
  1. 据悉尼先驱晨报报道,德·容格是马来西亚登嘉楼州自行车队选手,上月他回国参加荷兰全国锦标赛,后计划乘坐MH17航班飞回吉隆坡。

    De Jonge , who is part of the Terengganu Cycling Team based in Malaysia , had booked a seat on Flight MH17 , planning to return to Kuala Lumpur after taking part in national championships in his native Holland earlier this month , the Sydney Morning Herald reported .

  2. 他计划通过与该国一个产油州有联系的基金,使用公共资金开展投资为公众谋利,所以他开始拉拢登嘉楼州的苏丹。根据马来西亚轮流担任君主的体制,这位苏丹当时是马来西亚的最高元首。

    His plan was to invest public money for the public good through a fund tied to one of the country 's oil-producing states , and so he began wooing the sultan of Terengganu , who was also Malaysia 's king under the nation 's rotating monarchy .