
fù gǔ
  • Retro;restore ancient ways;revivalism;return to the ancients
复古 [fù gǔ]
  • [restore ancient ways;return to the ancients] 恢复往古的社会秩序和习俗

复古[fù gǔ]
  1. 那么怎么简化就是关键问题了,设计师需要掌握这种技能,否则纯粹的照搬传统会显得乏味和复古。

    So how to simplify is the key problem , stylist need to master the skill , or pure copy traditional can appear drab and restore ancient ways .

  2. 元代人通过学习李邕书法,终至出唐入晋,复古为新。

    The people in the Yuan Dynasty eventually learned a lot about both Tang and Jin Dynasties by learning from Li Yong 's calligraphy so as to restore ancient ways for the new ones .

  3. 这些夏装看上去有复古风范。

    There is an olde worlde look about the clothes for summer .

  4. 在过去几个月,复古的手推波浪成为红毯潮流。

    For example : Retro finger waves are a red carpet staple in the last few months .

  5. 电影《了不起的盖茨比》首映之后,这种复古的发型仍然很流行。

    After the premiere of " The Great Gatsby , " the retro style is still going strong .

  6. 春天到了,有没有想换发型的冲动?有一款发型即简单又复古,叫做“手推波浪”。手推波浪是把头发做成波浪式的一种方法,在20世纪二三十年代和20世纪90年代末风靡北美和欧洲。

    A finger wave is a method of setting hair into waves that was popular in the 1920s and 1930s and in the late 1990s in North America and Europe .

  7. “胡子月”的概念始于2003年,当时一群澳洲男子想出了这个点子,想藉此让全世界每位男性在11月蓄胡子,重新带动一股复古时尚风潮。

    The idea for Movember started in 2003 , when a group of Australian men came up with the idea of reviving an old fashion trend by having every guy in the world grow a mustache in November .

  8. 我们甚至去了OldSchool(OldSchool:复古Hip-Hop)

    We even tried old school . I said hip-hop

  9. 这个空间占地3500平方英尺,由他与伦敦的Campaign公司合作设计,以复古家具的陈列和林能平本人策展的艺术品为特色。

    The 3,500-square-foot space , designed in collaboration with the London agency Campaign , features vintage furniture and artwork curated by Lim himself .

  10. Lovely是一款格调高雅,香味宜人,充满复古情调的香氛,适合时髦的现代女性。

    Making Lovely Perfume an elegant and charming perfume with vintage accents that are made for the chic modern women .

  11. 上周日,44岁的贝嫂拍摄了一张7岁的女儿在剪新的复古发型的照片并上传到Ins故事上。

    And now Victoria Beckham , 44 , captured seven-year-old Harper getting a chic new haircut via her Instagram Stories on Sunday .

  12. 他开创的折中主义非常成功,人们有时甚至忘了谁是第一个这样做的人,但是如果没有他,复古家具店(Hardwarecatalog)的产品目录将会很薄。

    The eclecticism he pioneered has been so successful that one can sometimes forget who did it first , but without him the Restoration Hardware catalog would be pretty thin .

  13. 一条假冒的广告声称:把你iPhone上的时间调成1970年1月1日,你的手机会呈现复古风——其实并没有。

    A fake advertisement claims that changing the date on your iPhone to 1 January 1970 will give you a retro Apple design - it doesn 't.

  14. Camille也上传了她和妈妈一起拍的可爱的复古照。

    Camille posts adorable throwback pictures with her mom as well .

  15. 赛琳娜·戈麦斯非常爱她这只极具女性化的MCM复古圆筒包。这只包完美的搭配她精致,完整(依然年轻)的风格。

    Selena Gomez loves her ultra-ladylike MCM Heritage bowler bag , which perfectly complements her polished , pulled-together ( yet still-youthful ) style .

  16. 朱迪思?雷伯(JudithLeiber)的JL1674和IconEyewear的30310款采用了柔和的泡沫型轮廓,全面回归复古设计风格。

    Soft , bubbly shapes from Judith Leiber ( JL1674 ) and Icon Eyewear ( 30310 ) round out these throwback designs .

  17. 2008年:在MTV音乐录影带大奖上,这位女演员长到腰间的波浪卷发和60年代时尚的复古妆容使她看起来既赏心悦目又很健康。

    2008 : The actress looked happy and healthy at the MTV Video Music Awards in waist-length waves and frosty '60s-chic makeup .

