
qì pào
  • bubble;air bubble;blister;blow;fizz;pin hole;bubble cell
气泡 [qì pào]
  • (1) [bubble]∶液体内的一小团空气或气体

  • 香槟酒里的气泡直往上冒

  • (2) [blow]∶某些吹制成的玻璃器皿的脚上的空隙

  • (3) [blister]∶固态金属表面的突起部分

气泡[qì pào]
  1. Air(初三适用)超声波探测输液管道中气泡方法的研究

    Research on ultrasonic detection of air bubble in race track

  2. Air(初三适用)气泡发生器的流体动力学性能研究

    Study on hydrodynamics of air bubble sparger

  3. 墨汁颗粒附着在气泡上,浮到表面上。

    Ink particles attach themselves to air bubbles and rise to the surface .

  4. 记得在面团上戳几个洞以免产生气泡。

    Remember to prick some holes into the dough to avoid bubbles .

  5. 水烧开的时候,你会看到水面有气泡。

    You can see bubbles rise to the surface when water boils .

  6. 仔细检查一下玻璃,看有没有气泡。

    Examine the glass carefully for bubbles .

  7. 水从沙里冒出气泡。

    Water bubbled up through the sand .

  8. 那个男孩在吹气泡。

    The boy was blowing bubbles .

  9. 从该液体中最先逸出的气泡是空气和氢的混合物。

    The first bubbles to escape from the liquid are a mixture of air and hydrogen .

  10. 气泡破了。

    The bubble has burst .

  11. 她仔细地检查那块水晶,看有没有气泡。

    She examined the crystal carefully for bubbles .

  12. 气泡在每一层上重新形成。

    Bubbles form afresh at each level .

  13. 人们饮食习惯的改变,包括气泡饮料消费量的大幅下降,已迫使该行业发生了根本性的变化。

    Shifting eating habits , including a sharp drop in consumption of sparkling drinks , have forced radical change on the industry .

  14. 百事可乐公司的食品和饮料计划是基于世界卫生组织的指导方针而制订的。上周,该组织支持对气泡饮料征税,以减少糖消费。

    PepsiCo 's plan for its foods and drinks is based on guidelines from the World Health Organisation , which last week backed using taxes on sparkling drinks to reduce sugar consumption .

  15. 玻璃含有气泡,使它质量降低。

    The incorporation of air bubbles in the glass spoiled it .

  16. 查抄版背有无针孔、气泡等弊病,并举动补缀

    Check the page without pinhole , bubble cratering and fix it .

  17. 酒发酵时发出气泡

    When wine is fermented , it gives off gas .

  18. 这些闪着彩虹般颜色的大气泡很美。

    The iridescent bubbles were beautiful .

  19. 但入住该酒店的巴西奥运代表团处于“气泡防疫模式”下,与其他客人分开,没有被感染。该支代表团共有31人,其中包括柔道运动员。

    But a 31-strong Brazilian Olympic delegation athletes , are in a " bubble " in the hotel and separated from other guests and have not been infected .

  20. 为防控疫情,主办方已经开启奥运会“气泡防疫模式”,但医学专家担心,奥运会服务人员的流动可能制造感染机会,“防疫气泡”可能做不到完全密封。

    Organizers have imposed Olympic " bubbles " in an effort to keep out COVID-19 , but medical experts are worried that they might not be completely tight as movement of staff servicing the games can create opportunities for infection .

  21. 减压时进行心前区Doppler气泡监测。

    Bubble sound in the precardiac region was monitored with Doppler monitor on decompression .

  22. 倾斜上升弹状流中Taylor气泡运动速度研究

    Study on the Velocity of Taylor Bubble in Inclined upward Slug Flow

  23. 试验发现,加成型室温硫化硅橡胶硫化过程产生气泡的主要原因是氢基硅油与H2O分子的反应。

    Result showed that air bubble when the rubber curing came from the reaction of Si-H and H_2O .

  24. PDA测试浮选柱液-气两相流中气泡的流速分布

    Bubble Velocity Distribution in Liquid-Gas Two-Phase Flow of Flotation Column Using PDA Velocimeter

  25. 利用SEM分析了泡沫玻璃的气泡结构,并对试样进行了抗酸性测试。

    The bubble structure of the samples was examined through SEM , and acid resistance of the samples was measured .

  26. 基于SAS软件对发泡塑料气泡界面运动形态的研究

    Study on Interface Motion Forms of Bubbles of Foaming Plastics Based on SAS Software

  27. 利用MonteCarlo方法预测精馏塔板上气泡尺寸分布及相界面积

    The Prediction of the Bubble Size Distribution and the Interfacial Area on a Distillation Tray by Monte Carlo Method

  28. 针对气泡粒数衡算方程求解的复杂性,本文采用了MonteCarlo模拟技术来简化气泡粒数衡算方程的求解。

    In view of calculation difficulty of PBEs , the Monte Carlo simulation technique was applied to simplify the solution of PBEs .

  29. 研究结果表明,最大Lyapunov指数对应的尺度较大,对气泡的行为更为敏感,关联维数和K熵的尺度较小,其变化趋势与乳化相有更好的对应关系。

    The research shows the lyapunov exponent is more sensitive to the phase of bubble , the lager scale of the pressure fluctuation signal .

  30. 借鉴Windows操作系统中的气泡窗口功能,提出了在发电厂DCS中应用气泡窗口对人机界面进行改进。

    Based on balloon tips in Windows operating system , the paper proposes application of balloon tips to improve HCI of DCS in power plants .