
quán jú
  • overall situation;whole situation;situation as a whole;picture of the whole
全局 [quán jú]
  • [overall situation;picture of the whole] 整个局面

  • 影响全局

全局[quán jú]
  1. 能否稳定低生育水平,事关全局,影响重大。

    Whether or not the low fertility level can be stabilized is a matter of great importance and one that would affect the overall situation .

  2. 综观全局,不管怎么变化,我们要真正扎扎实实地抓好这十年建设,不要耽搁。

    Considering the overall situation , no matter what changes may take place over the next ten years , we should do solid work to develop the economy without delay .

  3. 很难从全局上理解局势的严重性。

    The seriousness of the situation is difficult to appreciate in its totality .

  4. 从全局来看,我个人的问题并非十分重要。

    My personal problems are not really important in the overall scheme of things .

  5. 我认识许多商人,我发觉他们考虑问题都是从全局出发的。

    I meet many businessmen , and I see they think in terms of the overall picture

  6. 局部服从全局。

    The part must be subordinated to the whole .

  7. 一着不慎,全局皆输。

    One careless move loses the whole game .

  8. 应该注意那些涉及全局的重要关节。

    Attention should be centred on the links that have a bearing on the situation as a whole .

  9. 影像包括火星全局环境感知图像、火星车车辙图像等。

    The images include the Martian landscape and the ruts left behind by the rover .

  10. 看中国经济,不能只看眼前、看局部、看“单科”,更要看趋势、看全局、看“总分”。

    When observing the Chinese economy , one should not just focus on its short-term performance or the performance of a particular sector . Rather , one should look at the overall trend , the bigger picture and the total score .

  11. 这是因为let是一个全局定义的标识符。

    This is because let is a globally-defined identifier .

  12. 协作缓存CC(CooperativeCache)技术将各服务器的内存协调工作,形成全局的cache。

    Cooperative cache makes each memory work together and forms a global cache .

  13. 当α≥ac时,系统不存在极限环,全局稳定。

    When α≥ ac , the system has no limit ring and the whole is stable .

  14. 此外,comment元素也是全局定义为字符串类型的。

    In addition , the comment element is also globally defined as a string type .

  15. 并且用户都有其全局唯一的ID。

    And the client 's ID is unique .

  16. 针对Bayes融合系统参数的选取问题,我们分别进行了全局参数和局部参数的融合实验;

    We compare global and local parameter in Bayes fusion system ;

  17. 遗传算法的全局搜索能力弥补了BP算法的不足,使BP网络能跳出局部极值,而且缩短了网络的训练时间。

    The global search ability of GA covers the shortage of BP network , and save the training time .

  18. 另一个是系统层次,即优化Cache索引的全局优化方法。

    The other is system level and the paper presents a global method of optimizing Cache index .

  19. 采用双口RAM共享全局存储区方式实现了PCI总线与CAN总线的通信。

    Double-port RAM is used to realize the transmission between PCI bus and CAN bus .

  20. RAID控制器系统中全局配置模块的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of the Global Config Module in RAID Controller Systems

  21. 遗传算法(GeneticAlgorithm)是模拟生物在自然环境中的遗传和进化过程而形成的一种自适应全局优化概率搜索方法,它通过选择、交叉和变异三个过程实现。

    Genetic Algorithm which simulates descendiblity and evolution of biologist in nature environment forms a searching method of adapting all-round optimize probability . Genetic has been applied in many fields .

  22. 关于Liénard型系统的全局稳定性

    On Global Asymptotic Stability of Li é nard Type System

  23. DAO加入一个全局事务。

    The DAO participates in a global transaction .

  24. 具有变时滞和脉冲效应的Hopfield神经网络的全局指数稳定性

    Global Exponential Stability of Hopfield Neural Networks With Variable Delays and Impulsive Effects

  25. 区别于图像的简单几何特征,本文利用图像的全局特征描述子-图像矩特征作为图像特征信息,实现了基于图像的运动目标3D平动的视觉跟踪。

    This paper describes a visual tracking method which uses image moment as image feature for tracking a target that moves in 3D with translational motion .

  26. 集成电路制备中化学机械全局平面化(CMP)后的表面清洗技术

    Post CMP cleaning technology in the fabrication of integrated circuits

  27. 在ACS基础上,改良的蚁群算法采用了更为高效的信息素更新和路径选择机制,使得改进后算法的全局收敛速度得到明显的提高;

    The improved ant colony optimization algorithm is using a new pheromone updating strategy .

  28. 带惩罚项的二维Navier-Stokes方程的全局吸引子

    Global attractor for the penalized 2D Navier-Stokes equation

  29. 第4层重载全局new和delete运算符,并对继承对象按定义方法内存分配,实现面向对象封装内存分配的优化操作。

    Fourth layer carried whole new and delete operators , successive object memory was allocated according to defining method , and optimization operation of encapsulating memory allocation for object-orientation was realized .

  30. 全局DEA评价模型

    Global DEA Evaluation Model