
  • 网络dynasty
  1. 本文就温州地方文献中发现的《全宋诗》编者所失收的作品及疏误之处,进行了辑佚和订误,为《全宋诗》的完善及温州地方史的研究提供参考。

    The paper makes up supplements from Wenzhou local literature to The Complete Collection of Song Dynasty Poems . It is helpful to perfect The Complete Collection of Song Dynasty Poems and useful for the study of wenzhou local history .

  2. 读《全宋诗》札记

    Notes from Reading the Complete Collection of Poetry of the Song Dynasty

  3. 读《全宋诗》札记四则

    Four Notes on the Complete Collection of Song Poems

  4. 本文从《乐府雅词》、《永乐大典》以及宋人别集等文献中辑得晁补之、毛滂等人诗作共81首,作为对《全宋诗》的补遗。

    This paper edits eighty poems from relevant literature as a supplement to The Complete Poems of the Song Dynasty .

  5. 《全宋诗·黎廷瑞诗》在整理中的标点及校勘尚有若干问题,作为献疑,归纳为15条,以供讨论。

    There are15 problems about the sort-out of " Poems of Quan Song and Poems of Li Ting-rui " for us to discuss .

  6. 接着,在普查《全宋诗》和《全宋文》的基础上,概述宋代大型咏史组诗的存佚、特征及成因。

    Then outlined the history of Song Yong-large sequence of the Lost , characteristics and causes on the basis of " Song Poems " and " full-Sung " .

  7. 遍检《全宋诗》、《全宋词》及诸多笔记、话本等文献,考察唐代声诗在宋代的传播情况,对其歌唱事实作了辨证;

    The author studied many documents thoroughly to reveal the spread of musical poems of the Tang Dynasty in the Song Dynasty , and analyzed the singing methods along with singing occasions .

  8. 簪花作为一种新的文学意象,受到文人的亲睐,被广泛运用于各种文学作品中。据统计,《全宋诗》中与簪花有关的诗歌有一百多首。

    It as a new literary image , is widely utilized in the poetry of song dynasty poet . According to statistics , the whole song poetry , associated with Flower Appreciation poetry has more than one hundred first .

  9. 池州地方文献中辑得《全宋诗》失收的诗作51首、佚句2则,涉及作者40人,其中有22人不见《全宋诗》。

    In the local literature of Chizhou prefecture , there have been found 51 poems and 2 pieces of lyrics that involve 40 authors , of which , 22 are not listed in the " Complete Collection of the Poems in the Song Dynasty " .