
  1. 历史文献上有关契丹族的确实记载,始于北魏登国四年(389)。

    They were first mentioned in historical records dating from the 4th year of Dengguo ( 389 ) in the Northern Wei period .

  2. 并且所罗门登了国位。

    And now Solomon is seated on the seat of the kingdom .

  3. 埃及总统大选委员会预计将在下周公布全部投票结果。赛西的获胜标志着又一位埃及军人登上该国权力巅峰。

    The Presidential Elections Commission is expected to release all voting results next week , but Mr. Sisi 's election victory ushers into power another man drawn from Egypt 's military .

  4. 近日,澳大利亚一名在逃少女登上该国各大报纸的头版头条,因为她要求警方和各媒体将通缉令上的头像照片换一张更好看的。

    Teenager who was on the run from police in Australia made national headlines after asking police and media to use a better photo of her rather than an unflattering mugshot .

  5. 英国大臣的一次来访就可以登上巴西等国媒体头版头条的日子已经一去不复返。

    The days when a visiting British minister could command headlines in a place like Brazil are over .

  6. 上世纪末,《南京零距离》从传统新闻栏目中脱颖而出,掀起一阵收视浪潮,使得电视民生新闻成为一种新型的新闻节目范式登上了我国广播电视事业历史的舞台。

    The end of the century , " Nanjing Zero " stand out from the traditional news section , set off a wave of ratings , the " TV Livelihood News " has become a new paradigm of news programs broadcast television industry in China climbed the stage of history .