
  1. 她做全职工作,仍能照管好家庭。

    She works full-time and still manages to run a home .

  2. 简尽管有生理缺陷,却能够保住一份全职工作。

    Despite her handicap , Jane is able to hold down a full-time job .

  3. 第一个孩子出生后她就从全职工作改为兼职工作。

    She made the switch from full-time to part-time work when her first child was born .

  4. 他一边全职工作一边又要照顾孩子,所以抽不出很多时间搞业余爱好。

    Between working full-time and taking care of the kids , he didn 't have much time for hobbies .

  5. 预计将失去相当于192份全职工作的岗位。

    It is anticipated that the equivalent of 192 full-time jobs will be lost

  6. 她丈夫自信大增,不久便重新开始全职工作。

    Her husband became much more positive and was soon back in full-time employment .

  7. 这听上去有难度,可是比起全职工作来,就是小意思了。

    It sounds difficult , but compared to full-time work it was a cinch .

  8. 尽管上大学应该是一份全职工作,但学生们平均每周只花12到14个小时学习,许多人在整个学期都在划水,没有做大量的阅读和写作。

    Although going to college is supposed to be a full-time job , students spent , on average , only 12 to 14 hours a week studying and many were skating through their semesters without doing a significant amount of reading and writing .

  9. 获得活到100岁所需的金融资金只要延长全职工作的第二个阶段就可以了,但这种持续不断的工作将不可避免地耗尽宝贵的无形资产,如生产技能、活力、幸福和友谊。

    Just lengthening that second stage of full-time work may secure the financial assets needed for a 100-year life , but such persistent work will inevitably exhaust precious intangible assets such as productive skills , vitality , happiness , and friendship .

  10. 丈夫和妻子的全职工作时间几乎相同。

    Both husbands and wives worked almost the same number of hours in full-time jobs .

  11. 王丽在做全职工作的同时完成了博士学位,表现出了坚韧不拔的毅力。

    Wang Li has shown true grit by completing her PhD while working full time .

  12. 该机构还警告说,尽管疫苗有望刺激经济反弹,但全球经济复苏仍充满不确定性。这份由联合国国际劳工组织发布的报告预测,2021年的工作时间可能仍将比2019年减少3%以上,大约相当于9000万个全职工作岗位。

    It also warned that recovery remains . Working hours in 2021 are likely to remain more than 3 % lower than they were in 2019 - roughly the equivalent of 90 million full-time jobs , predicts the report , by the UN 's International Labor Organization ( ILO ) .

  13. 几个月后,Code2040为米勒提供了一份全职工作,担任合作伙伴项目的负责人。

    A couple of months later , Code 2040 offered Ms. Miller a full-time job , as the director of partner programs .

  14. 根据日本文部科学省(JapaneseMinistryofEducationandScience)的统计数据,今年94.4%的毕业生都在春季找到了一份全职工作。

    According to the Japanese Ministry of Education and Science , 94.4 percent of this year 's graduating students had found a full-time job by the spring .

  15. 此外,2011年他获得了一份全职工作,为总部位于华盛顿的咨询公司前沿策略集团(FrontierStrategyGroup)开拓亚太业务。

    He was also offered a full-time job in 2011 to start up Asian-Pacific operations for the Frontier Strategy Group , a Washington , D.C. - based advisory firm .

  16. 有两个或两个以上孩子的X一代女性毕业生中,竟然有37%没有全职工作,相比而言,没有孩子的同年龄段女性放弃全职工作的比例仅有9%。

    A whopping 37 % of Gen X women with two or more kids aren 't in the full-time workforce , compared with only 9 % who have no children .

  17. InStep是获得印孚瑟斯全职工作的一个途径么?

    Has InStep been a route to a full-time job at Infosys ?

  18. 拉波索抽空接受了《财富》杂志(Fortune)专访,就如何在全职工作与激情爱好之间保持平衡发表了自己的看法,并描述了坚固两者带来的种种益处。

    Raposo took some time to talk to fortune about balancing the pursuit of both a full-time career and an outside passion , and the advantages of doing both .

  19. 在被一家广告公司任命为创意总监的时候,CurtisPotter甚至还没积极的寻找全职工作哪。

    Curtis Potter wasn 't even actively seeking full-time work when he was appointed creative director of an advertising agency .

  20. 此类COE拥有更多的资助和权力,并配备为具有专用资源的全职工作部门。

    This type of COE has more funding and powers and is staffed as a full-time operation with dedicated resources .

  21. 相比较而言,MBA项目期望申请者有多样化的教育背景,同时必须有若干年的全职工作经验。

    In contrast , an MBA program is expected to have participants from a very diverse educational background , who should have a few years of full-time work experience .

  22. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)最高级别的驻华银行家之一日前辞职。近几周来,这已是这家银行第二位驻中国大陆的高管辞去全职工作。

    One of Goldman Sachs 's most senior China bankers has resigned – the second mainland-based high-profile executive to relinquish full-time duties at the bank in recent weeks .

  23. 哥哥从牛津大学(Oxford)拿到了不错的学位,我却宁愿少接受点高等教育,以便尽快开始全职工作。

    Whilst my brother went on to gain a good degree from Oxford I limited my higher education preferring to get into full-time employment as quickly as possible .

  24. 这反映出,尽管需要同时应付学习与全职工作,但资深管理人士对EMBA课程的需求从未中断。

    This reflects the continued demand for programmes aimed at experienced managers who need to juggle their studies with full-time employment .

  25. 1996年,安迪辞去了他的全职工作,次年二人正式开卖他们的首款男包品牌JackSpade。

    In 1996 , Andy left his full-time job and the next year , the couple sold their first men 's bag in their new line , Jack Spade .

  26. 投资者提议成立的机构系统性风险监管机构(systemicriskoversightregulator)由一名主席和四名成员组成,均为全职工作人员,由总统任命,经过参议院批准,并对国会负责。

    A body proposed by the investors the systemic risk oversight regulator would have a full-time staff led by a chairman and four members appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate , and would be accountable to Congress .

  27. 这位英国航空公司(britishairways)的产品经理刚刚决定在今年夏天无薪休假1个月,并在随后的14个月内做非全职工作正是这家亏损的航空公司所希望的。

    The product manager at British Airways has just decided to take a month off without pay this summer and then work part-time for the following 14 months and that is precisely what the lossmaking airline wants .

  28. 1969年毕业后,伯格去了夏威夷,打算在冲浪中度过整个假期。这时有消息传来,那家经纪公司(ICM的前身)为他提供了一份全职工作。

    After graduating in 1969 and going to Hawaii for a surfing holiday , word reached him that the agency , a predecessor of ICM , was offering him a full-time job .

  29. 路透社纽约健康消息最近一期《医学遗传学》杂志发表的研究报告显示,有性染色体异常(SCA)的男女也能够完成高中学业,做全职工作甚至结婚和生小孩。

    NEW YORK ( Reuters Health ) - Men and women with sex chromosome abnormalities ( SCA ) are able to complete high school , hold full-time jobs , marry and have children , according to a new report .

  30. Hansen说,一般情况下海外求职都需要用六到十二个月,而且在任何国家找工作本身就是一项全职工作。

    The average job search abroad ranges between six to 12 months , and searching for a job in any country is a full-time job itself , Hansen says .