- 名humus;detritus

[humus] 土壤中细小的无生命有机物,由动植物遗体被微生物分解而成
Earthworms consume large amounts of soil , and produce a rich humus , perfect in texture .
AIM fraction was dominated by high branched ( n value ) polyphenols and humus bound carbohydrates .
Cu combined more easily and closely with large molecular humic substance component ;
While Zn combined easily but weakly with small molecular humic substance component .
The results also showed that the concentrations of two microcystin variants decreased significantly by UV C irradiation ;
The Formation of Humic Substances during Pig Manure Composting and the Adsorption of Copper on Humic Substances
The results show that coagulation pH appeared to be a crucial factor for removal of humic substances from water .
Some inorganic factors , such as salinity , dissolved oxygen and pH , have little effects on protein-like and humic-like fluorescence .
AIM in the DOM of soil originated from microbial decay of humus or root exudates and so on .
Oxidation and coagulation of humic substances from landfill leachate by Fenton 's reagent
The regular variation of surfaee properties , humus composition and nutrient accumulation in both G_1 and G_2 organo-mineral complexes is also observed in zonal soils .
Increase of HA / FA indicated that high-temperature compost helps to produce Humo acid , and therefore improve humus quality .
The paper found the photodegradation law of atenolol in simulated natural water and also discover the interaction between humic substances and other natural water components such as nitrate , iron ions and SWNT .
One year after burning in the Ecological Experimental area , the ratio of No / TN in A and G soil layers was still higher than that in unburned site ;
SOM the main humus , humus , including humic substances ( HS ) and non-humic substances .
For the combination of humus to heavy metals , through composting the giant molecule substance combined more Mn , the little molecule substance easily combined Zn ;
For recirculated leachate , 85.7 % of humic substance was removed efficiently by irrigation on landfill final cover .
HA / FA showed the composition of soil humus which was mostly below 1.0 , this meant humus was mainly composed of FA .
In the South of Hunan with cigarette-rice multiple cropping , the pH is medium and high , the organic matter is high , but the humus content is low in the organic matter ;
However , the relative proportion of exchangeable H + shows a reverse trend Non exchangeable acid comes mainly from OM ( through disassociation of H and Al from humic acidic functional groups ) .
Consequently , it needs to explore in depth the detailed mechanism of promoting aggregates stability by humus and PAM in the electrostatic field .
Humus provides carbon sources , nitrogen sources and energy to microbes , which affecting the activity of microbes . All microbes , humus and some other components form a circulative chain in cultivation and fermentation of cellar mud .
In this paper , photocatalysis of low concentration organic halogenated compounds , humus and some microbial metabolites in drinking water , photocatalysis deactivated bacteria , fungi were introduced .
This paper presented the conception and studying methods of HM , and compared the composition and optical property of Humus and HM in different soils .
At the meantime , the average aggregate rates had decreased . ( 4 ) Humus and PAM were granular and linear molecule organic matters respectively .
The effects of light intensity , temperature , dissolved oxygen , pH value and humic acid on the degradation of α - naphthol were investigated , respectively , by means of indoor and outdoor simulation experiments .
The results showed that the value of complexation stability constant changed with the composting process and it was affected by the factors such as humification degree of humus , pH and ion strength in the environment .
The distribution characters of humic substances ( HS ) and ethanol dissoluble substances ( ES ) in the offshore oil exploration waters have been studied .
Comparing with humus , PAM could evidently increase stability of Na + - aggregate ( which was weak stability ), the breaking strength decreased by90 % .
The available N , P and K contents in soil affect the compositions of humus , and the calcium carbonate and pH of soil are the most important factors in affecting the ratio of HA and FA .