
shànɡ hǎi yīn yuè xué yuàn
  • Shanghai Conservatory of Music
  1. 让音乐再次凝固上海音乐学院教学楼设计解读

    Solidifying the Music Once More Interpretation on the Design of the Teaching Building in Shanghai Conservatory of Music

  2. 2004年升入上海音乐学院民乐系。曾出访德国、英国等地,担任独奏演员。

    Tang Yiwen entered into Shanghai Conservatory of Music in 2004 . She has visited Germany and UK performing Zhong Ruan solo .

  3. 1983年,他进入上海音乐学院专门学习长笛演奏。

    In1983 he entered Shanghai Musical College for special study of flute playing .

  4. 甲申中秋的钢琴狂欢&2004上海音乐学院附中首届钢琴艺术节纪实

    Report on the 2004 First Piano Artistry Festival of the Affiliated Middle School of Shanghai Music Conservatory

  5. 我感谢上海音乐学院在招待会上为我们演出的弦乐四重奏。

    I want to thank the Shanghai Music Conservatory string quartet that played for us during the reception .

  6. 不过,上海音乐学院钢琴系主任陈宏宽指出,事实证明,学习方面过程中的一些基本问题很难解决。

    But some fundamental problems in approach are proving hard to deal with , according to Hung-Kuan Chen , chairman of the Shanghai Conservatory Piano Department .

  7. 当时,一位上海音乐学院的教师参观她所在的幼儿园,被她的琴声打动;9岁时,她进入上海音乐学院(该校的招生录取比例仅为18%)。

    She caught the ear of a Shanghai Conservatory teacher who visited her kindergarten ; at nine , she entered the conservatory ( which accepts only 18 per cent of applicants ) .

  8. 自从他1951年从上海音乐学院毕业并留校任教后,坚持在不同领域不断写作,创作出了诸多复调音乐作品,尤其是复调钢琴音乐作品。

    After he graduated from the Shanghai Conservatory of Music and stayed as a teacher , he kept on writing in many field and composed a lot of polyphonic musical creation on piano .

  9. 王建中(上海音乐学院前副院长,作曲系教授)多年来创作了大量的钢琴曲,尤其是其钢琴改编曲在中国钢琴音乐创作史上所具的地位更为突出。

    Prof. Jianzhong Wang ( former vice president of Shanghai Conservatory of Music , a professor of composition department ) earned his prominence in Chinese piano music history through his plethora of piano music compositions .

  10. 鞠老师为榆林小曲的传承和发展不懈的努力着,并把一首首动听的榆林小曲推向歌坛,为上海音乐学院民族声乐的建立做出了贡献。

    Teacher Ju also does all her effort on the development of " Yu Lin Xiao Qu ", making a remarkable contribution to the setting up of folk vocal music for Shanghai Conservatory of Music .

  11. 他先后在湖南音专、中南大学文艺学院、中南部队艺术学院、上海音乐学院、中央音乐学院、中国音乐学院任教,为中国的专业音乐教育做出杰出贡献。

    He taught in Hunan Music Institute , Central South University ( Arts School ), Central South forces Institute of the Arts , the Shanghai Conservatory of Music , Central Conservatory of Music , China Conservatory of Music , making outstanding contributions to professional music education in China .

  12. 他靠做工在上海念完音乐学院。

    He worked his way through music school in Shanghai .

  13. 纽约爱乐乐团(NewYorkPhilharmonic)最近与上海交响乐团及上海音乐学院合作,成立了上海乐队学院。其宗旨是培养新一代演奏者,让他们能随乐团到世界各地演出。

    The New York Philharmonic recently helped establish the Shanghai Orchestra Academy , which aims to train and prepare emerging musicians to play with orchestras around the world , with the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra and the Shanghai Conservatory of Music .