
xiǎo línɡ tōnɡ
  • PHS;Little Smart;Personal Handphone System
  1. 小灵通短信Web发送系统的设计与实现

    The Design of PHS Short Message Web Sending System

  2. 如何让现有小灵通用户尽可能平稳地过渡到现有的CDMA网络,已成为福州电信急需解决的问题。

    How to get current PHS users the smoothest possible transition to the existing CDMA network , has become an urgent problem in Fuzhou Telecom .

  3. 利用着色Petri网检测小灵通双振铃与游子归家的话务循环问题

    Detecting the Interaction of Doth-Ring and Traveler-Go-Home Service by Colored Petri Nets

  4. 利用小灵通站址及室外系统提高3G覆盖的研究

    The Research of Improving 3G Coverage With Sites and Outdoor Systems of PHS

  5. 3G时代的计费小灵通实时计费账务管理系统的设计与实现

    3G Charging Design and Development of PHS Real - time Charging and Accounting System

  6. 小灵通网络向NGN网络演进

    Developing from PAS network to NGN

  7. 重点论述了OA系统与电信智能平台、小灵通短信系统的融合方法,以及利用VPN技术增强OA系统的安全性的相关技术。

    This paper also introduces the integration of Telephone intelligent platform PHS SMS system and OA System ; and security enhancement by VPN .

  8. 从2001年开通短消息至今,全国小灵通增值业务(VAS)已经全面启动。

    Since the SMS got under way in 2001 , the VAS of PHS has started up countrywide .

  9. 在中国,以PHS为基础的小灵通在多种因素的共同作用下获得了飞速发展。

    In China , PHS - based " Little Smart " has acquired rapid development under various factors .

  10. 第三章至第六章主要阐述IP网络设计、核心网同步规划、服务器规划、网关中继及信令规划等,并详细说明小灵通核心网相关配置。

    Secondly , the thesis expatiates on the design of IP network . synchronization , signal and relay , as well as servers . Thirdly the thesis detailed the related configurations of core network .

  11. 北京联通集中计费系统是北京联通的核心系统,也是联通BSS系统的重要组成部分,是融合了固话、小灵通、宽带与2G、3G的集中计费系统。

    Beijing Unicom centralized billing system is the core system of Beijing Unicom , it is also the important part of BSS .

  12. 本文提出并解决了无线市话网络(PHS,俗称小灵通)的频率规划问题。

    In this paper , the frequency assignment problem of PHS ( Personal Handy-phone System ) is discussed and solved .

  13. 介绍了小灵通系统所涉及的关键技术,包括空中无线接口技术、调制/解调技术、复用技术、ISDNU接口技术和V5接口技术。

    The key PHS technologies including air wireless interface , modulation and demodulation , multiplexing , ISDN U interface and V5 interface are discussed .

  14. 中兴通讯为帮助广大用户解决基于不同协议的如IP电话、软交换、小灵通、普通固话、基于H.320/H。

    To solve the problems of unified deployment and management of communication equipment based on different protocols for general users , for example , IP phone , soft-switching , PHS , common fixed line phone and H.320/H .

  15. 小灵通是无线市话这一电信业务的商业名称,它是以日本的PHS技术为基础的一种无线移动通信技术。

    PAS ( Personal Access System ) is one kind of telecom service which based on a wireless communication technic from Japan named PHS .

  16. 所以,研究UT斯达康公司的小灵通销售渠道及销售策略,对UT斯达康公司的未来的3G手机产品销售有着重大的借鉴价值。

    Therefore , the research company UT Starcom PHS sales channels and marketing strategies , the future of UT Starcom 3G mobile phone products from great value .

  17. 介绍了小灵通(PHS)无线通信系统基站位置的选择和设置的方法以及寻呼区划分的方法。

    This paper introduces the position selection and setting method for base station in PHS wireless communication system as well as the divding method of paging region .

