
  1. 采用信息传递量作为度量气候可预报性的指标,分别讨论了我国各大气候区的10个代表测站平均气温的可预报性。

    The predictability of mean temperature is investigated for ten stations located , separately , in all climatic regions of the country in terms of information transmission as the measure of climatic predictability .

  2. 目前短期气候预测可预报性的研究概况

    Survey of Study on Predictability of Short-term Climate Prediction at Present

  3. 气候系统可预报性的全局研究

    Global study on climate predictability

  4. 简要介绍气候的可预报性理论和新疆气温长期变化可预报性初步研究的成果。

    The climatic predictability and the preliminary research achievements of predictability of long - range temperature change in Xinjiang are introduced .

  5. 介绍了作者近年来关于气候系统可预报性理论研究的一些工作,包括:非线性最快增长扰动理论以及在气候预测的可预报性研究中的应用;

    Some theoretical studies on the predictability of climate system are introduced in this paper . The theory of nonlinear fastest growing perturbation is applied to investigate climate predictability .

  6. 气候的可预报性研究是气候变化研究的一个重要方面,作者首先介绍了短期气候预测之所以可行的两个主要原因,以及短期气候预测可预报性问题的实质;

    The study on the climate predictability is a very important aspect of the climate change research . Firstly , the two key reasons for which the short term climate prediction is feasible , as well as the substance of the short term climate predictability are introduced .

  7. 大气(气候)系统可预报性问题的讨论

    The discuss of the predictability of climatic or atmospheric system

  8. 短期气候预测的可预报性与不确定性

    Predictability and uncertainty in short-term climate prediction

  9. 文中探讨了短期气候预测的可预报性问题,提出月、季尺度气候预测的可预报性的理论上限可能为6~12月,准确率在80%~85%之间。

    Finally , the predictability of short term climate forecast is discussed , and it is pointed out that the theoretical limit of the lead time in monthly and seasonal scale prediction is about 6 12 months and that of the accuracy ( P ) is 80 % 85 % .

  10. 使用ECMWF集合预报数据集估计全球季节平均气候异常的潜在可预报性

    Potential predictability of seasonal mean climate anomaly assessed from ECMWF ensemble seasonal forecasts

  11. 随着气候变率与可预报性研究(CLIVAR计划)的实施,年代际气候变率研究已经成为国际气候研究的一个新热点。

    With the implementation of Climate Variability and Predictability Program ( CLIVAR ), the research of interdecadal climate variability has become a hot point .

  12. 中国月平均温度的气候噪声和潜在可预报性

    Climatic noise and potential predictability of monthly mean temperature over China

  13. 气候脆弱性和可预报性研究

    Climate Vulnerability and Predictability Research