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  • 网络King of Wei
  1. 魏王惊奇地说:“你不用箭就能把飞鸟射下来,你射箭的技术真高明啊!”

    The King of Wei said in surprise : " You can shoot down a bird without an arrow . Your skill in archery is really wonderful . "

  2. 魏王抬头看了一会儿,便对更赢说:“你看见那只鸟了吗?你能把它射下来吗?”

    The King of Wei looked up at it for a while and said to Geng Ying : " Do you see that bird ? Can you shoot it down ? "

  3. 大臣庞恭接受了魏王的任命陪太子到赵国都城邯郸去做人质。

    Minister Pang1 Gong accepted the appointment of the king of the state of Wei and accompanied the prince to Han Dan to be the hostage .

  4. 庞恭又问:“如果第二个人也这样说呢?”魏王依然表示不信。

    Then Pang Gong asked again , " What if a second person told your Majesty the same thing ? " The king said no again .

  5. 魏王脱口说道:“唉!这个人真固执。他不知道方向错了,条件越好,离开目的地就越远。”

    The King of Wei blurted . He doesn 't realize that if his direction is wrong , the better he is equipped , the farther he would be away from his destination . "

  6. 庞恭再问:“如果第三个人还是这样说呢?”魏王说:“大家都这么说,看来这事是真的了。”

    Pang Gong asked once more , " What if a third person told Your Majesty this again ? " The king said , " Since everybody said so , it seemed it was true . "

  7. 一天,季梁去见魏王,报告说:“这次,我来的时候,在路上看到一个人,驾着马车往北走,走得很急。

    One day , Ji Liang went to see the King of Wei and reported : " When I was coming here , I saw a man on the road driving a horse carage north in great haste .

  8. 临行前,他对魏王说:“如果有人对您说,集市上有只老虎,您相信吗?”魏王说:“不相信。”

    Before departure , he said to the king , " If someone told you that there was a tiger at the market , would Your Majesty2 believe it ? " The king said , " No , I would not . "

  9. 他跟随魏王在京台游玩。

    He went sightseeing with the King of Wei at Jingtai .

  10. 一天,季梁去见魏王,报告说:

    One day , Ji Liang went to see the King of Wei and reported :

  11. 魏王脱口说道:“唉!这个人真固执。

    The King of Wei blurted out : " Alas , this man is too obstinate .

  12. 魏王抬头看了一会儿,便对更赢说:

    The King of Wei looked up at it for a while and said to Geng Ying :

  13. 谋士苏代听了这些话,很不以为然,忙上前对魏王说:

    However Su Dai , a counsellor , did not agree . He hurried up to the king and said :

  14. 魏王不再信任庞葱,庞葱从邯郸返回后,魏王也没接见他。

    The king no longer trusted him and even didn 't give him any audience after his return from Handan .

  15. 按照当时的惯例,魏王必须把太子送到赵国作为人质。

    As was usual at the time , the king of Wei had to send his son to Zhao as a hostage .

  16. 魏王把大臣们召来,愁眉苦脸地问大家有没有使秦国退兵的办法。

    The king of the State of Wei summoned his officials , and asked with a worried look if anyone could propose a way to defeat the Qin army .

  17. 临行前他对魏王说:“大王,如果有人对您说大街上有只老虎,您相信吗?”

    Before leaving , he said to the king of Wei ," Your Majesty , if a man reports to you there is a tiger in the street , do you believe it ?"

  18. 唐太宗贞观十年在其子魏王李泰府设文学馆。由于太宗对李泰的特殊宠爱使其文学馆带有了与众不同的色彩并隐约与政治发生了联系。

    As : Emperor TangTaizong 's beloved his son LiTai , this brought about very noticeable feature in LiTai 's literature centre and seemed to have connections with some of aspects in politics .

  19. 庞葱临行前对魏王说:“如果有人说街市上出现了老虎,大王会相信吗?”

    Just before their departure , Pang Cong posed a strange question to the king : " If someone told you that there was a tiger in the street , would you believe it ?"

  20. 尽管苏代讲得头头是道,但是胆小的魏王只顾眼前的太平,还是依大臣们的意见把魏国大片土地割让给秦国。

    Though Su Dai 's argument was very convincing , the king accepted the suggestion of those officials and gave away to the State of Qin a large area of the land of the State of Wei .

  21. 在这大兵压境的危急时刻,多数大臣都劝魏王,用黄河以北和太行山以南的大片土地为代价,向秦王求和。

    At the critical moment when a large enemy force was bearing down upon the border , most of the offinials persuaded the king to sue for peace , at the cost of giving away to the State of Qin the large area of land north of the Huanghe River and south of the Taihang Mountain .