
  • 网络heteropolar
  1. 异极性大分子涤纶抗静电剂的合成研究

    Synthetic study on heteropolar and macromolecular antistatic agent for polyester fiber

  2. 太阳异极性磁区的相互入侵

    The Mutual Intrusion of Opposite Magnetic Polarities in a Solar Active Region

  3. 新疆某地宝石级异极矿的发现及其特征

    Study on gemology of newfound gem grade hemimorphite in Xinjiang

  4. 湖北省异极藻属的新种类

    New taxa of gomphonema ( bacillariophyta ) from Hubei

  5. 分析了同极型磁悬浮轴承转子系统的模态频率和模态振型,完成了同极型和异极型磁悬浮轴承转子系统的高速旋转试验。

    Modal frequency and modal shape of the homopolar AMB system are also analyzed .

  6. 异极矿大约在500℃失去结晶水,在700℃失去氢氧根。

    In water was for P.R. At about 500 ℃, molecular water is lost .

  7. 异极矿加热过程的研究用序贯法研究乙醇脱水制乙烯的速率模型

    A study on the rate model of ethylene from ethanol dehydration by sequential procedure

  8. 异极矿热相变过程的高温原位拉曼光谱

    In-situ Test and Study on the Hemimorphite and It 's Thermal Phase Transformation by Technology of High Temperature Raman Spectra

  9. 异极矿是一种难处理的氧化锌矿物,其浸出过程热力学研究的前提条件是获得异极矿的基础热力学数据。

    Hemimorphite was a refractory oxidized mineral . These basic thermodynamic data played an important role in the study of leaching process .

  10. 电气石的异极对称结构导致了其独特的电学性质&永久性自发电极性,表现为电气石微粒周围自发电场的存在。

    Tourmaline with polar asymmetry structure has its particular electric characteristics-spontaneous polar electricity , which show as electrostatic electric field existing around mineral particles .

  11. 本文介绍超导异极直流电动机17千瓦模型样机液氦杜瓦的设计。

    This paper describes tile design of the liquid helium dewar for the superconducting heteropolar d · c · machine of 17 kW prototype .

  12. 内蒙某氧化锌矿石氧化率高,风化严重,异极矿和褐铁矿共生关系紧密且复杂,是一个难选的氧化锌矿。

    An oxidized zinc ore from Inner Mongolia was found to be very difficult to treat due to its features of high oxidation rate , heavy weathering and the intimate association of hemimorphite and limonite .

  13. 研究发现,在场强相对较低(5kV/mm)与较高(60kV/mm,70kV/mm)时,电极附近介质中的电荷分布均为异极性电荷,但其形成机理完全不同;

    The experiment results reveal that the charge distributions near electrodes are hetero-charge under low ( 5kV / mm ) and high electrical field ( 60kV / mm , 70kV / mm ), but their formation mechanism is different .

  14. 分析得知,聚乙烯在高压静电场中的空间电荷呈异极性电荷分布,这种分布的空间电荷产生的场强和原场强叠加,增大了场强。

    Analysis showed that the space charge in Polyethylene which was in high voltage electrostatic field was hetero-charge . This produced an electric field . And this field superimposed with the old field , so the field was increased .

  15. 结果表明:在电荷分布波形中电极A处的峰值可恢复到90%,而且被掩盖的异极性电荷得以显现。

    It is shown by the treatment results that the amount of interface space charges at the electrode A can be recovered to 90 % of those at the electrode B. Moreover , the hetero-charges near the electrode A can be obviously found in the recovered waveform .

  16. 不同母树种子重量分异具有极显著差异(P<0.01);

    But highly significant differences ( P < 0.01 ) in the seed weight among different maternal plant .

  17. 其相关系数分别为0.68、0.77、0.26和0.60,相关分析表明,这些纬向分异规律都达极显著水平(P<0.01)。

    Their correlation coefficients 0.68 , 0.77 , 0.26 , 0.60 , respectively . The results of correlation analysis show that these latitudinal differentiations all have highly significant positive correlation ( P < 0.01 ) .

  18. 但用异丙醇或非极性溶剂作溶剂时,在相同的条件下,久效磷的分解率为5%左右。

    However when the solvent is isopropyl alcohol or non polar solvent the decomposition value of monocrotophos is about 5 % in the same condition .