
wèi bēi
  • Weibei;tablet inscriptions of the Northern Dynasties;tablet inscriptions of the Northern Dynasties (386-581)
魏碑 [wèi bēi]
  • [tablet inscriptions of the Northern Dynasties (386-581)] 北朝碑刻的统称,其特点是笔力、字体强劲,是后世书法的一种楷模

魏碑[wèi bēi]
  1. 另一方面是探讨魏碑入行书之难。

    The other aspect probes the difficulty of Wei stele style into running script .

  2. 魏碑与行书之间存在着多层次的矛盾,魏碑入行书具有较高的难度。

    There are multi-level contradictions between Wei stele style and running script , so the degree of difficulty is high on Wei stele style into running script .

  3. 于右任所以喜欢魏碑,是因为魏碑有“尚武”精神,有粗犷豪放之气。

    The reason that Yu developed a love for Northern Wei stone tablets is that the style encourages a valiant spirit through their bold and vigorous style .

  4. 平城时期魏碑体书法的特点是介于隶楷之间,笔者将其具体分作隶楷书和楷隶书两种,并对这两种书法作品作了简单的介绍。

    Author divided the specific calligraphy into two kinds , official-regular script and regular-official script . and make a brief introduction to the two kinds of calligraphy works .

  5. 如果他曾看过许多魏碑,这种学识就会给他一点古气,可是除此之外,他必须让他的灵魂或性格渗进去;这种灵魂或性格当然是人人不同的。

    If he has , this scholarship gives him a certain antique manner , but in addition to that , he must put into it his own soul or personality , which varies of course .

  6. 接下来笔者主要对唐代至清代魏碑艺术的缺失原因和魏碑在清代的大兴和在清代以后的发展进行重点分析和论证。

    Then I mainly research the reasons for the lack of this artistic style from the Tang Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty , and focus on this article ' prosperity during the Qing Dynasty and the future development after the Qing Dynasty .