
  • 网络mathematics major
  1. 本科应用数学专业将如何发展,已成为加入WTO后当前我国大学必须要予以高度重视并亟待解决的问题。

    How the major of undergraduate application mathematics will develop is a problem that requires high attention and needs to be solved immediately .

  2. 在获得工作签证之前留学生均可申请为期12个月的选择性实践训练;就读科学,技术,工程学和数学专业(简称STEM教育)的留学生则可以有29个月的实践训练期。

    They are eligible to have 12 months of OPT before getting work visas ; graduates majoring in science , technology , engineering and mathematics ( STEM ) are given 29 months .

  3. 伍德后来在俄克拉荷马基督教会大学(OklahomaChristianUniversity)学习计算机和数学专业。

    Mr. Wood went on to study computer science and math at Oklahoma Christian University .

  4. 如果你想选一个赚钱多的专业,那么STEM领域--科学、技术、工程和数学专业是你最应该考虑的。

    If you want to pick a major that pays big , consider the STEM fields - science , technology , engineering and math .

  5. 本文针对数学专业,阐述了利用Authorware为制作课件的主要工具,如何合理地结合其它应用软件,突出课件的专业特色。

    The content of the article is how to use Authorware as the main tool combining other softwares to produce courseware for the people whose major is math .

  6. 花旗集团现任及前任员工都形容彼得森办事极端有条不紊、而且注重过程,这些个性凸显了他曾在克莱蒙麦肯纳学院(ClaremontMcKennaCollege)攻读数学专业的教育背景。

    Peterson is described by current and former Citi employees as extremely methodical and process-oriented , traits that speak to his roots as a math major at Claremont McKenna college .

  7. 关于非数学专业的微积分教学改革

    Reform of the Calculus Teaching to the Non Mathematics Major Students

  8. 师专数学专业基础课程辅助教学的研究

    Research on Aided-Teaching for Basic Courses in Normal College Mathematics Major

  9. 对新形势下本科应用数学专业发展的思考

    The development of undergraduate application mathematics major in the new situation

  10. 浅谈非数学专业学生的数学学习

    Brief Talks on the Study of Mathematics for the Non-mathematics Majors

  11. 高师数学专业学生专业基础课学习情况调查

    An Investigation on the Studying of Major Courses in Mathematics Department

  12. 关于高师数学专业课程设置的几点思考

    Viewpoints on Design of Curriculum of Maths Speciality for Teacher College

  13. 请参照生物、化学、数学专业的处女比率。

    Check out the rates for Biology , Chemistry and Mathematics .

  14. 地方本科院校数学专业课程创新的探索与实践

    Exploration and Practise of Mathematics Specialized Courses Innovation in Local Universities

  15. 信息时代数学专业计算机教学模式探索

    An exploration of computer teaching method in mathematics subject during information times

  16. 数学专业基础课双语教学的探索

    A Probe into Bilingual Teaching of Mathematical Specialized Basic Course

  17. 地方院校数学专业应对基础教育改革的对策探讨

    Discussing on mathematics speciality of local colleges which reply elementary educational reform

  18. 非数学专业学生高等数学成绩不佳的原因

    Reasons for the Non-mathematics ' Majors Who Can not Study Mathematics Well

  19. 计算数学专业数学基础课教学改革的思考

    Reforms on the Teaching of Mathematics in Computational Mathematics Speciality

  20. 关于情商对数学专业教学影响的调查

    The investigation about the Influence of EQ on Mathematics Teaching

  21. 关于高师数学专业计算机教学的若干问题

    Some problems on computer teaching at mathematical subject of teacher 's Colleges

  22. 高师数学专业学生数学应用意识和能力培养的对策研究

    Strategical Study on Raising Mathematics Majors ' Maths Application Awareness and Ability

  23. 高师数学专业课改革的探索与实践

    Exploration and Practice on the Reform in Mathematics Course in Normal Universities

  24. 对高师数学专业学生数学成绩的调查及思考

    A Research on the Mathematics Learn in g of Mathematics Major Students

  25. 如何当好数学专业答辩主持人

    How To Be A Good Thesis Debate Host of Mathematics

  26. 高校非数学专业数学教学方式改革探析

    The Mathematics Teaching Model Reform of Non-mathematics Major in College and University

  27. 数学专业层次化建设模式的研究与实践

    Research and Practice of Hierarchical Model on Mathematics Specialty Construction

  28. 非数学专业高等数学实验建设

    Construction of Mathematical Experiment for Non  ̄ mathematical Specialty

  29. 面向21世纪师专数学专业培养目标的定位

    Probed into the Orientation to the Training Objective for Mathematics in Teachers College

  30. 基于数学专业的数学实验课程研究

    Research of math experiment curriculum based on mathematics specialty