
  • 网络humification process
  1. 腐殖化过程与分解过程均受到抑制。

    Both humification and decomposition are impeded .

  2. 在西南高山林区,树种与下木对土壤形成有重要作用,主要成土过程为酸性淋溶与腐殖化过程。

    In the high-mountain forest region of Southwest China , the major soil forming processes are eluviation ( acid leaching ) and humification .

  3. 不同植物残体腐殖化过程的能态特征研究

    Research on the Changing Characteristics of Energetics of Decaying Process of Plant Residues

  4. 野核桃林土壤在长期特定的生物、气候条件下,其腐殖化过程和钙积化过程明显,粘化过程较弱。

    The humic process and calcific process are obvious in wild walnut forest soils , but it is weak in argillic process .

  5. 研究结果表明:土壤微生物和酶的活性受制于季风气候下的水热状况,并制约有机物质的矿质化&腐殖化过程;

    Results showed that soir microorganisms and enzyme activity were restricted under hydrothermal conditions of monsoon climate , which limited mineralization-humifications of organic material .

  6. 该林区土壤属褐红壤,具有一定的钙质土性质,有机质有特殊的幂积方式,腐殖化过程强,其肥力水平高于赤红壤,在有林情况下,不低于同纬度的红壤。

    Lts fertility levels is higher than that of lateritic red earth and it is not lower than that of red earth at the same latitude if there are forest .

  7. 堆肥化是畜禽粪便等有机固体废弃物实现减量化、无害化、资源化的重要途径,畜禽粪便中含有大量的有机质,堆肥过程是一个有机质降解和进一步腐殖化的过程。

    Composting is the effective way to achieve the reduction , harmlessness and resources of livestock and poultry feces . Animal feces contain a lot of organic matter , composting is the process of organic matters degradation and humus formation .