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Modulation effect of protoplasm in guard cell on stomatal transpiration
Motive Force of Stomatal Transpiration and Marginal Effect of Stoma
These analyses depend on a number of potentially confounding factors such as nonstomatal transpiration and temperature .
We suggest that the protoplasm of guardcell involved in stomatal movement .
In plants , stomatal transpiration drives the mass flow of liquid water from the roots to the leaves .
The shortage of water resource limited the development of agriculture . 95 % of water absorbed by roots lost out through stoma on the leaves .
It was estimated that plants account for around 65 % fresh water use every year , which was mainly lost through stomata .
Relations Between Leaf Water Potential , Stomatal Resistance and Transpiration Rate of winter wheat , and Environmental Factors
The stomatal index and transpiration rate changed regularly during three-steps transplantation and the survival rate was over 70 % .
The leaf of almond under no water condition was regulated by stoma and transpiration rate and affected by photon flux density .
Treatment with Tween-80 ( concentration 0.02 & 2 % ) of leaves of maize seedlings induced obvious changes of stomatal movement and transpiration .
So it is a good way to increase the water efficiency in plants and save irrigation water through adjusting stoma open or reducing transpiration water consumption .
The field acid rain spray system was adopted to study the effects of simulant acid rain on leaf injury and chlorophyll content , photosynthesis , permeability of cell membrane , stomatic impedance , and transpiration intensity of 11 crops .
Mesic plants limited water loss from transpiration by increasing their stoma resistance , while xeric plants decreased water loss by keeping the high concentration of cell protoplasm . The latter had a higher efficiency of keeping water than the former .
The effects of three soil water potentials on the growth , leaf water potential , leaf temperature , leaf stom - atal resistance , transpiration rate , leaf cell sap consistance and economic and biological yield of rape were investigated .
Changes in stomatal conductance , transpiration and water use efficiency of ten species experienced in high co_2 concentrations in Biosphere 2
However , intercellular CO_2 concentration ( Ci ) decreased under slight water stress and increased under severe water stress .
With the CO 2 concentration enrichment , the stoma resistance will be increased , but the transpiration will be decreased .
With the in crease of CO 2 concentration and drought stress , the leaf stoma resistance increase and transpiration rate decrease .
The Pn is influenced by many physiological factors . During the ripening process , the chlorophyll content , the stomatal conductance and the transpiration rate are positively correlated with Pn .
Renewal pruning significantly increased photosynthetic rate , stomatal conductance and transpiration of different shoots ; and significantly decreased intercellular concentration . 2 .
The results were shown that phosphorous starvation decreased net photosynthetic rate , stomatal conductance and transpiration rate , but increased intercellular CO2 concentration .
The results verified the view that it is through modifying xylem sap ABA concentration that pH has effect on the stomatal conductance and transpiration rate .
The stomatal conductance , transpiration rate , net photosynthetic rate under ALA Pre-treatment were higher than the control .
Both the ethephon treatment and ethephon plus gibberellin treatment increased the net photosynthetic rate , the gas conductance and the transpiration efficiency . The latter was more effective .
Pn , Gs , Tr and SPAD of nitrogen application were higher than treatment of no nitrogen application .
Stomata conductance , transpiration rate , temperature of leaf , photosynthetic was promoting factors for bean leaf ; intercellular CO2 concentration , CO2 of air and air relative humidity were mainly limiting factors . 3 .
The experiment of the effect of different potassium supplied on tobacco photosynthesis rate , intercelluar CO 2 content , stomatal conductance , transpiration rate , transpiration efficiency , and biomass under soil drought was carried out in pots .
In potted longan , 10 to 20 g / tree of potassium chlorate caused severe leaf drop and leaf chlorosis . The treatments inhibited photosynthesis , reduced stomata conductance and transpiration while increased the CO2 concentration in mesophyll .
Diurnal changes of net photosynthetic rate ( Pn ), stomatal conductance ( Gs ) and transpiration rate ( E ) of muskmelon leaves were a single-apex curve , whereas diurnal change of intercellular CO2 concentration ( Ci ) was a V style .