  18. 在其中一张照片里,泰兰穿着以埃丝特·威廉姆斯(EstherWilliams)为灵感的复古土灰玫瑰紧身衣裤,肩带上装饰着蝴蝶结,臀部装饰着亮片,领口有个领结。

    In one photo , Taylen wears a retro Esther Williams-inspired dusty rose bodysuit with ribbon shoulder straps , glitter-adorned bottoms and a bow tie .

  19. 举办自己的首个迪奥成衣展时,他穿的是奥地利设计师赫尔穆特·朗(HelmutLang)设计的饰有红色条纹、复古风格的牛仔夹克。

    For his first Christian Dior ready-to-wear show he wore a vintage denim jacket with red stripes by Austrian designer Helmut Lang.

  20. 老式好莱坞波浪卷发复古手指形波浪出现在了ZacPosen和Thakoon的T台上。

    Old Hollywood WavesRetro finger waves made an appearance on the Zac Posen and Thakoon runways .

  21. 新设计的酒吧将会尝试重现以前“兰吧”(OrchidBar)那种典雅的复古时尚风格。大仓酒店的这个酒吧里灯光柔暗,这里调制的鸡尾酒深受各国外交官、外籍人士和记者的喜爱。

    A newly designed bar will try to recapture the stylish retro-chic of the former Orchid Bar , the Okura 's elegant , dimly lit cocktail haven loved by diplomats , expatriates and journalists .

  22. 《摩登家庭》的索菲娅·维加拉用复古水洗淡色曲线玲珑的“FerrisFlare”牛仔裤使自己的身材更漂亮。

    Modern Family 's Sofia Vergara plays up her shape with her favorite curve-flattering Hudson " Ferris Flare " jeans in a vintage-chic faded wash .

  23. 包括法国Lanvin,英国AlexanderMcQueen在内的诸多时尚品牌都推出了此类复古风的新品。

    Many fashion brands like Lanvin in France and Alexander McQueen in the UK have created dresses in this style .

  24. 上世纪70年代的流行风格再度成为时尚宠儿,圣罗兰(SaintLaurent)与古驰(Gucci)是这股复古之风的引领者。

    The 1970s is achingly cool once again . In the world of fashion , Saint Laurent and Gucci are riding the crest of the 70s-inspired look .

  25. 她和她的喜剧演员未婚夫&今年34岁的鲁赛尔分开下榻在W酒店共赴约会,很明显,这位酷爱穿着“复古风”衣服的明星很希望吸引众人目光。

    She and fianc é, comic Russell , 34 , were seen arriving at the W hotel separately for a rendezvous , and clearly the singer who is known for her outr é retro style was keen to impress .

  26. 2007年:凭借电影《变形金刚》的一炮而红,福克斯大胆尝试了复古范儿十足的蓬松式发型出席了GQ男人装杂志举办的年度大奖。

    2007 : Following her star-making turn in Transformers , Fox tried out a retro bouffant for the GQ Men of the Year awards .

  27. 在CommedesGarçons发布会上,模特身穿类似犰狳的一层层盔甲面料装以及撑裙(外用复古风格的漂亮织锦覆盖)。

    At Comme des Gar ç ons , the models wore armadillo-type layers of material body armour and panniers all covered in beautiful , antiquey brocades .

  28. 如果你追求的是时尚,还剑湖(HoanKiemLake)西侧MoniqbyM服装店的ThuMadelin从国外的复古商店获得了启示。

    If it 's fashion you 're after , Thu Madelin at Moniq by M , on the western side of Hoan Kiem Lake , takes cues from overseas vintage stores .

  29. 法国作曲家雅各布·巴博尼(JacopoBaboni)将和以复古合成器音乐闻名的北京电子乐艺术家孟奇合作表演,为该电影节揭幕。

    The French composer Jacopo Baboni will kick things off in a performance with the Beijing electronic artist Meng Qi , who is known for hacking vintage synths .

  30. Blair是个美国公主,Damon解释到,所以对我来说,她的礼服必须要非常精致非常摩登时尚,但是仍旧要保持她一贯经典考究的复古感。

    Blair Waldorf is an American princess , Damon explains . So for me , [ her wedding dress ] had to be very tailored and very modern , but also have a very classic kind of Old World sense to it .