
  • 网络Fudan University Library
  1. 复旦大学图书馆利用网络为读者提供常见问题回答、读者留言板、BBS等多种咨询服务,为虚拟参考咨询系统建设提供有关的研究和服务基础。

    Our construction of VRD is based on the network services of Fudan University Library ( FDL ), such as FAQs , Readers ' Message Board , BBS and so on .

  2. 虚拟参考咨询系统研究与应用&以复旦大学图书馆为研究开发模型

    Research and Application of the Virtual Reference System : Based on Fudan University Library

  3. 高校图书馆网站信息构建的可用性研究&以复旦大学图书馆网站为例

    Study of Usability on Information Architecture for Academic Library Website : Take Fudan University Library as An Example

  4. 复旦大学图书馆虚拟参考咨询台提供电子邮件及实时在线咨询服务,本文介绍了本馆自行开发的虚拟参考咨询台的建设、功能及其在信息服务中的应用。

    This paper introduces the construction , function and application of the system of Virtual Reference Desk in library of Fudan University consists of E-mail and real-time service .

  5. 介绍和讨论了复旦大学医科图书馆的信息网络、网络信息资源建设和维护,以及开展网络信息资源服务的研究。

    Introduced and discussed in this paper are the development and maintenance of information network and network information resources as well as the service of network information resources in Medical Library of Fudan University .

  6. 复旦大学江湾校区图书馆全面质量管理构建框架

    The Library Total-Quality Management Framework Construction of Jiangwan Campus of Fudan University