首页 / 词典 / good

  • publish;mount;ascend;scale
  • 上,升:~山。~车。~门。~天。~台。~场(chǎng )。~高。~攀。~临。~科。~程。~堂入室。

  • 踩,践踏,脚向下用力:~踏。踢~。

  • 记载:~记。~报。~载。

  • 谷物成熟:~岁(丰年)。五谷丰~。

  • 立刻:~时。“~即相许和,便可作婚姻。”

  • 进:~崇(进用推崇)。

  • 方言,穿:~上靴子。


(由低处到高处) ascend; mount; scale (a height):

  • 登岸

    go ashore;

  • 登上讲台

    mount the platform;

  • 我们登上了泰山。

    We ascended Mt. Tai.


(记载;刊登) publish; record; enter:

  • 登账

    enter an item in an account book;

  • 消息已在报上登出来了。

    The news has been published in the newspaper.


(谷物登场) be gathered and taken to the threshing ground:

  • 五谷丰登

    reap a bumper grain harvest


(腿和脚向脚底的方向用力) press down with the foot; pedal; treadle:

  • 登三轮车

    pedal a pedicab


(踩, 踏) step on; tread:

  • 登在窗台上擦玻璃

    step onto the sill to clean the window;

  • 脚登在凳子上

    rest one's foot on a stool


[方] (穿) wear (shoes, etc.):

  • 他脚登长筒靴。

    He is in long boots.


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 登恒

    Deng Heng

  1. 在h-8登上电梯并准备杀死或者透明通过漫步在屋外的兽人。

    Ascend the elevator at h-8 and prepare to kill or invis by the orcs roaming outside the house .

  2. 他登上狭窄的楼梯到他的卧室去。

    He ascend the flight of narrow stairs to his bedroom .

  3. 他们是首批登上月球的人。

    They were the first men to land on the moon .

  4. 我们在当地报纸上登了广告,招一名清洁工。

    We placed an advertisement for a cleaner in the local paper .

  5. 她努力奋斗,逐渐登上公司的高位。

    She gradually fought her way to the top of the company .

  6. 三个星期之后,他们登上了爱尔兰的海岸。

    After three weeks they made landfall on the coast of Ireland .

  7. 登上山顶要攀爬很久。

    It 's a long pull up to the summit .

  8. 我们在当地报纸上登了一则广告。

    We put an ad in the local paper .

  9. 他登上了他事业的顶峰。

    He has scaled the heights of his profession .

  10. 这张新的歌曲专辑一举登上了周销售量榜首。

    The new album went straight to number one .

  11. 他登上舞台,结果迎来阵阵嘲笑和口哨嘘声。

    He walked on to the stage to be greeted with jeers and whistles .

  12. 我登上甲板第一次看这岛。

    I came up on deck to get my first glimpse of the island .

  13. 他们匆忙登上了飞机。

    They hurried on to the plane .

  14. 他们把总部设在了斯温登。

    They located their headquarters in Swindon .

  15. 阿森纳队如果赢得这场比赛,就会登上积分榜首。

    If Arsenal win this game they 'll go to the top of the table .

  16. 他们一起登上黑洞洞的楼梯。

    Together they climbed the dark stairs .

  17. 我从未想到他们会在头版把它登出来。

    I never thought they 'd put it in black and white on the front page .

  18. 在我第n次被问及这件事情的两天后,相关文章登了出来。

    The story was raised with me for the nth time two days before the article appeared .

  19. 最新的学校兼职工作版面上有广告登着“各种六年级课程”(range误拼为rnage,原文如此)。

    The latest school jobs page advertises a ' wide rnage ( sic ) of 6th form courses . '

  20. 帕里什小姐最近在本埠报纸上登了一则广告。

    Miss Parrish recently placed an advertisement in the local newspaper .

  21. 有好多年,那对夫妻跌宕起伏的关系总是登上报纸头条。

    For years , the couple 's tempestuous relationship made the headlines

  22. 终于通知我们登乘了。

    The word was finally given for us to get on board

  23. 他们在当地报纸上登了一则招聘秘书的广告。

    They placed an advertisement in the local paper for a secretary .

  24. 我将登广告寻人和我同去。

    I shall advertise for someone to go with me .

  25. 1991年,这座房子登广告出售,售价为49,000美元。

    In 1991 , the house was advertised for sale at $ 49,000

  26. 用带子把滑水板绑在船顶后,我们就在多佛登上了气垫船。

    Strapping the skis on the roof , we boarded the hovercraft in Dover

  27. 给你700万美元要你裸体登上杂志,你会拒绝吗?

    Would you turn down $ 7,000,000 to appear nude in a magazine ?

  28. 他在州街登上了一辆北行的有轨电车。

    He took a northbound trolley on State Street .

  29. 第一批游行示威者登上了山顶。

    The first wave of marchers crested the hill .

  30. 昨天至少30名攀登者登上了顶峰。

    Yesterday no fewer than thirty climbers reached the summit