真道的迅速发展,既是金元统治者支持的结果,又与全真教自身对历史机遇的把握和传统文化的创新密不可分,创新是道教不断发展的动力。

    All really rapidly expand , since the gold dollar ruler supports result , also with all really teaches oneself to be inseparable to the historic opportunity assurance with the traditional culture innovation , the innovation is the power which Taoism develops unceasingly .

  15. 全真道的创立者王重阳及全真七子等教团骨干对道教义理作了创造性发挥,大力宣传全真教,使全真道很快达到鼎盛时期。

    All really founder king Double Ninth Festival and all really seven sub-and so on taught the group the backbone to make the creative display to the religious doctrine principle , propagandized vigorously all really teaches , to cause all really saying that achieved the prosperous time very quickly .

  16. 王处一建构了博大精深的全真思想体系,开创以清净苦修成仙的嵛山一派,推进了全真道内丹心性学新发展。

    Wang constructs a profound ideological system and open Yu Shan school , promoting Quan Zhen in the steps to learn new development .