
dēnɡ shān duì
  • mountaineering party
  1. 因天气原因,登山队不得不放弃冲顶。

    The mountaineering party had to give up their summit attempt because of bad weather .

  2. 登山队加紧训练。

    The mountaineering party intensified its training .

  3. 1981年,一支登山队的5名队员在攀登胡德峰时遇难。

    In 1981 , five members of a climbing party died while scaling Mount Hood .

  4. 你愿意同先遣队一起先走,还是愿意参加第二批登山队?

    Do you want to go ahead with the advance party , or would you rather be in the second group of climber ?

  5. 5月27日,我国珠峰高程测量登山队成功登顶珠穆朗玛峰并完成峰顶测量任务。

    The Chinese team tasked with remeasuring Mount Qomolangma successfully arrived at the summit and conducted a series of surveys on the pinnacle of the planet on Wednesday .

  6. 位于加德满都的香格里拉尼泊尔徒步公司(Shangri-LaNepalTrek)为登山队提供支持。公司执行董事吉班·吉米雷(JibanGhimire)表示,当关于今年的创痛的记忆退却之时,登山迷们还是会带着同样的热情重返珠峰。

    When memories of this year 's trauma subside , mountain enthusiasts will return to Everest with the same zeal as before , according to Jiban Ghimire , the managing director of Shangri-La Nepal Trek , a company in Katmandu that provides support to mountaineering teams .

  7. 现在,介绍一下我们的登山队。

    Now , we 'll be meeting our climbing team .

  8. 1958年,一支登山队在这所学校成立。

    A mountaineering team was set up at the school in 1958 .

  9. 我弟弟曾是珠穆朗玛峰登山队的队员。

    My brother was once a member of the Mount Everest expedition .

  10. 四年前,美国登山队被吹到山下。

    Four years ago , an American team got blown off the mountain .

  11. 一位女同志率领着这支登山队。

    A woman comrade headed up the mountaineering expedition .

  12. 除我们以外,唯一停留下来的是来自中国的一个登山队。

    The only remaining expedition next to us was a group from China .

  13. 上周末失踪的登山队至今下落不明,全无踪迹。

    All trace has been lost of the climing party missing since last weekend .

  14. 卡尔·科布拉于2004年将重返乔戈里峰。卡尔·科布拉于2003年率领的登山队登顶失败了。

    Karl Kobler will be back on K2 in2004.Karl Kobler led and unsuccessful expedition in2003 .

  15. 大学登山队的主要目的是向学生传授登山基本技能和要领。

    The main purpose of university mountaineering clubs is to teach students the basic climbing skills and techniques .

  16. 周三上午11点,这支由8人组成的登山队登顶珠峰,并进行了一系列勘测。

    The team of eight reached the summit at 11 a.m. Wednesday and conducted a series of surveys .

  17. 我们打算在山的另一侧与另外一支登山队会合。

    We plan to join up with the other party of climbers on the other side of the mountain .

  18. 登山队从北峰登顶,登山者常常发现垂直攀登一步比一步艰难。

    The expedition team climbed the peak via the north ridge , where climbers usually find the vertical ascent progressively difficult .

  19. 一支中国登山队顶着强风抵达世界最高峰珠穆朗玛峰的二号营地。

    A Chinese mountaineering team has reached Camp Two of Mount Qomolangma , the world 's tallest peak , despite heavy winds .

  20. 由自然资源部和国家登山队组成的登山队正在测量珠峰的高度。

    The team members from the Ministry of Natural Resources and the national mountaineering team is measuring the height of the mountain .

  21. 1956年的瑞士登山队和1963年的美国登山队首次带回了珠穆朗玛峰的岩石样本。

    The first rock specimens from Everest were brought back by Swiss climbers in 1956 and by an American climbing team in 1963.6Height Dispute05

  22. 近日,北京大学登山队成功登上世界最高峰的峰顶,以庆祝北大建校120周年纪念日。

    A team of mountaineers from Peking University reached the top of the world 's highest mountain in celebration of the university 's 120th anniversary .

  23. 作为本周启程的一支登山队队员,她们将成为登上珠穆朗玛峰顶的第一批美国女性。

    They are part of a team that set out this week to become the first group of American women to reach the summit of Mount Everest .

  24. 登山队攀登的是科曼奇峰,并选了一条深入森林腹地的路,那里有着260平方公里(100平方英里)的野生动物保护区。

    The group chose to hike Comanche Peak on a trail that goes deep into the heart of the massive 260-square-kilometer ( 100 mi2 ) wildlife reserve .

  25. 他参加的珠峰登山队由11名队员组成,其中包括6名尼泊尔夏尔巴人和5名日本人。

    Arayama , a corporate management consultant from Kamakura , south of Tokyo , was part of an11-person team that included six Nepalese Sherpas and five Japanese climbers .

  26. 爱得蒙·希拉里爵士,1953年第一次征服珠穆朗玛登山队中一员,称此事为“骇人听闻”,登山者竟这样见死不救。

    Sir Edmund Hillary , who was on the team that first summitted Everest in1953 , called it " horrifying " that climbers would leave a dying man .

  27. 然而后来的情况是,他疯狂地迷上了佛蒙特的山区,开始学习滑雪,并参加了大学里的滑雪队和登山队,现在,他有了更多的新伙伴,他愉快地生活在科罗拉多。

    As it turned out , he fell in love with the Vermont Mountains , took up skiing , skied on his college team and now lives happily in Colorado .

  28. 适用于家庭、牧民、军队野外练习、野外训练、野外通信、边防哨所、登山队、海岛、地质勘察、煤矿、矿山、野外作业、海上作业、渔船等照明供电。

    It is suitable for family , herdsmen , army training , outside communication , border post , mountaineering , geological prospecting , coal mine , field working , offshore operation , fisherman , etc.

  29. 这支中国登山队2009年夏末去了那里(当时我也在并且知道造假过程),他们看了置入木料的山洞并且拍了电影(录像?)

    The Chinese team went in the late summer of2009 ( I was there at the time and knew about the hoax ) and was shown the cave with the wood and made their film .

  30. 它还成为世界上第一支克服七大洲所有最高峰、徒步往返南北极地的大学登山队。

    It has also become the first university mountaineering team in the world to overcome the highest peaks in all seven continents , and to travel on foot to both the North and South Poles .