
  1. 走出中国文学研究的困境《人心与文学徐复观文学思想研究》读后

    Walk out of the Predicament of the Study on Chinese Literature

  2. 现代新儒家对五四反传统的反思&以徐复观为例

    Modern Neo-Confucianism 's Confrontational Introspection to " The May Fourth Movement "

  3. 为人生的艺术&简评徐复观《中国艺术精神》

    The art of life & Review Chinese Art Spirit ;

  4. 打造“与”解构“&徐复观与钱钟书对中国古代文论研究的不同范式

    The Studies of Ancient Chinese Literature Theory of XU Fu-guan and QIAN Zhong-shu

  5. “形而中学”的意涵&徐复观消解“形而上学”的美学诠释

    The implication of " mid-physics ": the aesthetic annotation of Hsu Fook-kuan dispel " metaphysics "

  6. 儒家乐教与中国艺术精神&徐复观《中国艺术精神》读后

    Confucian Musical Cultivation Chinese Art Spirit

  7. 论徐复观对中国绘画的心性学考察

    Personality Cultivation and Evolution of Chinese Painting : XU Fu-guan 's Study on Nature of Mind in Chinese Painting

  8. 传统在协调两层文化的冲突中发挥着重要作用。徐复观的文化哲学观点对于我们今天的文化认知和文化实践具有重要的启发意义。

    The cultural philosophy viewpoint of XU Fu-guan has important inspiration and significance to our cultural cognition and cultural practice .

  9. 徐复观认为,艺术不仅是人类文化的重要支柱之一,还蕴含着知识分子的生活哲思和人格气象。

    Xu believes that art is not only a major support of human culture but also implies philosophy and personality .

  10. 徐复观的这一诠释方式不同于西方文论中的作者中心论、本文中心论和读者中心论。

    This kind of interpretation is different from the writer-centered theory , the text-centered theory and the reader-centered theory in the West .

  11. 摘要现代新儒家的重镇徐复观以治思想史见长,其强调民族性的历史意识带有鲜明的主体间性特征。

    Modem new confucianist 's strategic place Xu Fuguan governs the thinking history to grow perceptibly , its emphasis national characteristic history consciousness has bright intersubjective characteristic .

  12. 徐复观晚年由绘画转向文学,既有还原儒家美学真面目的历史责任感,又有时代精神的激荡和对现实专制政治的感愤等因素的影响。

    Hsu Fu-kuan turns his attention from painting to literature in elder age , which includes not only the historical responsibility of Confucianist clarification , but also the influence of authoritarian politics .

  13. 徐复观的论证过程概括起来是这样的:首先,他界定了中国文化是心的文化,进而提出了一个形而中学的说法。

    The course of his argument can be summed up as follows : First , he defines that the Chinese culture is the culture of heart , and then proposes " Mid-physics " .

  14. 进化心理学是西方心理学研究中的一种新趋向,它运用进化理论探索人的心理的起源和本质。论徐复观对中国绘画的心性学考察

    Evolutionary psychology is a emerging perspective in Western psychology , it explores the origin and nature of mind . Personality Cultivation and Evolution of Chinese Painting : XU Fu-guan 's Study on Nature of Mind in Chinese Painting