
  1. 以及整个世界都发生了很大变化,徐乐江表示。

    And the world have changed a lot , Mr Xu said .

  2. 徐乐江的话说明中国官员的口风急转直下。中国官员曾表示他们希望维持基准价格体制。

    Mr Xu 's remarks represent a sharp shift from comments by Chinese officials , who had said they wanted to preserve the benchmark system .

  3. 该集团董事长徐乐江上周末表示,大宗商品交易商的贪婪,推高了宝钢等公司的成本。

    Xu Lejiang , chairman , said last weekend that commodities traders were " possessed by evil " and were pushing up costs for companies such as Baosteel .

  4. 该报援引徐乐江的话称:我们正在考虑,提出收购的可能性很大。

    We are considering it , and the chance of putting forward a bid is high , Mr Xu was quoted as saying in the 21st Century Business Herald newspaper .

  5. 徐乐江表示,尽管低效率的钢铁厂可能停产,但宝钢正计划到2012年将年度产能从2007年的2800万吨提高至8000万吨,并补充称,大部分增产将通过并购来实现。

    While less efficient producers may go out of business , Baosteel is planning to raise its annual capacity to 80m tonnes by 2012 from 28m tonnes in 2007 , Mr Xu said , adding that much of this will happen through M & A.