  18. 第三部分为改进小灵通营销策略的建议,从小灵通SWOT分析入手,结合前面的调研情况对小灵通品牌形象定位和产品开发、价格策略、销售渠道、促销方法等四个方面的改进提出建议。

    The third part is suggestion of how to improve PHS 's market share , which gives four aspects improvements from product development , price strategy , channel , promotion method through the SWOT analysis .

  19. 小灵通系统属于移动通信系统,本文首先分析了PHS无线网络的基本原理,了解其空中接口的结构、机制和流程。

    For the good of optimization of the network , first we need to analyze its principle and know something about the structure , mechanism and flow of the space access .

  20. FMC是固网运营商应对移动业务竞争的一个必然选择,而小灵通对其也具有相同的作用。

    FMC is an inevitable choice for fixed network carriers to respond the competition of mobile services , and little smart acts as the same role .

  21. 移动运营商诸如中国移动、中国联通和电信的小灵通的短信网关为服务提供商SP提供基于互联网的短消息特服号码,SP通过建立同短信网关互联的无线增值业务平台开展业务。

    Mobile Operators ' ( such as China Mobile , China Unicom ) gateway provided special service code based on Internet for Service Provider , and throuth seting up the connection with short message gateway SP launch the business .

  22. XX移动凭借其网络和品牌在XX通信市场上占有优势和领先地位,XX电信小灵通低廉的话费赢得了低端用户的青睐。

    China Mobile ( XX ) is playing a leading role based on the wide network and strong brand , China Telecom Mini Linktone ( XX ) wined the low point market by using of cheap price .

  23. 可视电话和IPTV机顶盒的许多业内专家预测,未来几年内,可视电话不仅可与电信固话、小灵通、移动/联通手机互连,还可以与3G手机互通。

    A large number of video phone and IPTV STB experts predict that video phone can connect not only with telecom telephone , personal handy phone or mobile / unicom telephone , but also with 3G telephones in the recent few years .

  24. PHS是无线市话的简称(俗称小灵通),它是一种依附现有固定电话网络采用微蜂窝技术实现无线覆盖的个人接入系统。

    PHS ( Personal Handy-Phone System ) is the easy name of the wireless telephone . It is a kind of personal access system attached to the settled telephone which could realize wireless covering by micro comb technology .

  25. 但在经历一段时间的高速发展之后,移动电信市场日趋成熟,移动资费日益降低,特别是各家电信运营商3G业务的陆续开通,对小灵通的持续发展带来了巨大的威胁和挑战。

    Experienced a period of high-speed development , however , with the mature of mobile telecommunication market , lower tariff , especially the starting of 3G services from domestic and international carriers in succession , PHS service faced the big threat and challenge of sustainable development .

  26. 并通过翔实的数据和资料对中国电信小灵通市场的优势与发展困境(SWOT)进行了详细的分析,笔者指出,部分地区还应继续发展小灵通业务,并提出了对中国电信发展小灵通业务的建议。

    By means of detailed data analysis on the market advantage and development dilemma ( SWOT ) of Little-Smart , the author pointed out that China Telecom shall continue to develop its Little-Smart services in some area and meanwhile , suggested on the development of Little-Smart business to China Telecom .

  27. 本文通过国际、国内著名的铱星通信系统、AT&T、小灵通、UT斯达康、华为等案例,分析、揭示出技术与市场,合则利分则损。

    These cases , such as Iridium Star communication system , AT & T , PAS , UT-Starcom , Hua-wei , etc. are analyzed in this paper , and conclusion is that it is beneficial for combining and harmful for separating about technology and market when technologic innovation is developed .

  28. 小灵通短信系统灾难恢复方案

    Disaster Recovery Project for Short Message of Personal Access Phone System

  29. 完成了小灵通应急移动通信系统仿真。

    Completed the simulation to the iPAS emergency mobile communication system .

  30. 小灵通基站的位置和寻呼区的划分

    Setting up of PHS Bases Station and Divding of Paging Region