
gǔ yuán
  • Ancient ape;fossil anthropoid
古猿[gǔ yuán]
  1. 婚姻制度发生之前没有人形成,此时地球上生命链接的高级形态是过渡期间的生物&南方古猿。

    Mankind was not formed before marriage institution occurred , at this moment the high formation of the life in the earth was living things southern fossil anthropoid in the transition period .

  2. 最著名的是一个昵称为Lucy的只剩部分骨骸的南方古猿。

    That species is best known by a partial skeleton nicknamed Lucy .

  3. 相信三百四十万年后,露西跟她的伙伴们会不断给我们带来惊喜。1.Australopithecusafarensis南方古猿阿法种

    Because after 3.4 million years , Lucy and her fellow afarensis keep surprising us .

  4. 2008年在南非一个洞穴内发现一个新物种化石,称做南方古猿sediba。

    Fossils of the new species , Australopithecus sediba , were discovered in 2008 in a cave in South Africa .

  5. 比较而言,南方古猿sediba化石具备了早期人类一些最完整的特征。

    The sediba fossils , by contrast , have some of the most complete features in the early human record .

  6. 那次他找到的化石比这次少得多,但也足以得出找到了新物种的结论,他把该新物种命名为南方古猿源泉种(Australopithecussediba)。

    He found many fewer fossils that time , but enough to conclude he was looking at a new species , which he named Australopithecus sediba .

  7. 由于成年南方古猿sediba(据此可推知他们的子女)头部很小,这表明现代人的盆骨可带来直立行走的好处。

    Adult sediba ( and therefore , presumably , their babies ) had small heads , which indicates that walking upright was the advantage brought by the modern pelvis .

  8. 森林古猿牙齿化石首次在中国的发见及其意义

    The first discovery of Dryopithecus teeth in China and its significance

  9. 继之提出了人类的合群行为是从古猿那里继承而来的。

    Human gregarious behavior has been handed down from ancient apes .

  10. 二足直立行走的生物力学特征和南方古猿阿法种可能的行走方式

    Biomechanical characteristics of bipedalism and possible locomotion mode of Australopithecus

  11. 对我国中中新世新发现的几种古猿的研究

    Study on the mid - Miocene apes discovered in jiangsu , China

  12. 对泥河湾古猿人葬身处的推测

    Inference of Burial Place of Nihewan Ape - man

  13. 南方古猿人、克罗马尼翁人、尼安得特尔人是三种灭绝物种的名字。

    Australopithecus , Cro-Magnon , Neanderthal are to name but three extinct species .

  14. 各种不同的南方古猿在三百万年以前就生活在南非。

    Various australopithecines existed in South Africa from about three million years ago .

  15. 禄丰古猿化石产地沉积环境与埋藏学的初步研究

    Preliminary studies of sedimental environment and taphonomy in the hominoid fossil site of Lufeng

  16. 已灭绝的原始非洲中新世灵长类的一个属;有时被认为是森林古猿属的亚属。

    Genus of extinct primitive African Miocene primates ; sometimes considered a subgenus of Dryopithecus .

  17. 云南禄丰古猿化石地点再次发现腊玛古猿头骨&1981年发掘报告

    More Ramapithecus skulls found from lufeng , yunnan-report on the excavation of the site in 1981

  18. 研究人员称该化石是兼具古猿类和现代人类双重特点“令人惊讶的综合体”。

    They described the remains as " a surprising mosaic " of primitive and modern features .

  19. 人们一致认为“能人”是南方古猿和直立人之间的过渡物种。

    The consensus had been that habilis was a transitional form between Australopithecus and Homo erectus .

  20. 南方古猿源泉种的盆骨呈直立式的蝴蝶造型,这也会使人联想到人类的盆骨。

    Sediba 's pelvis , an upright butterfly shape , is likewise reminiscent of the human one .

  21. 腊玛古猿和西瓦古猿的形态特征及其系统关系&下颌骨的形态与比较

    Morphological features of Ramapithecus and Sivapithecus and their phylogenetic relationships - morphology and comparison of the mandibles

  22. 本周,南方古猿人的骨骼在约翰尼斯堡金山大学公布于众。

    This week , bones from Australopithecus Sediba are unveiled at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg .

  23. 但是它们的骨骼化石同时具有古猿特点,比如上肢更像更新纪灵长动物,且大脑较小。

    The arms were more like australopithecines than people , and the primitive skulls encased relatively small brains .

  24. 元谋古猿动物群的生存时代是一个从森林向草原-灌丛环境过渡的动荡时期。

    The period when the Yuanmou hominoid fauna lived was an unrest , transitional one from the forest to bushveld environment .

  25. 它的髋部像南方古猿,大脑体积和猿类的相当,但脚和牙齿却表现出了典型的人属特点。

    It has australopithecine-like hips and an ape-size brain , yet its feet and teeth are typical of the genus Homo .

  26. 不过,要想确定确切的人类演化时间和哪些南方古猿物种参与了演化,仍是极具挑战性的课题。

    But pinning down when precisely this took place , and which of the various australopithecine species were involved , has been challenging .

  27. 地质学家说,该物种在178万至195万年前生活在地球上,古猿和人属早期物种存在于同一时期。

    Geologists said the individuals lived 1.78 million to 1.95 million years ago , when australopithecines and early species of Homo were contemporaries .

  28. 这两个地点中被贴上了南方古猿、直立人和巨人标签的牙齿最可能属于神秘猿类。

    At both sites , teeth labelled variously as Australopithecus , H.erectus and Meganthropus are most likely to be the mystery ape instead .

  29. 属于原始人类南方古猿。达特给化石命名为非洲南猿,意即南非类人猿。

    Of or belonging to the hominid genus Australopithecus . Dart christened the fossil Australopithecus Africanus , meaning the " Southern African ape " .

  30. 南方古猿是早期原始人类的一部分,被认为是祖先人种,现代人就由此而来。

    Australopithecus was a group of early hominids that is reckoned to be the ancestral genus of Homo , to which modern man belongs .