
xiǎo yǔ zhòu
  • microcosm
  1. 你的大脑就像是个可以容纳所有你的过去,现在,和未来的小宇宙。

    You can look at your brain as a microcosm that contains everything you have been and holds the potential of everything you will become .

  2. 人体组织结构,生理活动以及病理变化作为小宇宙,同自然界大宇宙的对应关系。

    Corresponding relations between the structure , physiological functions , pathological changes of the human body as microcosm and the change of the nature environments as a macrocosm .

  3. 我停了一会儿(我不该停下来),然后从一艘小宇宙飞船的出发点跳下开始表演。

    I stopped for a moment ( which I shouldn 't ) before I jumped from the starting place on a little spaceship , then I began my performance .

  4. 四种钢琴基础教材之比较研究&《拜厄》、《车尔尼钢琴初步教程Op.599》、《约翰·汤普森现代钢琴教程》及《小宇宙》的比较研究

    Comparative study of the four basic textbooks in the piano instruction

  5. 如果你今天小宇宙爆发,而且工作不断取得进展,那就继续下去。

    If you are on fire and getting things done-keep going .

  6. 图四。就是我们这些打工的小宇宙可以在最终期限的最后一天内膨胀到最大。

    Fig4.the internal power of employees like us can boostsintosthe maximum on the final day .

  7. 一只笔中的美学小宇宙&设计美学应用中的定义浅析

    A Micro-Universe of Esthetics in a Pen , Definition & Analysis of Designed Aesthetic Applications

  8. 我想在他的小宇宙里,从没有我的份。

    I think that in his little universe ther has never been a place for me .

  9. 最后,也是最重要的是,学习人文学科帮助你像朋友一样对待灵魂小宇宙。

    Finally , and most importantly , studying the humanities helps you befriend The Big Shaggy .

  10. 印度阿育吠陀的哲学思想是:人是一个小宇宙;

    The thought of philosophy of Ayurvedic medicines is that the body is a small universe ;

  11. 个人存在于大的宇宙之中,而宇宙又存于个人的小宇宙之中。

    Individuals exist in a large universe , while the universe also stored in the small universe of individuals .

  12. 一方面,在西方宇宙观中,自然是大宇宙,人是小宇宙,自然与人是相互对应的关系。

    On the one hand , in western cosmology system , the analogy between nature and human is the microcosm-macrocosm correspondence .

  13. 从元哲学维度看,宇宙是以大宇宙和小宇宙的统一作为具体存在形式的、在时空中按规律运动着的物质世界。

    At present , aquatic microcosm laboratory methods have been widely used to study heavy metals and other pollutants'fate in aquatic ecosystems .

  14. 你是力量的中心,欢乐的源泉,不断前进的小宇宙!

    You are the center of the power , the origin of the happiness , a universe of keeping forward all the time !

  15. 可是,根据他的方程式,有一颗恒星在完全凭借自己的力量扭曲空间,简单地说就是一个小宇宙。

    And yet here was a star , according to his equations , bending space all by itself , a little universe in a nutshell .

  16. 固定利率的有价证券,传统上认为会在证券下跌时表现尚佳的它,这次却没有爆发它的小宇宙,但是班福特预计他们会很快反弹。

    Fixed-interest securities , which traditionally do well when stock markets fall , have failed to ignite this time round , but Bamford reckons they will bounce soon .

  17. 在他们的专辑《苏打绿》和《小宇宙》的歌词中,我们可以看见并且听见苏打绿对于爱情、生活与梦想的描绘。

    Through the lyrics on their albums Sodagreen and the little universe , we see and hear sodagreen 's feelings on love , life , and dreams for the future .

  18. 研究《小宇宙》教材对发展我国的音乐教育事业,促进我国音乐教育的民族化与现代化都具有极强的惜鉴意义。

    Through the study on 《 Micro cosmos 》, it could help the development of the musical education enterprise , accelerate the modernization and nationalism of the musical education in China .

  19. 尽管人类这个小宇宙总是风暴肆虐,而他们(特别是剧作中的女人们)寻找灵魂避难所的努力虽时有中断,却从未放弃。

    They ( especially these women in the plays ) never give up the search for the refuge of the soul , and sometimes are interrupted , notwithstanding there are always tempests in the limited human universe .

  20. 人是一个小宇宙,他以一个欢笑者的形象重生,从正心到修身,从齐家到治国,在自然科学技术和文学艺术创作等诸多领域中,全面发展着各个方面的潜能。

    Man is a Microcosm . Rebirth in the image of Laughter , human achieve comprehensive development with the potential of all aspects , from mind to body , from family regulation to state rule , and in field of Science and Technology and of literary and artistic creation .

  21. 从一颗蓝色的小星球,宇宙中那些有了微小意识的部分,

    From a small blue planet , tiny , conscious parts of our universe

  22. 小火箭捆绑在宇宙飞船上,用于推动飞船飞向火星。

    The tiny rocket is attached to the spacecraft and is designed to propel it toward Mars .

  23. 也许把小白兔比做整个宇宙更恰当些。

    It might be better to compare the white rabbit with the whole universe .