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  1. 大家全在缪尚咖啡馆里举行秘密会议。

    All were present at a secret meeting at the Cafe Musain .

  2. 以往对大鼠脊髓分级挫伤后残留纤维的量与运动功能恢复程度之间的关系进行过系统的研究,但对脊髓不全横切,尚缺乏这方面的研究。

    Although the correlation between the functional recovery and the amounts of spared fibers has been well studied , very little has been achieved for such correlation after incomplete spinal cord transection .

  3. 染头发的人觉得这是全世界的新风尚。

    People who are for dyeing it suggest that it is a strong trend of the world .

  4. 笔者认为,目前全三维处理技术尚不能满足全三维采集的要求,而其中三参量速度分析是技术的关键。

    At present , the true 3D processing technique does not meet the requirement of 3D acquired data , of which the three-parameter velocity analysis is the key of technique .

  5. 乘客缴付第一程车资后,须确保八达通卡(包括全月通)尚馀正票值才可享有转乘优惠。

    A positive balance must be maintained in your Octopus card ( including West Rail Line Monthly Pass ) after the first leg of your trip in order to enjoy interchange concessions .

  6. 全科治疗仪的效果要优于药物、保健品等任何其他方法,QK&全科治疗仪尚属国内外首例。

    Full-treatment is superior to the effect of drugs , health products , such as any other method , QK-general therapeutic apparatus is the first at home and abroad .