
jīn nónɡ
  • Jinnong;gold-mining peasants;rural gold-miner
  1. 麦金农估计大桥的侧向移动介于4至6英寸之间。

    McKinnon estimated the lateral movement of the bridge to be between four and six inches .

  2. 正当他回到日光浴室,一名男子从后门和他迎面相遇。第凡尼麦金农在周四告诉《MontgomeryAdvertiser》报。

    As he walked back into the sunroom , a man walked through the back door straight into him , Tiffany McKinnon told the Montgomery Advertiser in a story Thursday .

  3. 这家处于起步阶段的身份和访问管理公司成立于2009年,创始人是麻省理工斯隆商学院(MITSloan)MBA弗雷德里克•克里斯特和曾就职于客户关系管理服务网站salesforce.com的托德•麦金农。

    Okta Backed by $ 79.3 million in angel and venture capital funding , this identity and access management startup was founded in 2009 by MIT Sloan MBA Frederick Kerrest and former salesforce.com colleague Todd McKinnon .

  4. 麦金农一家成了我的生命线,我和外界的唯一联系。

    The MacKinnon household became my lifeline , my only link with the outside world .

  5. 第凡尼麦金农派妻子到她妹妹家去。他查看那留下的一堆堆垃圾。

    Adrian McKinnon sent his wife to see her sister while he inspected the piles left behind .

  6. 发展中国家的利率、储蓄与投资:一种理论综合与政策框架&对麦金农一肖两假说的再探讨

    The Interest Rate , Saving and Investment in Developing Countries & A Theoretical Synthesis and a Policy Frame

  7. 麦金农还提出了金融自由化的次序。

    They also emphasized the precondition of financial liberalization , while McKinnon put forward the proposed process of financial liberalization .

  8. 金农是“扬州八怪”中最具有全面修养的画家,且最富文人画的原型精神。

    As one of the " Eight Yangzhou Eccentrics ", Jing Nong was an all-round stylist and painter full of archetypal meanings .

  9. 英国媒体的一致看法似乎是美国人太过较真、报复心太强,执意要将麦金农引渡到美国审讯。

    The consensus view seems to be that the Americans are being humourless and vindictive in their remorseless efforts to extradite and prosecute Mr McKinnon .

  10. 90年代金融发展理论突破了麦金农&肖的框架,并融合了内生增长理论的一些积极因素。

    Breaking through the framework of McKinnon and Shaw , financial development theory in the 1990s has absorbed certain positive aspects in endogenous growth theory .

  11. 阿德里安。麦金农抓住了33岁的嫌疑犯塔埍。布洛克,用枪指着他,让他坐到地板上,直到最后决定了如何处理。

    Adrian McKinnon held the suspect , 33-year-old Tajuan Bullock , at gunpoint and told him to sit on the floor until he decided what to do .

  12. 天猫上的这家店取得的前期成功,帮助中国成为了新百伦增长最快的市场。麦金农表示,天猫上的生意颇为兴隆。

    Early success with the Tmall shop has helped make China the fastest-growing market for New Balance , and Mr. McKinnon said sales on the site were brisk .

  13. 政治策略家马克。麦金农认为,合作精神今年能够持续下去。在奥巴马前两年任期当中,这种精神普遍缺乏。

    Political strategist Mark McKinnon said that spirit of cooperation , which was largely lacking during Obama 's first two years in office , could continue this year .

  14. 自麦金农和爱德华·肖在1973年提出金融深化理论后的30年中,西方许多经济学家对金融自由化的利益倍加关注,并进行了激烈的论战。

    Many western economists have been paying attention to the benefits of financial liberalization over the past thirty years since Ronald McKinnon and Edward Shaw proposed their theory of financial deepening .

  15. 第凡尼麦金农含眼泪说,当周二,丈夫阿德里安和自己回到一周没会的家中时,发现窃贼将这个五口之家拥有的一切偷得几乎一点不剩。

    Adrian and Tiffany McKinnon returned home on Tuesday after a week away to find that thieves had emptied almost everything the family of five owned , Tiffany McKinnon said through tears .

  16. 随着金融在经济系统中的作用日益提高,越来越多的学者专家开始研究金融发展与经济增长的课题,这里以戈德史密斯、爱得华·肖和麦金农最具有代表性。

    With the increasing role of finance in the economic system , many scholars and experts began to study the subject of financial development and economic growth , especially Goldsmith , Shaw and Mckinnon .

  17. 与此相反,许多著名的经济学家,包括诺贝尔奖获得者蒙代尔和斯坦福大学的罗纳德麦金农在内,都强烈反对人民币的大幅度升值。

    In the other corner many highly respected economists , including Robert Mundell , an economics Nobel Prize-winner , and Ronald McKinnon , of Stanford University , strongly argue against a big appreciation of the yuan .