
fù zhì cuò wù
  • replication error;copy error
  1. DNA复制错误阳性大肠癌的临床病理特点

    The relation between DNA replication error and clinicopathological features of colorectal carcinoma

  2. 由于筛选、某种代理问题或其他复制错误,当前未应用数据。

    The data is not being applied due to filtering , an agent issue , or another replication error .

  3. 近年来有的报道显示,一些物种D环重复区长度异质性非常高,似乎线粒体中对DNA复制错误的修复能力很低,这与以往的认识相矛盾。

    Compelling studies reported that some species exhibited very high heteroplasmy , indicating low ability of error correction in the process of DNA replication in mitochondria , which conflicts with existing knowledge .

  4. 主流观点一贯认为,随机的复制错误在这其中作用最为显著。

    The idea that random copying errors are prominent among them is thoroughly mainstream .

  5. 目前,我无法复制错误的信息,你正经历着你所拥有的提供。

    Presently , I am unable to reproduce the error you are experiencing with the information that you have provided .

  6. 结果显示两者之间存在强相关,相关系数曲线十分陡峭,这表明不同组织癌症易感性间的差异中,有三分之二可以通过自发的复制错误来解释。

    The result was a strong correlation , a steep sloping line suggesting that two-thirds of the difference in cancer susceptibility could be explained by spontaneous errors .

  7. 突变可以是由辐射、化学作用、外部病原体(如:病毒)或细胞分裂时基因组复制错误造成。

    Mutations can be induced by radiation , chemical treatment , foreign pathogens ( e.g. viruses ), or due to errors that occur during replication of the genome each time a cell divides .

  8. 复制保护错误-所给的扇区没有有效的css密钥。

    Copy protection error-the given sector does not have a valid CSS key .

  9. 复制保护错误-由于扇区加密,读取失败。

    Copy protection error-the read failed because the sector is encrypted .

  10. 复制发送错误的总数。

    The total number of replication message errors .

  11. 复制保护错误-驱动器的区域设置可能是永久的,或者用户重设的次数已用尽。

    Copy protection error-the drive 's region setting may be permanent or the number of user resets has been exhausted .

  12. 在以下情况下可能重新设置此设置:故障转移、首选服务器更改、缓存文件不可访问、复制间隔错误,或者在其他任何需要与新的服务器邮件文件进行同步时。

    This setting can be reset by failover , preferred server change , unreachable cache file , replication interval setback , or any other time you need to synch with a new server mail file .

  13. direct-x安装程序报告了一个文件复制方面的错误。

    Direct-x setup has reported a file copy error .

  14. 但是,如果任何对象没有成功地复制,那么错误消息被写入错误表,而且在输出中显示Errortabschema和Errortab的名称。

    However , if any object was not successfully copied , an error message is written to an error table and the output displays the name of the Errortabschema and the Errortab .

  15. 仅在缺少缓存文件或复制间隔出现错误时重新设置它。

    It is reset only by a missing cache file or replication interval setback .

  16. 我们先来看看触发器过程;在下一小节中再讨论批量复制,将错误日志记录机制用于其他用途。

    Let 's look at the trigger procedures first ; come back to the bulk copy in the next section , where you 'll use the error-logging mechanism for additional purposes .

  17. 将logconfig复制到注册表时错误。

    Error in copying logconfig to registry .

  18. Errortabschema指定错误表的模式名,这个表包含无法复制的对象的错误信息。

    Errortabschema specifies the schema name of a table containing error information for objects that could not be copied .

  19. 他确认预定的复制完成时没有错误。

    He verifies that the scheduled replications completed without errors .

  20. 然而,我们的政策制订者会错读新闻,并复制一九三七年的错误吗?

    But will policy makers misinterpret the news and repeat the mistakes of1937 ?

  21. 获取与上次从此源进行的复制尝试关联的错误代码。

    Gets the error code that is associated with the last replication attempt from this source .

  22. 错误:无法创建复制服务器对象。错误代码是%1。

    ERROR : Could not create the replication server object . Error code was % 1 .

  23. 在使用清单1中的方法时,如果复制过程发生任何错误,那么脚本将退出,以阻止脚本在出现错误后继续执行。

    Using the approach in Listing 1 , the script exits if there is any error in the copy process , thus not allowing the script to carry on processing if there is an error .

  24. 另存为对话框是复制或者管理复制的错误工具,最后用户不得不自己收拾残局。

    The Save As dialog is the wrong tool for making and managing copies , and it is the user who will eventually have to pick up the pieces .

  25. 如果遇到与复制公用文件夹层次结构有关的配置错误,必须挂起公用文件夹内容的复制并纠正错误。

    If you experience a configuration error pertaining to the replication of the public folder hierarchy , you must suspend the replication of public folder content and correct the error .

  26. 其中修复DNA复制中发生的碱基错配的系统称为错配修复系统,可避免复制错误的产生与积累。

    The system is called mismatch repair system whose function is to repair the mismatch of nucleotide in replication and avoid the accumulation of replication errors .

  27. 但是在DNA复制过程中生物体内在和外在因素会影响碱基之间正常配对,造成碱基错配,致使DNA复制发生错误。

    But inherent and extrinsic factors of organism would influence the normal base pairs in the course of DNA replication , causing the base mispairing and DNA replication errors .