
shànɡ sù fǎ yuàn
  • court of appeal;appeals court;appellate court;appeal tribunal
  1. 一家荷兰上诉法院也在周一作出裁决,称Uber司机在没有获得出租车执照的情况下搭载乘客,违反了荷兰法律。

    Also on Monday , a Dutch appeals court upheld that Uber drivers who transport passengers without a taxi license are violating Dutch law .

  2. 但正如联邦上诉法院法官理查德波斯纳(richardposner)的观点,适用于制药业的,不一定适用于通信、软件或其他行业。

    But , as Richard Posner , a federal appeals court judge , has argued , what works in this sector is not necessarily appropriate in communications , software or elsewhere .

  3. 后来,上诉法院撤销了对他的有罪判决。

    His conviction was later quashed by the Court of Appeal .

  4. 这个案子被送交到上诉法院。

    The case was referred to the Court of Appeal .

  5. 上诉法院作出了有利于他们的裁定。

    The Appeal Court decided in their favour .

  6. 上诉法院法官伍尔夫将在他的报告中提出改革建议。

    Lord Justice Woolf will make recommendations for reform in his report

  7. 该案件将移交上诉法院审理。

    The case is being referred to the Court of Appeal .

  8. 1991年,上诉法院驳回了这一判决。

    In 1991 , the Court of Appeal overruled this decision

  9. 上诉法院维持了对上诉人的原判。

    The Court of Appeal upheld the appellants ' convictions .

  10. 上诉法院在英格兰司法体系中起着中心作用。

    The Court of Appeal has a pivotal role in the English legal system

  11. 上诉法院法官沃特金斯撤销了对他作出的9个月徒刑的判决。

    His nine-month sentence was overturned by Appeal Court judge Lord Justice Watkins .

  12. 刑事上诉法院审议他的案子已经快两周了。

    The Court of Criminal Appeals has been deliberating his case for almost two weeks .

  13. 上诉法院撤销了下级法院的裁决。

    The appeal court overrode the decision of the lower court .

  14. 6.foreclosuren.丧失抵押品赎回权,排斥,没收丧失赎取权的受害者会到上诉法院伸冤。

    Foreclosure victim will seek relief from the court of appeals .

  15. 上月,香港上诉法院(courtofappeal)驳回了一位投资者的主张,他声称,他不清楚自己获得了非公共信息。

    The Hong Kong Court of appeal last month rejected claims from an investor that he did not know he had been given non-public information .

  16. 上诉法院(CourtofAppeal)在1948年宣告:“根据法律,股东不是公司的部分所有者”。

    The Court of Appeal declared in 1948 that " shareholders are not , in the eyes of the law , part owners of the company . "

  17. 1998年美国联邦巡回上诉法院州街银行(StatestreetBank)案的判决率先肯定了商业方法专利适格性,并确立了商业方法专利审查方法。

    The court decision of State Street Bank made by United States Federal Circuit Court of Appeals in 1998 first confirmed the patentability of business method patent , and established a business method patent examination rule .

  18. 据NPR新闻的妮娜·托滕伯格报道,最高法院决定不受理三家联邦上诉法院就推翻州同性婚姻禁令做出的决定。

    NPR 's Nina Totenberg reports the court left in place 3 federal appeal court decisions that struck down state ban on gay marriage .

  19. 去年12月,法官班尼特(Bennett)裁定,认可斯图尔特和苏珊•克罗斯利之间的婚前协议,此举获得了上诉法院支持,婚前协议因此得到了一次推动。

    Pre-nups received a boost in December last year when the Court of Appeal supported Justice Bennett 's decision to recognise the pre-nuptial agreement between Stuart and Susan Crossley .

  20. 本周一,一家上诉法院维持了苹果(Apple)2012年在三星电子(SamsungElectronics)专利侵权案中获得的大部分胜诉裁决,但推翻了其中一部分。它表示,一家下级法院应该减少三星必须支付的赔偿总金额。

    An appeals court on Monday upheld the bulk of Apple 's patent victory against Samsung Electronics in 2012 , but overturned part of the decision and said that a lower court should reduce the total amount that Samsung would have to pay .

  21. 据NPR新闻的朱莉·罗夫纳报道,这是第二家上诉法院做出这项裁决,私人公司不能用宗教信仰拒绝提供类似保险类别。

    As NPR 's Julie Rovner reports , it 's the second appeals court to rule that private firms cannot used their religious beliefs to decline to provide such insurance coverage .

  22. 上周,联邦上诉法院判决表示,诉讼进行期间,Aereo可以继续运营。

    A federal appeals court last week ruled that Aereo can keep operating while their lawsuit against the company proceeds .

  23. 位于华盛顿特区的美国联邦巡回上诉法院表示,三星公司没有侵犯苹果的“快捷链接”专利,而包括iPhone滑动解锁和自动纠正功能的两项专利是无效的。

    The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit in Washington , D.C. , said Samsung Electronics Co Ltd did not infringe Apple 's " quick links " patent , and that two other patents covering the iPhone 's slide-to-unlock and auto-correct features were invalid .

  24. 美国联邦巡回上诉法院(U.S.CourtofAppealsfortheFederalCircuit)周五审理的案子因早些时候苹果起诉三星案而起。2011年,苹果在圣何塞的联邦法院起诉三星,该案去年进行了审理。

    The case being heard Friday by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit , a specialized court that handles appeals of patent cases , arose from a earlier complaint that Apple filed against Samsung in federal court in San Jose in 2011 , which went to trial last year .

  25. EM和NML几乎就要拿到存放在纽约联储银行的1.05亿美元,然而上诉法院裁定这笔钱不是用于“商业”目的继而享有豁免权。

    EM and NML came close to seizing $ 105m parked with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York , but an appeals court ruled that the money was not for " commercial " use and was thus immune .

  26. 美国联邦巡回上诉法院(UnitedStatesCourtofAppealsfortheFederalCircuit)处理涉及专利诉讼的上诉,它表示,iPhone的整体美学造型——长方形的产品、圆角、黑色边框、平整的表面——不能受到保护,苹果的部分损失必须重新计算。

    The United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit , which deals with patent lawsuit appeals , said that the overall aesthetic of the iPhone - a rectangular product with rounded corners , black borders and a flat , clear surface - could not be protected and part of the damages would have to be recalculated .

  27. 美国第九巡回上诉法院拒绝了国家猪肉生产者委员会(NPPC)和美国农场局联合会在7月提出的废除该法律的请求。

    The us Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit declined the National Pork Producers Council ( NPPC ) and American Farm Bureau Federation 's petition to strike down the law in July .

  28. 在新闻集团英国的报业分支爆出窃听门丑闻之后(该案件目前仍在接受上诉法院大法官莱维森的调查),该集团不得不放弃收购英国天空广播公司(BSkyB)以实现完全控股(新闻集团目前已拥有该公司39%的股份)。

    After the phone-hacking scandal at News Corp 's British newspaper arm-which is still being investigated by Lord Justice Leveson , a senior judge-the group had to drop its bid for full ownership of BSkyB , a profitable satellite broadcaster ; it already owns 39 % .

  29. 然后可能移交州上诉法院进行再审理。

    Then the cases may be heard again in appeals courts .

  30. 上诉法院判定该案证据不可采信。

    The court of Appeal ruled that the conviction was unsafe .