
  1. 论徐渭对杜诗的接受

    On the Acceptance of Du Fu 's Poetry by Xu Wei

  2. 徐渭散文对秦汉派散文的超越

    The Transcendence of Xu Wei 's Prose over Qin-Han School

  3. 而这种开风气先的代表就是徐渭。

    This started the trend first representative of Xu Wei .

  4. 论徐渭诗文创作中的个性精神

    Spirit of Individual Character in Xu Wei 's Creation of Poem and Prose

  5. 首先,是徐渭对诡异甚至狰狞意象的捕捉与运用。

    First , Xu Wei 's pursued and used bizarre and ferocious image .

  6. 明清徐渭散文研究述略

    Review of Studies on Xu Wei 's Prose in Ming and Qing Dynasties

  7. 高反差式抒情是徐渭诗歌抒情方式的突出特征。

    Expressing emotions by contrast characterizes the lyric mode of Xu Wei 's poetry .

  8. 徐渭与唐宋派

    On the Relation of Poet Xu Wei with the School of Tang and Song

  9. 徐渭书法风格论

    An Essay on Xu Wei 's Calligraph Style

  10. 徐渭散文情感基调的转变

    The Keynote Conversion of Xu Wei 's Prose

  11. 第二部分,主要论述了徐渭诗歌风格的审美取向。

    Part Two : mainly discuss Xu Wei 's aesthetic features of his poetry style .

  12. 徐渭的自我观是其文学思想的主导因素。

    Xu Wei 's self - view is the main factor of his literature ideology .

  13. 徐渭的哲学思想与王学渊源

    The Genetic Relation Between Philosophic Thought Of Xu Wei and Wany Yangming 's Mind School

  14. 徐渭的艺术精神

    Xu Wei 's Spirit of Art

  15. 从米芾、徐渭书画艺术透视其审美意趣

    On MI Fu 's and XU Wei 's Aesthetic Interest from Their Calligraphic and Painting Art

  16. 旷世奇才的畸变心灵&徐渭的病态人格及其文学创作

    PECULIAR MIND OF AN UNRIVALLED TALENT & On Xu Wei 's Morbid Personality and his Literary Creation

  17. 然后从徐渭明确表达的诗文理论中概括出真与情的主题,深入开掘了其诗文理论的历史传承性和时代开拓性;

    And then I summarized sincerity and sentiment from his theory , studied its inheritance and development .

  18. 徐渭的狂狷人格体现在诗文创作中,则突出地表现为愤世嫉俗的反抗精神。

    Xuwei 's maniac personality which was in his poetry creation had displayed the resistant spirit outstandingly .

  19. 在徐渭的代表作杂剧《四声猿》中,有两篇值得我们注意,那就是《雌木兰》和《女状元》。

    We should pay more attention to two drama which were named Ci Mulan and N ü Zhuangyuan .

  20. 再次,他还能用平淡的笔触表现强烈的感情。第三部分,主要从思想渊源角度探求徐渭多面人格形成的原因。

    Part Three : discuss the reasons why his many-faceted personality developed from the aspect of source of thoughts .

  21. 徐渭的诗激昂慷慨,充溢着建功立业的豪情,主要表现在:第一,诗歌构思不拘常规,想象奇特;

    These are manifested as the following : First , his poetry is unconventional and full of peculiar imagination .

  22. 徐渭的绘画风格,或者说在他绘画中体现的人格特征有两方面的特点,一是深刻的悲剧性;

    Xu Wei 's painting style , or the personality he embodied in his paintings , has two characteristics .

  23. 徐渭在真我论、本色说、风格论和兴观群怨别解四个方面批判和否定复古派理论、构筑新的诗文创作思想与艺术借鉴和鉴赏原则。

    Xu Wei criticizes and defies the neoclassical theories and establishes the theoretic foundations for new poetic principles and artistic tastes .

  24. 基于“本体自然”的自由意识,形成了徐渭“疏纵不为儒缚”的人格特点;

    Basing himself on the freedom consciousness of nature , Xuwei would rather indulge himself than be restricted within the morality .

  25. 晚明徐渭的书画转型及其心学背景

    The Transformation of XU Wei 's Calligraphy and Painting and It 's Philosophy of Heart Background in the Late Ming Dynasty

  26. 在中国古代美术史上,真正名副其实的疯狂艺术家应以明代徐渭最为出名。

    In ancient Chinese art history , Xu Wei in the Ming Dynasty was the mast famous crazy artist that deserves the name .

  27. 文章还以图文并茂的形式在视觉上能够领略徐渭绘画艺术的独特魅力。

    The article also illustrated in the form of visually be able to enjoy the unique charm of Xu Wei art of painting .

  28. 在他的自我观影响下,徐渭的文学思想的核心是师心。

    Under the effect of the his self & view , Xu Wei 's literature ideology core is " learning from heart " .

  29. 并由此探究了中国古典哲学思想儒家文化,道家文化和佛学与徐渭绘画艺术的相关问题。

    And explores issues related to Chinese classical philosophy thought Confucian culture , Taoist culture and Buddhism , and Xu Wei painting art .

  30. 表达自我的方式:室名别号与文人心态解读&兼以徐渭为例

    An Expressing Fashion : the Relationship between Study 's Names , Nicknames and the Literati 's Psychology & Taking Xu Wei as an Example