
fù sū
  • recovery;resuscitate;resuscitation;resurgence;wake;come back to life;regain consciousness;turn round;back on the rails
复苏 [fù sū]
  • (1) [wake]∶被唤起,振奋

  • 旧的感情复苏了

  • (2) [come back to life;regain consciousness]∶生物体或离体的器官、组织或细胞等在生理机能极度减缓后又恢复正常的生命活动

  • 大地复苏,麦苗返青

  • 日将暮,取儿藁葬。近抚之,气息惙然。喜置榻上,半夜复苏。--清. 蒲松龄《聊斋志异.促织》

  • (3) [recovery]∶资本主义再生产周期中继萧条之后的一个阶段。其特征是生产逐渐恢复,市场渐趋活跃,物价回升,利润增加等

  • 经济复苏

复苏[fù sū]
  1. 但是现在,这家工厂,作为一个小排量,节能型汽车的生产厂家,已开始复苏。

    But now , the plant is starting to come back to life as a major manufacturer of small , energy efficient cars .

  2. 结论目前认为HS、HSD是失血性休克复苏液体较好选择,新的复苏方法&即限制(低压)复苏、延迟复苏和低温复苏正在成为研究热点。

    Conclusion HS HSD is still the best chose in resuscitate of liquid in bleed to shocking at present and the novel techniques are becoming focus of study .

  3. 他相信经济确实在复苏吗?

    Does he believe the economy 's really on the mend ?

  4. 新政策并没有带来所期待的经济复苏。

    The new policy did not bring the hoped-for economic recovery .

  5. 通货膨胀是影响经济复苏的严重障碍。

    The level of inflation is a serious impediment to economic recovery .

  6. 债券市场通常在夏天萧条期后开始复苏。

    The bond market normally revives after the summer doldrums .

  7. 经济终于开始复苏了。

    The economy is at last beginning to recover .

  8. 专家预测经济将复苏。

    Experts are forecasting a recovery in the economy .

  9. 这是经济复苏的确切迹象。

    It 's a sure sign of economic recovery .

  10. 餐厅业正在复苏。

    The restaurant trade is on the upturn .

  11. 由于利率的提高,公司的复苏已无任何可能。

    The rise in interest rates sabotaged any chance of the firm 's recovery .

  12. 在一片经济复苏的希望中石油股票价格上涨。

    Oil shares advanced amid economic recovery hopes .

  13. 政府预测经济会复苏。

    The government is forecasting an economic recovery .

  14. 经济开始复苏。

    The economy is beginning to revive .

  15. 政府宣称失业人数减少是经济复苏的先兆。

    The government claims that the fall in unemployment is the herald of economic recovery .

  16. 许多经济领域已经开始复苏。

    In many sectors of the economy the recovery has started .

  17. 复苏的经济将对人民产生影响。

    This rejuvenated economy will turn its face to the people .

  18. 随着复苏的加速,利率会降下来。

    Interest rates would come down as the recovery gathered pace .

  19. 劳工部的数据进一步印证了经济复苏状况的不稳定。

    The Labor Department figures underscore the shaky state of the economic recovery

  20. 高利率已经成为经济复苏的障碍。

    The higher rates have been a hindrance to economic recovery

  21. 经济学家认为更加自由的市场将使这个地区的经济迅速复苏。

    Economists argued that freer markets would quickly revive the region 's economy

  22. 经济复苏的迹象刚刚开始显现。

    The signs of an economic revival are only just beginning

  23. 他的国家急需西方援助以复苏其不景气的经济。

    His country desperately needs Western aid to restore its ailing economy .

  24. 复苏经济的承诺是千真万确的。

    There were no nonsensical promises about reviving the economy .

  25. 不利的经济形势阻碍着美国保险市场的复苏。

    Unfavourable economic conditions were blocking a recovery of the American insurance market

  26. 经济并未像人们期望的那样迅速复苏。

    The economy isn 't bounding back as fast as people expected .

  27. 消费者信心的提升对经济的复苏至关重要。

    Improved consumer confidence is crucial to an economic recovery .

  28. 国内销售的停滞不前正阻碍着经济复苏。

    Stagnation in home sales is holding back economic recovery

  29. 人们所期望的英国经济复苏并没有来到。

    The hoped-for economic recovery in Britain did not arrive

  30. 银行有一套三管齐下的复苏战略。

    The bank has a three-pronged strategy for recovery .