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gǔ ào
  • Guo;archaic and abstruse;be archaic and abstruse
古奥 [gǔ ào]
  • [be archaic and abstruse] 古雅陈旧,深奥难懂(多指诗词文章)

古奥[gǔ ào]
  1. 印度古代史,内容繁杂,深邃古奥,且缺乏原始资料。

    In ancient India history , the contents are miscellaneous and toilsome , profound , archaic and abstruse ;

  2. 《诗经·周颂》主要有两个特征:一、形式特征:不分章节,篇幅短小,言辞古奥;

    The original is expounded through two respects of Zhou Song feature : first , the form feature : no chapters and sections , the short and small length and the archaic and abstruse verbalism are ;

  3. 奈金特建议奥尼尔/麦古奥组合做“全美百老汇”(BroadwayAcrossAmerica)巡演,这是规模最大的巡演体系,编剧和导演都同意,他们就开始行动了。

    Ms. Nugent suggested the O'Neal / MacGraw pairing to Broadway Across America , the largest presenter of touring shows , and with the O.K. 's of the playwright and director , they got to it .

  4. 先秦史是中国五千年文明史的第一个阶段,由于世代久远,文献古奥,有许多地方需要深入探索抉发。

    Pre-Qin history is the first stage of China 's 5000-year civilization , and needs further exploration .

  5. 接下来的晚上,麦古奥和奥尼尔在一个有2700个座位的剧院演出,他们在台上看上去那么小。

    The next night , when Ms. MacGraw and Mr. O'Neal walk out onstage at the 2700-seat theater , they look so small .

  6. 道教语言斑驳古奥、华丽优美、风格独特、意象鲜明,为汉语词汇的丰富做出了重大的贡献。

    The Taoist language with variegated , flowery , characteristic , descriptive words makes great contribution to enriching the vocabulary of the Chinese language .

  7. 《汉书》的典雅古奥、严整醇正、博赡弘丽的文风深受经学的影响。

    The writing style of The History of the Han Dynasty is very refined , pure and magnificent , which was deeply influenced by Confucian classics .

  8. 因为不俗的教育背景与高贵的相貌,麦古奥在《爱情故事》中的表演颇具说服力,并获得一项奥斯卡奖提名。

    With her grand education and patrician looks , Ms. MacGraw was more than believable in " Love Story " ; she was nominated for an Academy Award .

  9. 古汉语教学留给人的普遍印象是古奥枯燥,而充分联系语言实例,则是拉近古今距离,化古奥枯燥为亲近风趣的最佳药方。

    People generally think archaic Chinese studying abstruse and uninteresting , use language examples fully can shorten the distance between ancient and present and make our teaching interesting .

  10. 分析了现代印刷术传入中国使文学传播的主要手段由文言变为白话,由古奥典雅走向浅近通俗。

    Analysis of the main measures of literary communication while the modern printing entered into China from classical Chinese to vernacular , from profound and elegant to simple and popular .

  11. 奥尼尔不住自嘲——“她是为数不多的几个还肯跟我说话的女人”——麦古奥听了忍不住大笑起来,最后嗤之以鼻。

    Mr. O'Neal cracks one self-deprecating remark after another - " She 's one of the few women who will still talk to me " - which make Ms. MacGraw laugh till she snorts .

  12. 其时正值七月中旬,我在这个炎热的城市里重温了青春期的旧梦,而且真的见到了麦古奥和奥尼尔,过一会儿还要对他们做私人采访。

    It 's the middle of July , and I 'm in this blazing hot city to live out my adolescent fantasy and actually meet Ms. MacGraw and Mr. O'Neal . I 'll sit in on a news conference . Then I 'll conduct a private interview with them .