
xiáo pǐn wén
  • essay;familiar essay;cameo
小品文 [xiǎo pǐn wén]
  • [vignetle;fimiliar essay] 主要是描写性的,以优美、机智、精巧为特点的文学速写

  1. 最近华格纳对这问题发表了一篇有趣的小品文。

    Wagner has lately published an interesting essay on this subject .

  2. 澳门语文小品文的文化蕴涵

    The Cultural Implications of the Familiar Essay in Chinese Language in Macao

  3. 他根据笔记里归纳起来的东西写了一些短篇小说和小品文。

    He turned out stories and sketches to exemplify the generalized jottings of his notebook .

  4. 对Essay的移植、消化和吸收;对晚明小品文的积极认同有关,使现代小品文成为表现现代知识分子的精神话语。

    Modern Essay becomes the spiritual expression of the modern intellectuals , after the confirmation of their identities , the transplantation , digestion and absorption of the essay , and the positive identification of the essay in late Ming Dynasty .

  5. 晚明小品文述略

    On Literary Idiosyncrasy on the Essays of the Late Ming Dynasty

  6. 除作为一位小品文作家,王思任还创作了大量的诗歌。

    Wang Siren wrote a lot of poems and essays .

  7. 小品文是一道立于时代边缘的传统风景。

    It is a traditional landscape in the edge of the era .

  8. 外国文学对中国现代小品文之影响

    The Influence of Foreign Literature on Chinese Modern Familiar Essay

  9. 他是写小品文的好手。

    He is a champion at writing familiar essays .

  10. 小品文的审美价值及其在晚明的发展

    The Aesthetical value of Familiar Essay and Its Development in Late Ming Dynasty

  11. 梁遇春小品文的外来影响

    The Foreign Influence on the Essays of Yuchun Liang

  12. 英国小品文作家查尔斯·兰姆去世。

    1834 Charles Lamb , English essayist , died .

  13. 论晚明小品文的身体意识

    On Body Consciousness of Essays in Late Ming Dynasty

  14. 华盛顿·欧文发表了不少优美的小品文和短篇小说。

    Washington Irving published graceful sketches and stories .

  15. 现代小品文的文体特征及文体价值

    The Style Characteristics and Value of Modern Essay

  16. 然而并不是每篇小品文的翻译都是忠实于原文的。

    But not every Chinese version of his essays is faithful to the original .

  17. 小女人散文与晚明小品文

    " Little Women 's Prose " and Familiar Essays of the Late Ming Dynasty

  18. 派瑞:露易丝,我派给你的那篇情感小品文呢?

    Perry : Lois , what happened to that mood piece I gave you ?

  19. 梁遇春和英国小品文的影响

    Liang Yuchun and the influence of English essays

  20. 在这学期结束前,学生被命令提交他们的小品文。

    Students were instructed to submit their essays before the end of the term .

  21. 短的文学作品或小品文。

    A short literary essay or sketch .

  22. 本研究还论述了林语堂是如何将其英文小品文翻译成中文的。

    Second , this study also touches on how Lin translated English essays into Chinese .

  23. 从文学价值观念看林语堂30年代的小品文理论

    Theory of Lin Yutang 's essay in 1930 's from the idea of literary value

  24. 林语堂以幽默、性灵、闲适为特色,建构起一套独特的小品文理论话语。

    Lin Yutang constructed his special theory of essay by humour , spirit and leisure .

  25. 现代散文中的匕首、投枪式小品文当属于杂文。

    The writing style of dagger " and throwing spear " belongs to ironical essays .

  26. 林语堂首先用英文写作小品文,而后又亲自将其翻译成中文小品文。

    Lin Yutang wrote English essays first and later translated them into Chinese by himself .

  27. 中国现代文学中的小品文

    Familiar Essay in Chinese Modern Literature

  28. 他是一位18世纪的诗人和小品文作家,专模仿别人的作品。

    He was an eighteenth-century poet and essayist who wrote parodies of other people 's works .

  29. 小品文的现代性隐喻

    The Modernized Metaphor of Essay

  30. 良性互动:文的解放与人的觉醒&现代小品文的诞生及其文体特征的形成

    The Emancipation and Awakening of Man & On the Birth of Modern Essay and Its Stylistic Features