
yì yǎnɡ jūn
  • heterotrophic bacteria
  1. 从时间分布看,养殖区异养菌数的变化受温度的影响较大,与温度变化相关性明显。

    From the time distribution , the heterotrophic bacteria and temperature have obvious correlation .

  2. 城市公园湖水体中异养菌与主要污染物的相关性研究

    A correlative study on heterotrophic bacteria and the main pollutant in city lakes ' water

  3. 采用间歇活性污泥法和呼吸计量法对活性污泥数学模型中异养菌产率系数γH进行测定研究。

    A batch method of activated sludge and respirometry were employed to estimate the heterotrophic bacterium yield coefficient Y_H .

  4. 利用异养菌脱除H2S恶臭的实验研究

    Experimental study on removal of H_2S by using heterotrophic bacterium

  5. 在扇贝的消化盲囊和性腺内也分离到异养菌和弧菌,分别为103~105个g和103~105个/g。

    The bacterial numbers of the digestive diverticula and gonads of scallops were also calculated , fluctuating from 103 to 106 cells per gram .

  6. 模型中异养菌产率系数YH对其他组分的测定值有显著的影响。

    Yield coefficient of heterotrophic biomass affects the value of other parameters in models .

  7. 结果表明:AOC是控制细菌再生长的主要因素,管网水中的最大AOC浓度决定了细菌再生长能够达到的最大异养菌数(HPC);

    The main factor to control the regrowth of bacteria in the distribution system is AOC , not phosphorus .

  8. 异养菌处理高岭土原矿30d时,粘土中Fe3+的去除率最大达到0.60mg/gclay。

    After treating the kaolin ore with the heterotrophic microbes for 30 d the rate of removal of Fe3 + in clay attained up to 0.60 mg / g clay .

  9. 但与MBR相比,CAS中硝化菌数量少32%,亚硝化菌的数量少35%,异养菌数量少24%。

    Compared to the MBR , the average numbers of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria , nitrite-oxidizing bacteria and heterotrophic bacteria were 32 % , 35 % and 24 % fewer in the CAS , respectively .

  10. 好氧异养菌量决定于COD和BOD5,河流中抗汞细菌的生态分布决定于异养菌量和汞污染的程度。

    Population of aerobic heterotrophic bacteria was dependent on BOD5 and COD , while the ecological distribution of mercury resistant bacteria in the river was dependent on population of heterotrophic bacteria and on the degree of pollution by mercury .

  11. 菌株ZU-I革兰氏阴性,异养菌,兼性厌氧,具有丰富的基质多样性。

    Strain ZU-I was Gram-negative , heterotrophic , facultatively anaerobic and had rich diversity of carbon source .

  12. 该消毒工艺对细菌总数、异养菌平板计数、总大肠菌群指标的控制效果略好于传统游离氯消毒,对脊髓灰质炎病毒和大肠杆菌f2噬菌体的灭活效果与游离氯相同。

    The pilot test results show that safe chlorination disinfection process has a little better efficiency on total bacteria count , HPC and total coliform count than free chlorination disinfection , which indicate that free chlorine and chloramines might have the synergetic disinfection effect for their different attacking targets .

  13. 洪湖的异养菌和寡养菌的类群及数量季节变化的初步调查

    A Preliminary Investigation On the Populations of Microbes in Honghu Lake

  14. 刺参养殖池塘异养菌数量变动及区系组成的初步研究

    The Primary Studies on the Bacteria Flora in Sea Cucumber Ponds

  15. 印染综合废水异养菌产率系数的测定综合地层学的发展趋势

    Measurement of the heterotrophic yield coefficient for integrated dyeing wastewater

  16. 印染废水异养菌产率系数的测定

    Measurement of Heterotrophic Yield Coefficient in Wastewater from Printing and Dyeing Industry

  17. 患病九孔鲍苗中异养菌产胞外酶的分析

    Analysis on extra-cellular enzymes produced by heterotrophic bacteria from diseased postlarval abalone

  18. 活性污泥数学模型中异养菌产率系数测定方法的研究

    Estimation of the heterotrophic yield for activated sludge modeling

  19. 平皿计数法检测异养菌存在的问题及解决办法

    Problems existing in the determination of heterotroph by flat-dish numberation and its solutions

  20. 生物陶粒反应器中硝化自养菌与异养菌生长关系的研究

    A study on relationships between heterotrophic and autotrophic nitrifying bacteria in bioceramics reactor

  21. 电导法快速测定循环冷却水中的异养菌含量

    Rapid Detection of Heterotrophic Bacteria Concentration in Industrial Cooling Water by Electric Conductance Measurements

  22. 含盐量与负荷对好氧颗粒中自养与异养菌的影响

    Effects of salinity and organic load on the growth of autotrophic and heterotrophic bacteria

  23. 细菌质粒中常带有一些可编码降解特殊有毒物质酶的基因,为了研究质粒对有毒物质CN-的降解的意义,主要调查了焦化废水中好氧异养菌的质粒分布特点。

    The bacteria often carry some genes that could produce some enzymes to degrade toxic substance .

  24. 该文讨论了一种快速、自动测定循环冷却水中异养菌含量的方法。

    A rapid , automatic method determining the concentration of heterotrophic bacteria in water samples is described .

  25. 土壤中异养菌等多种微生物的存在也对腐蚀产生综合作用。

    The exist of some microorganisms , such as heterotrophic bacteria , also influence the corrosion synthetically .

  26. 中国对虾亲虾越冬期间异养菌群和条件致病菌的初步研究

    A Preliminary Study on Opportunistic Pathogenes and Heterotrophic Bacterial Floras in Chinese Prawns Penaeus orientalis During Winter Cultivation

  27. 试验结果表明,将生物促生剂直接注射到底泥中能很好地刺激底泥中原有异养菌的生长,并对反硫化细菌的生长起抑制作用。

    The results show that the bio-stimulant improves the growth of heterophic bacteria greatly , and restrains the growth of anti-sulfuration bacteria .

  28. 进一步测定池水的水质情况,并用平板涂布法计算了其池水和肠道内的总菌数、总活菌数、总异养菌数和总弧菌数。

    Futher works were casted on water quality , total bacterial count , total viable count , total heterotrophic count and total vibrio count .

  29. 青岛太平角和即墨丰城沿海对虾养殖场异养菌群和条件致病菌的研究呋喃唑酮对饲养水及草鱼体表粘液中菌群的影响

    Studies on opportunistic pathogenes and bacterial flora in the shrimp-rearing water environment effects of furazolidone on bacterial flora in water and the body surface

  30. 目的了解武汉市公园湖水体中异养菌的分布特点及其与主要污染物的相关性,为公园湖的生物修复提供依据。

    Objective To provide scientific basis for bioremediation of city lake , the distribution of heterotrophic bacteria and its correlation with major pollutions condition were studied .