
  • 网络catholic theology
  1. 根据天主教神学的自卑的字组成的假设人类,同时掩星的神。

    According to Catholic theology , the abasement of the Word consists in the assumption of humanity and the simultaneous occultation of the Divinity .

  2. 但他们终归是不同的教派,这与以上提到的中世纪的爱情的,四种成分的综合有关,这四种成分至今还存在于天主教神学中。

    But still they are different sects , and that 's related to the question of the synthesis among those four ingredients of medieval love , which still exist as ingredients in Catholic theology .

  3. 其中,重点着力于分析图像中所隐藏的天主教神学思想在结合了明代中国的图像模式后,所产生的文化互动现象与随之而来的影响。

    Among them , the emphasis focused on the analysis of cultural interaction in the hidden image of Catholic theology combining the image modal of Ming Dynasty China , in resulting cultural interaction and the consequent impact .

  4. 他将亚里士多德哲学和基督教系统地结合起来,使之构成天主教神学的基础。阿奎那的“五大论证”是关于上帝存在的最重要、最有争议的观点之一。

    His systematic marriage of aristotle 's philosophy and Christianity forms much of the basis of Catholic theology aquinas 's " five ways " are among the most important and controversial of the arguments for god 's existence .

  5. 同时,在法国尤其是在巴黎,天主教学校成了神学研究中心。

    At the same time , in France the cathedral schools became centres of theological study , especially in Paris .

  6. 笃信天主教的远藤周作,一生都在探讨天主教神学与文学之间的关系问题,日本文化传统中的泛神论思想与西方基督教崇信的一神论思想之间的对立冲突也是其文学创作中的重要课题之一。

    Besides that , the conflict between pantheism in Japanese traditional culture and monotheism in western Christian Faith is one of the important issues in his literary works .