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fǔ xiǔ
  • decayed;decadent;rotten;degenerate;moulder;decrepit;punk
腐朽 [fǔ xiǔ]
  • (1) [decadent;degenerate]∶比喻思想陈腐、生活堕落或制度败坏

  • 腐朽庸俗的作风

  • (2) [rotten]∶木料等含有纤维的物质由于长时期的风吹、雨打或微生物的侵害而朽烂的

  • (3) [decrepit]∶衰老的,老朽的

  • 腐朽的君主政体

腐朽[fǔ xiǔ]
  1. 前面的凸窗腐朽了。

    The front bay window is rotten .

  2. 一个越国人在晋国捡到一俩辐条腐朽、车轮惨败,已经没有用的破车后,居然用船把车弄回家中,并大肆卖弄自己的广见博识。

    A person of Yue came across a useless chariot with rotten spokes1 and wheels . He actually shipped this chariot home , and showed off his wide experience and knowledge .

  3. 我对他们那腐朽的生活方式开始感到厌恶。

    I started to feel a revulsion against their decadent lifestyle .

  4. 屋顶的木料已经腐朽并遭虫害。

    The roof timbers were affected by rot and insect attack .

  5. 这地方有一股污浊腐朽的气味。

    The place smelled of decay and neglect .

  6. 冷凝作用将最终使建筑结构腐朽掉。

    Condensation will eventually cause the fabric of the building to rot away .

  7. 贝内特发起了一场捍卫“道德价值”、反对腐朽堕落的“自由相对论”的战争。

    Bennett launched a crusade for ' moral values ' against decadent ' liberal relativism . '

  8. 一栋如此气势辉煌的大楼就任其腐朽颓败,令人满腔愤慨。

    It is absolutely scandalous that a fantastic building like this is just left to rot away .

  9. 新生力量必然战胜腐朽力量。

    The newly emerging forces are bound to defeat what is corrupt and degenerate .

  10. 这些木材已经腐朽了。

    The timber has rotted .

  11. 由于解毒作用需要能量,所以缓慢的腐朽仍然会发生。

    Whilst the detoxification requires energy , slow decay may still occur .

  12. 腐朽的势力让位于新生的势力。

    Decaying forces give way to new rising forces .

  13. 小说笼罩着死亡和腐朽的气氛。

    The novel spun a miasma of death and decay .

  14. 老王解释道:“燃烧就是火葬,腐朽就是土葬。”

    Laowang explains : " Combustion is cremate , degenerating is inhumation . "

  15. 他强调了罪恶的腐朽

    He stressed the corruptions of sin .

  16. (这座石头建筑几百年来已经渐渐腐朽。)

    Now it ’ s spoiled . Example This stone building has decayed over hundreds of years .

  17. 采用SEM法观察了各种木材腐朽菌在木块内部的生长状态。

    We have observed the fungi growth state inside of the wood block by SEM .

  18. 木材腐朽真菌对CMP漂白及抑制返黄的作用

    The Effect of Biological Treatment with Different Wood-rotting Fungi on the Brightness Stability of CMP

  19. 探讨和分析了室外用定向刨花板(OSB)在真菌腐朽及潮湿条件下力学性能的变化规律。

    The variation of mechanical properties of OSB was analyzed under fungi decay and moist condition .

  20. SIMCA法判别分析木材生物腐朽的研究

    Discrimination of Wood Biological Decay by Soft Independent Modeling of Class Analogy ( SIMCA ) Pattern Recognition Based on Principal Component Analysis

  21. 本文介绍了PILODYN无损检测技术在古建筑旧木构件腐朽与虫蛀程度检测中的应用。

    The application of PILODYN non-destructive evaluation technique in assessing decayed and insect-attacked ancient wood members was introduced in this paper .

  22. 在高耸的CommedesGar?ons北京店的阴影下,看着穿着讲究的消费者排队买精致纸杯蛋糕,很难想象,在40年前,像洗头膏这样的基本商品都可能被谴责为资产阶级的腐朽奢侈。

    Watching well-heeled shoppers queue for designer cupcakes in the shadow of a massive new Comme des Gar ? ons store in Beijing , it 's hard to imagine that a scant 40 years ago , a basic commodity like shampoo might have been denounced as a decadent bourgeois splurge .

  23. 白腐菌云芝腐朽杨木的超微结构研究

    Ultrastructural changes of poplar wood degradation by white-rot fungus Coriolus versicolor

  24. 古老黑暗的大树伸展开他们腐朽的长臂。

    And the old black trees spread their long dead arms .

  25. 青年会变得强壮,直到他们的躯体腐朽。

    The youth will stiffen and remain until their bodies decay .

  26. 中国东北地区的立木腐朽菌

    The Forest Pathogens of Root and Butt Rot in Northeast China

  27. 它们主要是些森林食腐动物,多侵害潮湿腐朽的木材。

    They are mainly forest scavengers infesting damp , rotted wood .

  28. 基于形态学的木材腐朽图像分析与处理

    Analysis and Processing of Decayed Wood Image Based on Mathematical Morphology

  29. 辽宁铁岭柳树边材腐朽病初报

    A new sapwood rot of willow in Tieling of Liaoning Province

  30. 沈阳东陵天柱山木材腐朽菌种类的初步研究

    Wood Destroying Fungi on Tianzhu Mountain in Dongling District in Shenyang