
  • 网络foreignness;allopatric;to valorize the foreign;valorize t he foreign;ExotiCism
  1. 在翻译中,归化意味着消除源文本中的一切陌生感和异域性,使译文读起来像原著。

    In translation , domestication means removing all strangeness and foreignness of the source text and making the translation read like the original .

  2. 归化是指译者从目的语读者的角度出发,为了将源语文本中的异域性最小化而采取的一种透明的,通顺的翻译策略。

    Domestication refers to the translation strategy in which a transparent , fluent style is adopted in order to minimize the strangeness of the source text for target language readers .

  3. 这从三个方面展开:第一,从对旅游审美活动具有综合性、直接体验性及异域性的特征的阐述中将其与其它审美活动区别开;

    Part three consists of three parts ; Firstly , the following characteristics of the aesthetic activity of tourism : comprehensive nature , direct experiences and experiences in other lands , distinguished it from other aesthetic activities .