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  1. 这幅画气韵生动。

    The picture has a vivacious artistic conception .

  2. 气韵生动是文艺作品的精神内涵和审美范畴。

    Spirit-resonance is the connotation and aesthetic category of artistic works .

  3. 气韵生动的自然成为人类追求的自由生命的精神家园。

    Vivid manner in Nature becomes the spiritual homestead for free life .

  4. 打造气韵生动个性鲜明的现代城市

    Building Modern Cities with Spirit-Resonance Life-Movement and The Outstanding Individuality

  5. 论谢赫“气韵生动”的美学思想

    On Xie he 's aesthetic idea about " vividness and vitality "

  6. 气韵生动是线条生命力的体现。

    Qiyunshengdong ( vivid ) is a embodiment of line 's power .

  7. 谢赫的绘画六法与气韵生动

    Vivid Charm and " Six Approaches " in Xie He 's Painting

  8. 气韵生动是中国画论一个传统话题。

    The vivid artistic conception is a traditional topic of Chinese drawing .

  9. 论中国画的用笔与气韵生动

    Discuss the writing and tene of traditional Chinese Painting

  10. 气韵生动之境&浅析中国画的空间表现特点

    The Vivid Spiritual Realm & On the Trait of Space Expression of Chinese Painting

  11. 气韵生动论在书籍装帧艺术中的地位

    The Role of the Theory of Vivid Charm in the Design Arts of Books

  12. 气韵生动在现代设计中的价值

    Spirit-resonance Life-movement Value in Modern Visual Design

  13. 气韵生动与文人画

    Lively Spirit and Charm and Scholars'Paintings

  14. 中国艺术的气韵生动对在中医脉诊中感悟气机变化的启示

    Inspiration of the Vivid States of Qi of Chinese Art for Understanding of Change of Qi-activity

  15. 包括中国画线性的节奏内涵、空间的美感、气韵生动的笔墨韵律。

    Including the linear rhythm connotation of Chinese painting , the beauty of space , vivid ink rhythm .

  16. 本文探讨了气韵生动的理论内涵、气韵生动绘画作品的鉴赏及创作。

    This paper discusses the theory connotations of vivid charm , the appreciation and creativity of vivid charm paintings .

  17. 毫不夸张地说,“气韵生动”已成为评判中国画的第一标准。

    With no exaggeration ," vivid in flavour and tone " has been the prime criteria for judging Chinese paintings .

  18. “气韵生动”是我国古代绘画批评领域的最高美学标准,它为传统绘画思想观念的变迁提供了丰腴的理论胚胎。

    " Spirit-resonance life-movement " is the highest aesthetic criteria in the field of the criticism of the ancient Chinese painting .

  19. 历代研究者对气韵生动的诠释大多从文字训诂的角度展开,造成对它的哲学基础的某种程度的忽视和偏离。

    Most of the researchers interpreted vivid charm from the text , resulting in the neglect and deviation on its philosophical foundation .

  20. 如果用“气韵生动”这个词来理解中国传统绘画的话,云在里其实代表了韵。

    If we understand Chinese traditional painting with the words of " lively spirit and charm style ", actually cloud represent the sprit .

  21. 气韵生动是南朝谢赫提出的关于中国古典绘画的审美理想。

    " Lively spirit and vitality ", presented by Xie He in Southern Dynasty , is an aesthetic ideal of ancient painting in China .

  22. 以期有助于深化对宋代绘画、绘画理论以及气韵生动这一中国绘画精神的研究。

    With a view to contribute to the deepening of the Song Dynasty painting , painting theory , and the spirit of Chinese painting studies .

  23. 论气韵生动在绘画中的时空体现传神写照:金圣叹的人物性格理论

    The Lifelike Spirit and the Expression of Time and Space in Ancient Paintings Lifelike and Portraiture : Jin Shengtan ′ s Theories of Character Features

  24. 中国古典美学中的气韵生动与道禅哲学有着深深的渊源关系。

    There is a source relation between the theory of art vitality and vigour in Chinese classical aesthetics and Taoist school and Chan sect philosophy .

  25. 在此重点讨论气韵生动与文人画之逸格及文人画笔墨间的关系。

    This paper mainly discusses the relationship between lively spirit and charm and easy case of scholars paintings as well as writings of scholars paintings .

  26. 中国传统音乐中“气韵生动”的审美追求,是从中国音乐特有的音乐语汇及审美意象中呈现出来的。

    The aesthetic seeking of the fine life with vitality in Chinese traditional music is taken on from characteristic musical words and aesthetic purpose of Chinese music .

  27. 在中国绘画发展史中,经营位置一直以来都是绘画理论的重要命题,也是中国绘画中气韵生动命题的形式体现。

    In Chinese painting history ," the operating position " is always the important proposition of theory of painting , Chinese painting is " vivid " propositional forms .

  28. 气韵生动说深得古典艺术家心许和首肯,乃在于这一学说深深植根于中国士大夫倾心向往和接纳的道禅文化哲学;

    The reason why classical artists approve and commend the theory is that it roots from Taoist school and Chan sect philosophy which Chinese scholars yearn for and accept .

  29. 总而言之,西洋画重形似,其绘画形态逼真,趣味平易,中国画重神韵,其绘画气韵生动,趣味高远。

    In short , western painting , the painting heavy like amiable , gout shape lifelike , Chinese painting , the painting heavy verve lively , gout than that .

  30. 自南朝齐谢赫提出气韵生动以来,它就成为中国古代绘画的重要美学范畴了。

    In Southern Dynasties , it became the significant aesthetic category of Chinese ancient painting since the theory of " vigor and charm " had been put forward by Xie He .