
  1. 登州港在唐代的历史贡献

    Contribution in History of Deng Port in Tang Dynasty

  2. “登州海行入高丽道”是唐代重要的海上航道。

    " The shipping route from Dengzhou to Koryo " was an important sea-lane in the Tang dynasty .

  3. 本文介绍了传播的内容和影响,从一个侧面反映了登州港的历史功绩。

    In this paper , the content and influence are introduced and it reflects the historic contribution of Deng Port .

  4. 登州文会馆是中国第一所现代大学,积极传播了西方先进科学文化。

    Deng Zhou College is the first modern college in China , and actively transmit western advanced science and technology .

  5. 如果你去问美国佛蒙特州的约翰逊州立学院和林登州立学院,答案是:意义重大。

    A lot , if you had asked Johnson State College and Lyndon State College in the US state of Vermont .

  6. 在张炜那里,登州小岛、葡萄园等成为现代人唯一的精神避难所;

    In Zhang Wei 's view , the small Deng Zhou islands and the vineyard are the only mental refuges for the contemporary people .

  7. 文会馆在登州当时的背景下,也面临了不少困难和挑战。但是他冲破了层层困难,仍坚持办学的理念,对近代教育的发展也有所裨益。

    On that background , it faces numerous difficulties and challenges , but he did not back down , continue to adhere to school , and made outstanding contributions to modern education .

  8. 会毕,他迳去费城负有盛名的包德温火车头制造厂(该厂创于1854年)去当学工,历数月,俾将所学在登州教导学生并付实用。

    After the meeting , he entered the renowned Baldwin Locomotive Works ( established in1854 ) in Philadelphia as a trainee for several months , so that his experience could be used in Tengchow .