
  • 网络TIFF;the Toronto International Film Festival;Toronto International Film Fest, TIFF
  1. 上个月我参加了《监守自盗》在多伦多国际电影节(torontointernationalfilmfestival)上的首映礼,当时我感到深深的沮丧。

    Not for my own peace of mind . Last month I went to the premiere of inside job at the Toronto International Film Festival . It was a deeply unnerving experience .

  2. 上周末,莉顿·梅斯特出席了多伦多国际电影节,并参加了自己的新片《TheOranges》的首映。

    Over the weekend , Leighton hit the Toronto International Film Festival where she promoted and premiered her new movie , The Oranges .

  3. 温斯坦公司今年参赛的重头戏《模仿游戏》(TheImitationGame)周五上映,显然是想借助颁奖季的势头。该片两个月前获得了多伦多国际电影节的观众选择奖。

    The Weinsteins " big horse in this year 's race , " The Imitation Game , " opened on Friday , two months after winning the Toronto International Film Festival 's audience award , and doubtlessly riding that awards momentum .

  4. 支持:该片在多伦多国际电影节上获得人民选择奖,这个奖项通常是一个重要的风向标。

    For : It picked up the audience award at the Toronto International Film Festival , often a key awards indicator .

  5. 然而事实上,他们仍然处在恋爱阶段,而且关系越加牢固,在九月份的多伦多国际电影节上,他们携手踏上红地毯就是很好的证明。

    But the thing is they are still dating each other and going strong , as seen on the red carpets of the Toronto Film Festival in September .

  6. 2012年多伦多国际电影节期间,克里斯汀斯图尔特身着华丽花纹服饰,于周四(9月6日)在加拿大多伦多出席了她的新片《在路上》首映式。

    Kristen Stewart is floral chic at the premiere of her new movie On The Road during the 2012 Toronto International Film Festival on Thursday ( September 6 ) in Toronto , Canada .

  7. 除了担任《乔乔兔》的编剧和导演,在多伦多国际电影节上获得人民选择奖的维迪提还饰演了男孩想象出来的朋友——一位呆呆傻傻的“希特勒”。

    As well as writing and directing Jojo Rabbit - the winner of the People 's Choice Award at the Toronto International Film Festival - Waititi co-stars as the boy 's imaginary friend , a nitwitted Adolf Hitler .

  8. 这部片子让我跳出了原先的‘自在区’,帮助我摆脱了许多我本身强加给自己的担心和束缚。上个月,她在多伦多国际电影节上表示。

    It was way out of my comfort zone . This movie has helped me shake off a lot of the fear and restrictions I put on myself , she said at the Toronto International Film Festival last month .

  9. 在怀孕之前,章子怡主演了由程耳执导的《罗曼蒂克消亡史》。九月份,《罗曼蒂克消亡史》将亮相多伦多国际电影节,并于圣诞节期间在中国上映。

    Another film she starred in , Cheng Er 's " The Wasted Times , " which was shot before her pregnancy , will premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival ( TIFF ) in September and is set for a Christmas season release in China .